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宗徒大事錄 Acts
1掃祿也贊同殺死他。就在那一日,發生了嚴厲迫害耶路撒冷教會的事;除宗徒外,眾人都逃散到猶太和撒瑪黎雅鄉間。1Saul was there, approving his murder. This was the beginning of a great persecution against the Church in Jerusalem. All, except the apostles, were scattered throughout the region of Judea and Samaria.
2虔誠的人共同埋葬了斯德望,也為他大哭了一場。2Devout men buried Stephen and mourned deeply for him.
3掃祿想摧毀教會,進入各家,連男帶女都拉去,押到監裡。3Saul meanwhile was trying to destroy the Church; he entered house after house and dragged off men and women and had them put in jail.
4那些逃散的人經過各處,宣講真道的喜訊。4At the same time those who were scattered went about preaching the word.
5斐理伯下到撒瑪黎雅城,給他們宣講基督。5Philip went down to a town of Samaria and proclaimed the Christ there.
6群眾都留意斐理伯所講的話,都同心合意地聽教,並看到了他所行的奇蹟。6All the people paid close attention to what Philip said as they listened to him and saw the miraculous signs which he did.
7因為有許多附了邪魔的人,邪魔從他們身上大聲喊叫著出去了。有許多癱瘓和瘸子也被治好了。7For in cases of possession, the unclean spirits came out shrieking loudly. Many people who were paralyzed or crippled were healed.
8為此,那城裡的人皆大歡喜。8So there was great joy in that town.
9有一個人,名叫西滿,曾在這城中行過邪術,使撒瑪黎雅的百姓驚服,並稱自己是一位大人物。9A certain man named Simon had come to this town, practicing magic. He held the Samaritans spellbound and passed himself off as a very important person.
10所有的人,從上到下,都聽從他,說:「這人就是那稱為神的大能者。」10All the people, from the last to the greatest, put their trust in him, saying, "This is the Power of God, the Great One."
11他們聽從他,是因為他很久以來,就用邪術使他們驚服;11And they followed him because he had held them under the spell of his magic for a long time.
12但當他們信服了那傳報天主的國,和耶穌基督名字的斐理伯時,男女就都受了洗,12But when they came to believe Philip who announced to them the Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ as Savior, both men and women were baptized.
13連西滿自己也信服了。他受洗以後,常隨從斐理伯;他看到所顯的奇蹟和大能,稱奇不止。13Simon himself believed and was baptized, and would not depart from Philip. He was astonished when he saw the miraculous signs and wonders that happened.
14當時,在耶路撒冷的宗徒,聽說撒瑪黎雅接受了天主的聖道,便打發伯多祿和若望往他們那裡去。14Now, when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that the Samaritans had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them.
15他們二人一到,就為他們祈禱,使他們領受聖神,15They went down and prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit,
16因為聖神還沒有降臨在任何人身上,他們只因主耶穌的名受過 洗。16for he had not as yet come down upon any of them since they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
17那時,宗徒便給他們覆手,他們就領受了聖神。17So Peter and John laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit.
18西滿看見藉宗徒們的覆手,賦給人聖神,遂獻給他們銀錢,18When Simon saw that the Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostles' hands, he offered them money
19說:「你們也把這個權柄交給我,為叫我無論給誰覆手,誰就領受聖神。」19saying, "Give me also this power, so that anyone upon whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit."
20伯多祿卻向他說:「願你的銀錢與你一起喪亡!因為你想天主的恩賜可用銀錢買得。20Peter replied, "May you and your money perish for thinking that the Gift of God could be bought with money!
21在這事上,你沒有股,也沒有分,因為你在天主前心懷不正。21You cannot share in this since you do not understand the things of God.
22所以,你該回心轉意,擺脫你這個惡念,祈求主,或者可給你赦免你心中的妄想,22Repent, therefore, of this wickedness of yours and pray to the Lord that you may be forgiven such a wrong way of thinking;
23因為我明知你心懷苦毒,並在邪惡的束縛中。」23I see you are poisoned with bitterness and in the grip of sin."
24西滿回答說:「請你們為我祈求主,好叫你們所說的,一點也不要降在我身上。」24Simon answered, "Pray to the Lord for me yourselves, so that none of these things you spoke of will happen to me."
25二宗徒既作了證,並宣講了主的聖道,就返回耶路撒冷,一路在撒瑪黎雅人的許多鄉村中,宣講了福音。25Peter and John gave their testimony and spoke the word of the Lord. And they went back to Jerusalem, bringing the Good News to many Samaritan villages along the way.
26上主的天使向斐理伯說:「起來,往南行,沿著由耶路撒冷下到迦薩的路走,即曠野中的那條路。」26An angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Go south towards the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza, the desert road."
27他就起來去了。看,有個厄提約丕雅人,是厄提約丕雅女王甘達刻的有權勢的太監,也是她寶庫的總管;他曾來到耶路撒冷朝聖。27So he set out and it happened that an Ethiopian was passing along that way. He was an official in charge of the treasury of the queen of the Ethiopians; he had come on pilgrimage to Jerusalem
28他回去的時候,坐在車上誦讀依撒意亞先知。28and was on his way home. He was sitting in his carriage and reading the prophet Isaiah.
29聖神就向斐理伯說:「你上前去,走近這輛車子!」29The Spirit said to Philip, "Go and catch up with that carriage."
30斐理伯就跑過去,聽見他誦讀依撒意亞先知,便說道:「你明白所誦讀的嗎?」30So Philip ran up and heard the man reading the prophet Isaiah; and he asked, "Do you really understand what you are reading?" The Ethiopian replied,
31他答說:「若沒有人指教我,怎麼能夠?」於是,請斐理伯上車與他同坐。31"How can I, unless someone explains it to me?" He then invited Philip to get in and sit beside him.
32他所誦讀的那段經正是:『他如同被牽去宰殺的羊,又像羔羊在剪毛者前緘默,他也同樣不開口。32This was the passage of Scripture he was reading: He was led like a sheep to be slaughtered; like a lamb that is dumb before the shearer, he did not open his mouth.
33在他屈辱之時,無人為他申辯。誰能描述他的後代呢?因為他的生命從地上被奪去了。』33He was humbled and deprived of his rights. Who can speak of his descendants? For he was uprooted from the earth.
34太監向斐理伯發言說:「請你說:先知說這話是指誰呢?是指自己或是指別人?」34The official asked Philip, "Tell me, please, does the prophet speak of himself or of someone else?"
35斐理伯便開口,從這段經文開始,給他宣講了耶穌的福音。35Then Philip began to tell him the Good News of Jesus, using this text of Scripture as his starting point.
36他們沿路前行的時候,來到了一個有水的地方,那太監就說:「看,這裡有水;還有甚麼阻擋我受洗呢?」36As they traveled down the road they came to a place where there was some water. Then the Ethiopian official said, "Look, here is water; what is to keep me from being baptized?"
37【斐理伯答說:「你若全心相信,便可以。」他答說:「我信耶穌基督就是天主子。」】37Then he ordered the carriage to stop; both Philip and the Ethiopian went down into the water and Philip baptized him.
38他就命車停住,斐理伯和太監兩人下到水中,斐理伯給他付了 洗。38When they came out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord took Philip away. The Ethiopian saw him no more, but he continued on his way full of joy.
39當他們從水中上來的時候,主的神把斐理伯提去,太監就再看不見他了。他就喜喜歡歡地往前行自己的路。39Philip found himself at Azotus, and he went about announcing the Good News in all the towns until he reached Caesarea.
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