格林多前书:Chapter 14
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格林多前书 | 1 Corinthians |
1你们要追求爱,但也要渴慕神恩,尤其是要渴慕做先知之恩。 | 1Strive, then, for love and set your hearts on spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy. |
2原来那说语言的,不是对人,而是对天主说话,因为没有人听得懂,他是由于神魂讲论奥秘的事; | 2The one who speaks in tongues does not speak to people, but to God, for no one understands him; the spirit makes him say things that are not understandable. |
3但那做先知的,却是向人说建树、劝慰和鼓励的话。 | 3The prophet, instead, addresses all people to give them strength, encouragement and consolation. |
4那说语言的,是建立自己;那讲先知话的,却是建立教会。 | 4He who speaks in tongues strengthens himself, but the prophet builds the Church. |
5我愿意你们都有说语言之恩,但我更愿意你们都做先知,因为讲先知话的比说语言的更大,除非他也解释,使教会获得建立。 | 5Would that all of you spoke in tongues! But better still if you were all prophets. The prophet has an advantage over the one speaking in tongues, unless someone explains what was spoken, so that the community may profit. |
6弟兄们!假使我来到你们那里,只说语言,若不以启示,或以知识,或以先知话,或以训诲向你们讲论,我为你们有什么益处? | 6Suppose, brothers and sisters, I go to you and I speak in tongues, of what use will it be to you if I do not bring you some revelation, knowledge, prophecy or teaching? |
7就连那些无灵而发声之物,箫也罢,琴也罢,若分不清声调,怎能知道所吹所弹的是什么呢? | 7When someone plays the flute, or harp, or any musical instrument, if there are not tones and notes, who will recognize the tune? |
8若号筒吹的音调不准确,谁还准备作战呢? | 8And if the bugle call is not clear, who will get ready for battle? |
9同样,你们若不用舌头说出明晰的话,人怎能明白你说的是什么?那么,你们就是向空气说话。 | 9The same with you. If your words are not understood, who will know what is said? You will be talking to the moon. |
10谁也知道世界上有很多语言,但没有一种是没有意义的。 | 10There are many languages in the world, and each of them has meaning, |
11假使我不明白那语言的意义,那说话的人必以我为蛮夷,我也以那说话的人为蛮夷。 | 11but if I cannot find any meaning in what is said, I become a foreigner to the speaker, and the speaker to me. |
12你们也当这样:你们既然渴慕神恩,就当祈求多得建立教会的恩赐。 | 12As you set your heart on spiritual gifts, be eager to build the Church and you will receive abundantly. |
13为此,那说语言的应当祈求解释之恩, | 13Because of this, those who speak in tongues should ask God for the ability to explain what they say. |
14因为我若以语言之恩祈祷,是我的神魂祈祷,我的理智却得不到效果。 | 14When I am praying in tongues, my spirit prays, but my mind remains idle. |
15那么怎样才行呢?我要以神魂祈祷,也要以理智祈祷;我要以神魂歌咏,也要以理智歌咏; | 15What shall I do, then? I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with my mind. I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind. |
16不然,假使你以神魂赞颂,那在场不通语言的人,既不明白你说什么,对你的祝谢辞,怎能答应「阿们」呢? | 16If you praise God only with your spirit, how will the ordinary person add the "Amen" to your thanksgiving, since the outsider has not understood what you said? |
17你固然祝谢的很好,可是不能建立别人。 | 17Your thanksgiving was indeed beautiful, but it was useless for others. |
18我感谢天主,我说语言胜过你们众人; | 18I give thanks to God because I speak in tongues more than all of you, |
19可是在集会中,我宁愿以我的理智说五句训诲人的话,而不愿以语言之恩说一万句话。 | 19but when I am in the assembly, I prefer to say five words from my mind, which may teach others, than ten thousand words in tongues. |
20弟兄们!你们在见识上不应做孩子,但应在邪恶上做婴孩,在见识上应做成年人。 | 20Brothers and sisters, do not remain as children in your thinking. Be like infants in doing evil, but mature in your thinking. |
