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德训篇 Sirach
1上主用尘土造了人,又使人归于尘土;1The Lord created man from the earth and let him return to earth.
2给他限定了日数和时期,赐给他治理世上事物的权力。2He settled a fixed time for them and a set number of days, giving them power over everything on earth.
3按照自己的本性,赋给他德能;依照自己的肖像,造成了他。3He endowed them with a strength like his own, making them in his own image.
4使一切生物都畏惧他,使他能制服禽兽。4He put the fear of men in all living things, thus they had mastery over the animals and birds.
5天主又从他,造了一个与他相似的伴侣,赐给他们理智、唇舌、眼目、耳朵和能思想的心,使他们充满知识与理解力。5He endowed them with knowledge; he gave them tongue and eyes, ears and a mind to think with.
6给他们创造精神的知识,使他们的心富于辨别力,使他们能分别善恶。6He filled them with wisdom and knowledge; he taught them good and evil.
7天主又把自己的灵光放在他们的心中,为将自己伟大的工程,显示给他们,7He put his own eye in their hearts so they would understand the greatness of his works.
8好使他们能赞美他的圣名,光荣他奇妙的化工,并传述他伟大的工程。8They will praise his holy Name and relate the magnificence of his creation.
9他赐给他们理智,又赐给他们生命的法律,作为产业;9He gave them revealed knowledge as well and handed over to them the Law of life.
10和他们立了永久的盟约,使他们认识正义和自己的法令。10He established an everlasting covenant with them and let them know his judgments.
11他们的眼目看见了他伟大的光荣,他们的耳朵也听见了他庄严的声音。天主对他们说:「要戒避一切不义!」11Human eyes saw the splendor of the Glory of God; their ears heard the grandeur of his voice.
12并吩咐他们,每人要关心别人。12He said to them, "Keep yourselves from all wrongdoing," and to each of them he gave commands regarding his neighbor.
13他们的道路,时常在他面前,丝毫隐瞒不了他的眼目。13Their conduct is always before the Lord; they cannot escape his sight.
14他给每个民族,立了一个统治者;14He has placed a leader over each nation, but Israel is the Lord's own portion.
15但是,以色列显然是上主的一分子。15Their deeds are as clear as the sun to him, he always observes their ways.
16他们所行的一切,像太阳一般,摆在他面前,他的眼目,时常注视他们的行径。16Their misdeeds cannot be hidden from him, all their sins are before the Lord.
17他们的恶行,隐瞒不了他,他们一切的罪恶,都摆在上主的面前。17He holds a man's almsgiving dear as a priceless signet ring; he cherishes a good deed like the apple of his eye.
18人的慈爱,为天主有如印玺;他保存人的慈爱,有如保护瞳孔。18One day he will rise and reward them; he will place their prize on their heads.
19此后,他必起来,回报恶人,给他们施与每人应得的报应,使他们转入地的深处。19He allows those who repent to return; he comforts those whose hopes are fading.
20但是,给悔改的人,指出返回正义的归路;鼓舞那些失望的人,给他们指定真理的产业。20Be converted to the Lord and give up your sins, plead with him to lessen your offense.
21你应归向上主,离弃罪恶;21Return to the Almighty, turn aside from wrongdoing and totally detest evil.
22你应在他面前祈祷,并减少你的过失。22For who in the grave will praise the Almighty, if the living do not give him glory?
23你应归向至高者,远离邪恶,痛恨一切可憎恶的事。23The dead man is as if he did not exist and cannot give praise; he who has life and health can praise the Lord.
24你应认识天主的正义和判断,坚持他为你所指定的身分,及对至高者天主所应有的祈祷。24How great is the mercy of the Lord and his forgiveness for those who turn to him!
25你应往世界神圣的那一面去,与活着而颂扬天主的人在一起。因为在阴府里,有谁代替活着而称赞他的人,颂扬至高者呢?25Man cannot have everything in his power since he is not immortal.
26不要在不虔敬者的错误里停留,你要在死前赞颂上主。从死者方面,他既然等于无,也就中止了赞颂。26What is brighter than the sun? Yet it disappears. Man is no more than flesh and blood, yet he thinks of doing evil.
27惟有那活着而健在的人,能赞美上主。你要称颂天主,你就必能因他的慈惠而自豪。27While the sun surveys the stars in the lofty sky, all men remain dust and ashes.
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