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智慧篇 Wisdom
1我也是有死的人,同众人一样;我也是出于用土受造的原祖,在母胎中形成了肉躯,1I, too, am a mortal man like others, a descendant of the first human being formed from clay. My flesh was molded in a mother's womb;
2十月之久,在母血中凝结,由男精与合梦的欲乐而形成。2her blood formed me for ten months from the seed of man, given in pleasure, the companion of sleep.
3我一出生,便呼吸了公共的空气,落在具有同一命运的地上,哭出了第一声,与众人无异;3Once born, I breathed the air common to everyone; I fell on the earth, the same for all; my first cry was like that of other infants.
4我在襁褓中,受了母亲的抚育和照顾。4I was nourished, cared for and wrapped in swaddling clothes;
5没有一位君王,另有不同的诞生,5indeed, no other king began life differently.
6因为,人人进入生命的路,只有一条,去世亦然。6For there is but one way into life for all and one way out of it.
7为此,我曾祈求,天主就赐给了我聪明;我曾呼吁,智慧的神便临于我身。7I prayed and understanding was given to me; I asked earnestly and the spirit of Wisdom came to me.
8我宁要智慧,而不要王权和王位;财富与她相较,分文不值。8I preferred her to scepters and thrones and I considered wealth as nothing compared with her.
9无价的宝石也不能与她相比,因为,一切黄金在她面前,不过只是一粒细沙;白银在她跟前,无异一撮泥土。9I preferred her to any jewel of inestimable value, since gold beside her is nothing but a few grains of sand, and silver but mud.
10我爱她,胜过爱健康和美色,我以她比光明更为可取,因为,由她而来的光辉,从不暗淡。10I loved her more than wealth and beauty and even preferred her to light, because her radiance never dies.
11的确,一切美物都伴她而来,在她手中握有数不清的财富。11She brought with her all other good things, untold riches in her hands.
12为了这一切美物,我极其欢乐,因为,智慧是一切美物的先导;我一向还不知道,智慧竟是一切美物的母亲。12I rejoiced at all that came with Wisdom without knowing she was their mother.
13我诚心地学习了,我也豪爽地分施与人,我绝不隐藏智慧的财富。13What I learned without self-interest I share freely and with no desire to conceal her value;
14因为智慧是人用之不尽的宝藏;凡占有的人,必获得天主的友爱,赖受教而获得的恩赐,深得天主的欢心。14for she is an inexhaustible treasure for man and those who possess her have gained the friendship of God, commended to him by the fruits of her discipline.
15愿天主使我遵照他的意愿说话,使我的思想配合他的恩赐,因为是他领导智慧,引导智者;15May God grant me to speak with discernment and reflect in a way worthy of the gifts I have received, for he is the guide of Wisdom and directs wise men.
16原来,我们和我们的言论,我们的一切聪明和技巧,都在他手中。16For we are in God's hands, we ourselves, our words, our understanding and technical knowledge.
17是他把所有事物的正确知识赐给了我,使我明了世界的构造,和元素的能量,17He, in fact, has given me true knowledge of what is, of the world and the properties of the elements;
18时间的始末和中心,冬至夏至的转变,和季节的变更,18the beginning, the end and the times in between; the alternation of the solstices and the succession of the seasons;
19年岁的循环与星辰的位置,19the cycles of the year and the position of the stars;
20生物的天性,和野兽的本能,鬼神的力量,和人类的思想,植物的繁杂,和草根的效能。20the natures of animal species and the ways of wild beasts; the power of spirits and human reasoning; the varieties of plants and medicinal properties of roots.
21所有或隐或明的事,我都知道,因为教导我的,是造万物的技师──智慧。21I have come to know everything we see and everything hidden,
22在她内的神,原是聪明的,至圣的,唯一的,多样的,微妙的,敏捷的,精明的,无玷的,率直的,不受损害的,好善的,锐敏的,22because Wisdom, who designed them all, taught me. In her is a spirit that is intelligent, saintly, unique, manifold, subtle, active, concise, pure and lucid. It cannot corrupt, loves what is good and nothing can restrain it;
23无敌的,施惠的,爱人的,稳固的,坚决的,无虑的,无所不能的,无所不察的,又是洞察所有明达、洁净和精微心灵的。23it is beneficent, loving humankind, steadfast, dependable, calm though almighty. It sees everything and penetrates all spirits, however intelligent, subtle and pure they may be.
24实在智慧比一切活动更为活动;她是如此精纯,能渗透深入一切。24Wisdom, in fact, surpasses in mobility all that moves, and being so pure pervades and permeates all things.
25她是天主威能的气息,是全能者荣耀的真诚流露;因此,任何污秽都不能浸入她内。25She is a breath of the power of God, a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty; nothing impure can enter her.
26她是永远光明的反映,是天主德能的明镜,是天主美善肖像。26She is a reflection of eternal light, a spotless mirror of God's action and an image of his goodness.
27虽是独一的,却无所不能;她虽恒存不变,却常使万物更新。她世世代代,进入圣善的灵魂,使他们成为天主的朋友和先知;27She is but one, yet Wisdom can do all things and, herself unchanging, she renews all things. She enters holy souls, making them prophets and friends of God,
28因为,天主只爱那与智慧同居共处的人。28for God loves only those who live with Wisdom.
29实在,智慧比太阳还美丽,压倒一切星座;如与光明相比,她必占优势;29She is indeed more beautiful than the sun and surpasses all the constellations; she outrivals light,
30因为,光明还要让位于黑夜,但是邪恶绝不能战胜智慧。30for light gives way to night, but evil cannot prevail against Wisdom.
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