格林多前书:Chapter 8
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格林多前书 | 1 Corinthians |
1至论祭邪神的肉,我们知道「我们都有知识。」但知识只会使人傲慢自大,爱德才能立人。 | 1Regarding meat from the offerings to idols, we know that all of us have knowledge but knowledge puffs up, while love builds. |
2若有人自以为知道什么,这是他还不知道他该怎样知道。 | 2If anyone thinks that he has knowledge, he does not yet know as he should know, |
3然而,谁若爱天主,这人才为天主所认识。 | 3but if someone loves (God), he has been known (by God). |
4至论吃祭邪神的肉,我们知道:世上并没有什么邪神;也知道:除了一个天主外,没有什么神。 | 4Can we, then, eat meat from offerings to the idols? We know that an idol is without existence and that there is no God but one. |
5因为虽然有称为神的,或在天上,或在地下,就如那许多「神」和许多「主」, | 5People speak indeed of other gods in heaven and on earth and, in this sense, there are many gods and lords. |
6可是为我们只有一个天主,就是圣父,万物都出于他,而我们也归于他;也只有一个主,就是耶稣基督,万物藉他而有,我们也藉他而有。 | 6Yet for us, there is but one God, the Father, from whom everything comes, and to whom we go. And there is one Lord, Christ Jesus, through whom everything exists and through him we exist. |
7不过这种知识不是人人都有的;有些人直到如今因拜惯了邪神,以为所吃的是祭邪神的肉,因为他们的良心软弱,就受了玷污。 | 7Not everyone, however, has that knowledge. For some persons, who until recently took the idols seriously, that food remains linked to the idol and eating of it stains their conscience which is unformed. |
8其实,食物不能使我们取悦于天主:我们不吃也无损,吃也无益。 | 8It is not food that brings us closer to God. If we eat, we gain nothing, and if we do not eat, we do not lose anything. |
9但你们要谨慎,免得你们这自由的抉择,成了软弱人的绊脚石。 | 9We are free, of course, but let not your freedom cause others, who are less prepared, to fall. |
10因为,如果有人看见你这有知识的,在邪神庙里坐席,他的良心若是软弱,岂不受到鼓励而去吃祭邪神的肉吗? | 10What if others with an unformed conscience see you, a person of knowledge, sitting at the table in the temple of idols? Will not their weak conscience, because of your example, move them to eat also? |
11那么,这软弱的人,基督为他而死的弟兄,也就因了你的知识而丧亡! | 11Then with your knowledge you would have caused your weak brother or sister to perish, the one for whom Christ died. |
12你们这样得罪了弟兄们,伤了他们软弱的良心,就是得罪基督。 | 12When you disturb the weak conscience of your brother or sister and sin against them, you sin against Christ himself. |
13为此,倘若食物使我的弟兄跌倒,我就永远不吃肉,免得叫我的弟兄跌倒。 | 13Therefore, if any food will bring my brother to sin, I shall never eat this food lest my brother or sister fall. |
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