21法律上记载:「上主说:我要藉说外方话的人和外方人的嘴唇向这百姓说话,虽然这样,他们还是不听从我。」 | 21God says in the Law: I will speak to this people through those talking other tongues and through lips of foreigners, but even so they will not listen to me. |
22这样看来,语言之恩不是为信的人作证据,而是为不信的人;但先知之恩不是为不信的人,而是为信的人。 | 22So, speaking in tongues is significant for those who refuse to believe, not for those who believe, while prophecy is a sign for those who believe, not for those who refuse to believe. |
23所以全教会共同聚在一起时,假使众人都说起语言来,如有不通的人,或不信的人进来,岂不要说:你们疯了吗? | 23Yet imagine that the whole Church is gathered together and all speak in tongues when unbelievers and uninformed people enter. What will they think? That you are crazy. |
24但是,如果众人都说先知话,即便有不信的人或不通的人进来,他必被众人说服,也必被众人所审察, | 24Instead, suppose that each of you speaks as a prophet; as soon as an unbeliever or an uninformed person enters, all of you call him to account and disclose his most secret thinking. |
25他心内的隐密事也必会显露出来:这样他就必俯首至地朝拜天主,声称天主实在是在你们中间。 | 25Then, falling on his face, he would be urged to worship God and declare that God is truly among you. |
26弟兄们!那么怎样做呢?当你们聚会的时候,每人不论有什么神恩,或有歌咏,或有训诲,或有启示,或有语言,或有解释之恩:一切都应为建立而行。 | 26What then shall we conclude, brothers? When you gather, each of you can take part with a song, a teaching, or a revelation, by speaking in tongues or interpreting what has been said in tongues. But let all this build up the Church. |
27倘若有说语言的,只可两个人,或至多三个人,且要轮流讲话,也要有一个人解释; | 27Are you going to speak in tongues? Let two or three, at most, speak, each in turn, and let one interpret what has been said. |
28如没有解释的人,在集会中就该缄默,只可对自己和对天主说话。 | 28If there is no interpreter, hold your tongue in the assembly and speak to God by yourself. |
29至于先知,可以两个人,或三个人说话,其余的人要审辨。 | 29As for the prophets, let two or three speak, with the others commenting on what has been said. |
30若在坐的有一位得了启示,那先说话的,就不应该再发言, | 30If a revelation comes to one of those sitting by, let the first be silent. |
31因为你们都可一个一个的说先知话,为使众人学习,为使众人受到鼓励。 | 31Even all of you could prophesy, one by one, for the instruction and encouragement of all. |
32并且先知的神魂是由先知自己作主, | 32The spirits speaking through prophets are submitted to prophets, |
33因为天主不是混乱的天主,而是平安的天主。犹如在圣徒的众教会内, | 33because God is not a God of confusion, but of peace. |
34妇女在集会中应当缄默;她们不准发言,只该服从,正如法律所说的。 | 34(Let women be silent in the assemblies, as in all the churches of the saints. They are not allowed to speak. Let them be submissive as the Law commands. |
35她们若愿意学什么,可以在家里问自己的丈夫;因为在集会中发言,为女人不是体面事。 | 35If there is anything they desire to know, let them consult their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in Church.) |
36莫非天主的道理是从你们来的吗?或是惟独临到了你们身上吗? | 36Did the word of God, perhaps, come from you? or did it come only to you? |
37若有人自以为是先知,或受神感的人,就该承认我给你们所写的,是主的诫命。 | 37Anyone among you who claims to be a prophet or a spiritual person, should acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord's command. |
38谁若不承认,也不要承认他。 | 38If he does not recognize that, God will not recognize him. |
39所以,我的弟兄们!你们应当渴慕说先知话,可是也不要禁止人说语言。 | 39So, my friends, set your hearts on the gift of prophecy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues. |
40一切都该照规矩按次序而行。 | 40However, everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way. |
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