

Previous 德训篇:Chapter 51
德训篇 Sirach
1息辣之子耶稣的祈祷:上主,君王,我要感谢你;我要赞美你,天主,我的救主!1I will give thanks to you, O Lord and King; I praise you, my God and Savior, I give thanks to your Name.
2我要称扬你的名,因为你是我的保护者,我的救助者;2For you are my protector and helper, you have delivered my body from destruction, from the snare of the wicked tongue and from lips that speak lies. In the presence of those who stood against me, you were my helper, my deliverer.
3你救了我的肉身,免于丧亡,脱离诬告者唇舌的圈套,和捏造谎言的嘴唇;在围困我的人前,你作了我的援助,拯救了我;3In the fullness of mercy and the glory of your Name, you delivered me from the teeth of those ready to devour me, from the hand of those wanting to take my life and from my many trials.
4因你的大慈大悲和大名,你救我脱离了那些向我咆哮,准备吞噬我的人;4You rescued me from choking fire on every side; you saved me from a fire I had not kindled.
5救我脱离了谋害我生命者的手,和我所受的各种灾难;5You delivered me from the depths of the netherworld, from an impure tongue and lying words,
6使我脱离了环绕我的窒息热火,我在火中,却没有烧伤;6from vicious slander reported to the king. I was near to death, I was already at the gates of the netherworld.
7使我脱离了阴府的最深处,摆脱不洁的唇舌和谎言,就是使我在君王前,脱离诬告我的不义口舌;7They surrounded me on every side with no one to help me. I looked for human comfort and there was none.
8我的灵魂已临近死亡,8Then, Lord, I remembered your mercy and your deeds from all eternity, knowing that you deliver those who hope in you and save them from the hands of their enemies.
9我的生命已接近地狱的边缘,但你却拯救了我。9I sent up my prayer from the earth, begging to be delivered from death.
10这些困难,从各方面包围了我,却没有一个人前来援助;我期待有人来辅助,却没有一个人。10I called on the Lord, the Father of my Lord: "Do not forsake me in the day of my affliction, when I am helpless against arrogant enemies; I will praise your name continually and sing to you my thanksgiving."
11上主啊!当时我想起了你的仁慈,和你昔日的作为;11And my prayer was heard, you saved me from destruction and delivered me from an evil plight.
12上主啊!因为你救助期待你的人,救他们摆脱了仇敌的手。12That is why I will give you thanks and praise and bless the Name of the Lord.
13我从地上高声恳求,求你救我脱免死亡;13In my youth, before I set out on my travels, I openly sought wisdom in prayer;
14上主,你是我的父,我呼求了你;求你在我危难之日,不要离弃我;在骄傲人得势之时,不要使我孤立无援。14before the Temple I asked for her and I will pursue her to the end of my days.
15我要时常赞美你的名号,我要知恩地歌颂你的名号,因为你俯听了我的祈祷;15While she blossomed like a ripening cluster, my heart was delighted in her; my feet followed the right path, because from my youth I searched for her.
16因为你救我免于丧亡,在不幸之时,拯救了我。16As soon as I began listening to her she was given to me, and with her, much instruction.
17因此,我要感谢你,颂扬你,赞美上主的名号。17With her help I made progress and I will glorify him who gives me wisdom,
18当我年轻时,在出外旅行以前,我公开以祈祷来寻求智慧。18for I decided to put it into practice and ardently seek what is good. I shall not regret it.
19我曾在圣殿前,恳求过智慧;对智慧,我要寻求到底。因为她的花,开得有如成熟的葡萄;19My soul has struggled to possess her. I have been attentive to observe the Law, and after my faults I have stretched out my hands to heaven and lamented my ignorance of her.
20我的心喜悦智慧。我的脚总踏在正直的路上;自我青年时,我就到处追求她。20My love of her increased and I found her in repentance. It was through her from the beginning that I learned to possess my heart. She will not forsake me.
21我稍微侧耳倾听,就接受了她。21With my whole being I sought her; that is why I won what is best.
22为我自己找到许多教训,因了她,我得到许多利益;22In return for this, the Lord has given me words to praise him.
23对那赐给我智慧的,我要光荣他。23come near, you who are without understanding and join her school.
24因为我已决定,要实行智慧的事,热心行善,我决不会蒙羞。24Why do you say you are deprived of all this and that your souls are thirsty?
25为着她,我的灵魂曾经奋斗过;我在遵行法律上,无微不至。25This is what I say: Buy this without money;
26我高举我的双手,哀哭我没有认识她。26put your neck under her yoke and let your minds receive instruction; it is very near and within your reach.
27我曾使我的心灵向往着她,因了纯洁,我终于找到了她。27See for yourselves: my toil has been slight and I found deep rest.
28我从开始,就专心注意她,因此,我决不会被她遗弃。28Be instructed, whatever the cost, and you will gain what is better than gold.
29为寻求她,我五内不安;我现在得到了她,无异获得了至宝。29Let your soul find joy in the mercy of the Lord, and do not be ashamed to praise him.
30上主给了我唇舌,当作我的酬报,我要用它来赞美上主。30Do your work within the appointed time, and the Lord in his time will give you your reward.
Previous 德训篇:Chapter 51