宗徒大事錄 | Acts |
1我們得救以後,那時纔知道這島名叫默里達。 | 1After being saved, we learned that the island was called Malta. |
2土人待我們非常友善,因為當時正在下雨,天又寒冷,他們就生起一堆火來款待我們眾人。 | 2The natives were very cordial. They lit a big bonfire and took good care of us all, since it was raining and cold. |
3保祿拾了一捆柴,放在火堆上;有一條毒蛇,因熱而出,纏住了他的手。 | 3Paul gathered a bundle of dried twigs and as he threw them into the fire, a viper suddenly came out because of the heat and entwined itself around his hand. |
4土人一見毒蛇在保祿手上懸著,就彼此說:「這人必定是個兇手,雖然他從海裡得了救,天理仍不容他活著。」 | 4When the natives saw the viper hanging from his hand, they said to one another: "Surely this man is a murderer: he has barely escaped from the raging sea, yet divine justice will not allow him to live." |
5保祿竟把那毒蛇抖在火裡,一點也沒有受害; | 5But Paul shook off the viper into the fire and did not suffer any harm. They waited to see him swell and die; |
6他們等待保祿發腫,或者突然跌倒死去;但等了好久,見沒有一點不對的地方在他身上發生,就轉念說他是個神。 | 6but after observing him for a while they saw that nothing happened to him, so they changed their minds and began to say that he was a god. |
7離那地方不遠,有一塊田園,是島上的首領名叫頗里約的;他收留我們,款待了我們三天,很是厚道。 | 7Near this place was an estate owned by the head of the island, named Publius. For three days this man welcomed us hospitably. |
8適逢頗里約的父親臥病,患熱病和痢疾;保祿就到他那裡,祈禱以後,給他覆手,治好了他。 | 8It so happened that his father was in bed with fever and dysentery. Paul went to see him; he prayed and laid his hands on him and healed him. |
9這樣一來,島上其餘有病的人也都前來,也全被治好了。 | 9Because of this, the rest of the sick people on the island came to see him and were cured. |
10他們處處表示十分尊敬我們;當我們開船的時候,還給我們放上急需品。 | 10So they showered us with kindness, and on our departure they provided us with everything we needed. |
11有隻用「彫斯雇黎」作標幟的亞歷山大里亞船,在那島上過冬:過了三個月,我們便乘這船航行。 | 11After three months, we boarded a ship which had spent the winter at the island. It belonged to an Alexandrian company and carried the figurehead of Castor and Pollux as insignia. |
12我們在息辣谷撒靠了岸,停留了三天; | 12We sailed for Syracuse, staying there for three days |
13從這裡繞道前行,到了勒基雍。過了一天,吹起了南風,次日我們就到了頗提約里; | 13and, after circling the coast, we arrived at Rhegium. On the following day, a south wind began to blow, and at the end of two days we arrived at Puteoli, |
14在那裡我們遇見了弟兄們,他們請我們在那裡住了七天;以後,我們便往羅馬去了。 | 14where we found some of our brothers who invited us to stay with them for a week. And that was how we came to Rome. |
15弟兄們聽到我們的消息後,便從羅馬來到阿丕約市場和三館迎接我們;保祿見了他們,就感謝天主,而獲得勇氣。 | 15There the brothers and sisters had been informed of our arrival and came out to meet us as far as the Appian Forum and the Three Taverns. When Paul saw them, he gave thanks to God and took courage. |
16我們進了羅馬,保祿獲准與看守他的士兵獨居一處。 | 16Upon our arrival in Rome, the captain turned the prisoners over to the military governor but permitted Paul to lodge in a private house with the soldier who guarded him. |
17過了三天,保祿便召集猶太人的首領;待他們來齊了,就向他們說:「諸位仁人弟兄!論到我,我雖沒有行甚麼反對民族,或祖先規例的事,卻被鎖押了,從耶路撒冷被交到羅馬人手裡。 | 17After three days, Paul called together the leaders of the Jews. When they had gathered, he said to them: "Brothers, though I have not done anything against our people or against the traditions of our fathers, I was arrested in Jerusalem and handed over to the Romans. |
18他們審問了我,在我身上沒有找到該死的罪案,就想釋放我; | 18They examined me and wanted to set me free, for they saw nothing in my case that deserved death. |
19但猶太人反對,我不得已,只好向凱撒上訴,並不是我有甚麼事要控告我的人民。 | 19But the Jews objected, so I was forced to appeal to Caesar without the least intention of bringing any case against my own people. |
20為這個緣故,我纔請你們來見面談話。我原是為了以色列所希望的事,纔帶上了這條鎖鏈。」 | 20Therefore, I have asked to see you and speak with you, since it is because of the hope of Israel that I bear these chains." |
21他們向他說:「我們沒有從猶太接到關於你的書信,弟兄們中也沒有一個人來報告,或說你有甚麼不好; | 21They answered: "We have not received any letter about you from Judea, and none of the brothers who have come from there have brought any message or said anything against you. |
22不過我們願意從你本人聽聽你的意見,因為關於這個教門,我們知道它到處受人反對。」 | 22But we wish to hear from you what you think, although we know already that everywhere people speak against this sect that you belong to." |
23他們既與保祿約定了日子,就有更多的人到寓所來見他;他就從早到晚,給他們講解,為天主的國作證,引徵梅瑟法律和先知書,勸導他們信服耶穌。 | 23They set a day for him and came in great numbers to his lodging. So Paul explained everything he wanted to tell them regarding the Kingdom of God and tried to convince them concerning Jesus, taking the Law of Moses and the Prophets as his starting point. This continued from morning till night. |
24有的人因他所說的話而相信了,有的卻不相信; | 24Some were convinced by his words, others were not. |
25他們彼此不合,便散去了。散去之前,保祿曾說了這段話:「聖神藉依撒意亞先知向你們祖先說的正對。 | 25Finally the Jews left, still arguing strongly among themselves; and Paul sent them away with this statement:"What the Holy Spirit said has come true, when he spoke to your ancestors through the prophet Isaiah: |
26他說:『你去對這民族說:你們聽是聽,但不了解;看是看,卻不明白, | 26Go to this people and say to them: However much you hear, you will not understand; you will see and see again but not perceive. |
27因為這民族的心遲鈍,耳朵難以聽見;他們閉了自己的眼睛,免得眼睛看見,耳朵聽見,心裡了解而悔改,而要我醫好他們。』 | 27The heart of this people has grown hard; they have covered their ears and closed their eyes, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest their spirit understand, and I should heal them. |
28所以,你們要知道:天主的這個救恩已送給了外邦人,他們將要聽從。」 | 28Let it be known to you, then, that this salvation of God has been sent to the pagans: they will listen." |
29保祿在自己賃的房子裡,住了整整兩年;凡來見他的,他都接 待。 | 29Paul stayed for two whole years in a house he himself rented, where he received without any hindrance all those who came to see him. |
30他宣講天主的國,教授主耶穌基督的事,都非常自由,沒有人禁止。 | 30He proclaimed the Kingdom of God and taught the truth about Jesus Christ, the Lord, quite openly and without any hindrance. |
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