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德训篇 Sirach
1口不失言,又问心无愧的,是有福的人。1Happy the one who has not sinned in speech or who feels no remorse for his faults.
2不受良心谴责,而又不失望的,是有福的人。2Happy is he whose own conscience does not condemn him and who has not fallen from his ideals.
3财产为吝啬的人,没有好处;嫉妒的人虽有黄金,又有什么用?3Wealth does not befit the small-minded man; why would you give the greedy man riches?
4过于俭省的人,是替人积蓄;他的财物.必被人浪费。4He who hoards, depriving himself, is hoarding for others: others will enjoy his goods.
5虐待自己的,怎能善待他人?他决不会享受他自己的财物。5He who is mean to himself, with whom will he be good? He does not even enjoy his own riches.
6没有比吝啬而自残的人,更为卑劣;这是他自作孽的报应。6There is nothing worse than one who is mean to himself, this is how his evil repays him.
7纵使他行了善事,也是出于偶然,并非自愿,最后,他的邪恶终于暴露出来。7If he does good, he does it without realizing it but, in the end, his evil will be revealed.
8吝啬人见人就嫉妒,转脸就轻视人。8Evil is the greedy-eyed man who does not pay attention to persons and looks down on people.
9贫得无厌的眼睛,看自己所得的一份,总是不够;不义的恶毒,麻木了他的心灵。9The ambitious man is not content with what he has, wicked injustice shrivels up the heart.
10贪得无厌的人,吝惜饮食,他的餐桌上,几乎一无所有。10The envious eye covets the food of others; there will be misery and famine at his table.
11我儿,该按你所有,好待你自己,并向上主奉献相称的祭品。11My son, use well whatever you have and give worthy offerings to the Lord.
12要记往:死亡决不迟延.阴府的约期,你又无从得知。12Remember that death will not delay and your time has not yet been revealed to you.
13未死以前,你要厚待你的朋友,按你的力量,伸手加惠于他。13Be good to your friend before you die and be generous to him in any way you can.
14不应取消你佳节的喜乐,连一点好希望,也不要轻易放过。14Enjoy happiness and do not reject lawful pleasure when it comes your way.
15难道你把你劳碌所得的留给别人?难道把你辛苦所得的,叫别人抽签分得?15Will you not have to leave to another the fruit of your works? The fruit of your labor, will it not be shared out by lot?
16你要施舍,也要收受,总要使你的心灵愉快。16Give, take and treat yourself well, for in the netherworld there are no pleasures to seek.
17死前你应履行正义,因为在阴府里,无福可寻。17All living things grow old like clothing. This is the eternal law: "You will die."
18凡有血肉的,有如衣服,逐渐陈旧,因为自古以来的定案是:你一定要死;又如葱笼的树上发的枝叶,18Like green leaves on a bushy tree: some sprout and others fall off, so are the generations of flesh and blood: one dies and another is born.
19有彫零的,有发芽的,有血肉的种类也是如此:这人死去,那人出生。19All finite things pass away and their maker with them.
20各种腐败的工程,毕竟都要被遗弃,它的作者也要随之而去;20Happy the one who is intent on wisdom and who can reply to those who question him;
21但一切优良的事业,必为人所公认,它的作者也要与它共享光荣。21who makes his own the ways of wisdom and meditates on her secrets;
22凡默思智慧,常注视明智,并思念天主鉴临的是有福的人。22who pursues her like a hunter, lies in wait by her paths,
23他心中思念智慧的途径,想暸解她的奥秘。他仿佛一个侦探,追随在她的后边,潜伏在她的路口,23peeps in at her windows and listens at her doors;
24从她的窗外窥视,在她的门口倾听,24he sets up camp near her house, fixing his stakes in her walls.
25贴近她的房屋休息,在她的墙上钉上木橛,以便在她旁边,搭起自己的帐幕,而在那幸福的房舍内永久安息。25He places his tent in the hands of wisdom; he stays in a happy lodging.
26他把自己的儿女,安置在智慧的荫庇下,要在她的枝叶下留宿,26He places his sons beneath her protection and finds shelter beneath her branches.
27在她的荫凉下避暑,在她的光荣中安息。27He is shaded by her from the heat and makes his camp in her glory.
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