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德训篇 Sirach
1死亡啊!纪念你,为那安享自己财富的,1Death! What a bitter thought for someone who lives happily among his possessions, a prosperous and successful man who is still able to enjoy his food!
2为那无忧无虑,一切顺适,还能享受口福的人,是多么辛酸!2Your sentence, Death, is welcome to a needy person whose strength is failing, who is old, worn out, and full of worries; to one who is angry and without hope!
3死亡啊!你的定案,为那贫困的,力衰的,3Do not be afraid of Death's sentence; think of those who have gone before you and those who will follow.
4年纪老迈的,事事操心的,厌倦无望的人,是多么美好!4The Lord has decreed it for every living creature; why should you rebel against the good pleasure of the Most High? Whether you live for ten, a hundred or a thousand years, no one in the netherworld is concerned.
5不要怕死亡的定案,要想想你以前和你以后的人;这是上主对一切有血肉之人所下的定案,5Abominable people, such are the children of sinners who gather in the houses of the ungodly.
6至高者看着好的事,你为什么要反对?你不论活十年,百年,或千年,6The inheritance of the sons of sinners will perish; their prosperity will be a lasting reproach.
7在阴府里,对生命的长短,再没有怨尤。7An ungodly father will be insulted by his children, for they hold him responsible for their disgrace.
8罪人的子女,为人所憎恶,他们经常与不虔敬的人相处。8Woe to you, wicked people who have forsaken the law of the Most High!
9罪人的子女必会倾家败产,他们的子孙常蒙羞受辱。9At birth you are born to be cursed and you will be cursed at death.
10子女必怨恨不虔敬的父亲,因为为了他,他们才蒙羞受辱。10All that comes from the earth returns to the earth, and the ungodly go from curse to ruin.
11你们不虔敬的人,是有祸的!因为你们背弃了至高者天主的法律。11People grieve because their bodies will perish, but even the evil names of sinners will be blotted out.
12你们生在世上,是为受咒骂而生;你们死去,咒骂仍是你们的产业。12Have regard for your reputation, for it will live on, of greater value than a thousand hoards of gold.
13凡从土来的,必归于土;生于诅咒的不虔敬的人,必归于丧亡。13Few perhaps are the days of the just man's life but an honored name endures forever.
14人们对死者的遗体举行丧礼,罪人的臭名必被涂去。14My children, keep my teaching and live in peace. Of what use is hidden wisdom and unseen treasure?
15你应注意你的名誉,因为名誉与你相处,久于千万黄金巨宝。15It is better for a man to hide his foolishness than to hide his wisdom.
16优越的生活,日子是有限的;但良好的名誉,却流芳百世。16Therefore, feel shame according to what I say. It is not always fitting to feel shame, but this is not understood by everyone.
17我儿,你们要安心遵守纪律。隐藏的智慧,和看不见的宝贝,二者究竟有什么用?17Be ashamed of licentiousness before your father and mother, and of a lie before a ruler or an important person.
18隐瞒自己糊涂的人,比隐瞒自己智慧的人还好。18Be ashamed of criminal behavior before a judge, and of iniquity before an assembly of people.
19我儿,现在你要听我论羞愧所要说的话:19Feel ashamed of dishonesty before your partner or friend, and of a theft in the place where you live.
20因为不是每一种羞愧,都应当称许;也不是每一种害羞,都是合理的。20Be ashamed before the truth of God and his covenant. Be ashamed of keeping the loaves for yourself,
21你们在父母前,对于奸淫的事,应该羞愧;在王侯和有权势的人前,对于说谎的事,应该羞愧;21of being unable to give and to receive, of not returning a greeting,
22在判官和领袖前,对于犯罪的事,应该羞愧;在集会和民众前,对于犯法的事,应该羞愧;22of staring at a prostitute, of rejecting a compatriot,
23在伴侣和朋友前,对于不义的事,应该羞愧;在你们所住的地方,对于偷窃的事,应该羞愧;23of depriving someone of what is his, of gazing at another man's wife,
24应为忘记天主的真理和盟约的事而羞愧;应为将肘放在食桌上而羞愧;应为你在赐予或接受礼物时,对人藐视而羞愧;24of being too familiar with your maidservant - keep away from her bed!
25应为你不理向你请安的人而羞愧;应为观看淫妇而羞愧;应为不顾亲属而羞愧;25of insulting words to a friend - do not follow up a gift with a reproach!
26应为转面不顾你的近人,拿了别人的东西却不归还而羞愧,26of repeating what you have heard and betraying secrets.
27应为凝视别人的妇女而羞愧;应为对你的婢女分外献慇懃,甚或走近她的床前而羞愧;27On these occasions feel genuine shame and you will be respected by all.
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