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德训篇 Sirach
1不要猜忌你怀中的妻子,怕你教给她危害你的智识。1Do not be jealous of your own wife; do not give her reason to disgrace you.
2不要任意顺从你的妻子,免得她侵占你的权柄,使你蒙羞。2Do not put yourself into the power of any woman to the point where she can dominate you.
3不要逢迎淫妇,怕你落在她的罗网里。3Do not go near a woman of ill-repute for fear of falling into her nets.
4不要同歌女交往,也不要听她,怕你跌在她的陷阱里。4Do not dally with a singing girl for fear of being caught in her snare.
5不要注视处女,怕你为了爱她,而失足跌倒。5Do not fix your gaze on a young girl for fear of being involved in her condemnation.
6不要倾心于妓女,怕你荡尽了你的产业。6Do not deliver yourself into the power of prostitutes lest you lose your inheritance.
7不要在城市的街道上,东张西望,也不要在城中无人的地方游荡。7Do not glance about you in the streets of the town; do not loiter in lonely places.
8当转移眼目,不看美丽的妇女,也不要注视别人妻子的美容;8Turn your eyes away from a good-looking woman and do not stare at a beautiful foreigner. For the beauty of a woman has caused many to fall; in her presence love blazes up like a fire.
9为了妇女的美容,许多人走入迷途;从此,欲情炽燃,有如烈火。9Never sit near a married woman or drink wine with her, for fear that your feelings towards her be roused and that in your passion you slide towards your downfall.
10所有的淫妇,都像路上被人践踏的粪土。10Do not abandon an old friend, for a new one has not the same value. New wine, new friend; let them mature, then you will enjoy them with pleasure.
11许多人因羨慕别人妻子的美貌,而变坏了;因为她的言语,炽燃有如烈火。11Do not envy the success of the sinner, you do not know what his end will be.
12不要与有夫之妇同坐,也不要与她同席燕饮,饮酒时也不要同她辩论,12Do not take pleasure in what pleases the godless, remember that they will be punished before they die.
13怕你的心转向她,因你的情欲而陷于丧亡。13Keep well away from the man who has power to kill and you will not experience the fear of death. But if you go with him avoid all offense for fear that he will deprive you of life: realize that you are passing through deathtraps and that you are walking on top of the wall.
14不要离弃旧友,因为新知不如故交;14As far as you can, be sociable and take counsel with learned men.
15新友有如新酒,若成了陈酒,你才喜欢痛饮。15Love to speak with intelligent men and let all your discourses be about the law of the Most High.
16不要羨慕恶人的光荣和财富,因为你不知道他将来的结局怎样。16Let just men be your companions at table; take pride in your fear of the Lord.
17不虔敬者喜爱的事,你不要喜爱;要记住:他们到死,绝免不了受惩罚。17An artisan is judged by his work and a leader of the community, by the wisdom of his words.
18当远离那有杀身之权的人,如此,你就没有怕死的疑虑;18A talkative man is dreaded in his town and the gossip makes himself disliked.
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