玛加伯上:Chapter 2


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马加伯上 1 Maccabees
1那时,若望的儿子,西默盎的孙子,属于约雅黎布家的司祭玛塔提雅起来,离开耶路撒冷,迁居摩丁。 1In those days Mattathias, son of Simon, a priest of the family of Yoarib, left Jerusalem and went to settle in Modein.
2他有五个儿子:即若望,又名加狄; 2He had five sons: John, known as Gaddi,
3息孟,又名塔息; 3Simon called Thassi,
4犹大,又名玛加伯; 4Judas called Maccabeus,
5厄肋阿匝尔,又名奥郎;约纳堂,又名阿弗斯。 5Eleazar called Avaran, and Jonathan called Apphus.
6他看见在犹太和耶路撒冷发生的亵圣的事, 6Mattathias saw the blasphemies committed in Judah and Jerusalem,
7便说:「可怜的我呀!难道我生在世上,是为看着我的民族沦亡,圣城被践踏,当圣城落在敌人手中,圣殿落在外人手中时,而袖手旁观吗? 7so he said: "Alas! Was I born just to witness the ruin of my people and the destruction of the holy city? Shall I sit by while she is in the hands of her enemies and her sanctuary in the power of foreigners?
8圣殿好似成了一个被轻贱的人。 8Her temple has become like a dishonored man,
9光荣的器皿被抢掠劫夺,婴儿在街市上被屠杀,青年丧身敌人刀下! 9the precious objects that were her glory have been carried off as booty, her babies have been murdered in the squares, and her young men killed by the sword of the enemy.
10那一个民族没有占领过这国土,没有来劫掠分赃? 10What nation has not received part of her treasures and taken possession of her spoils?
11城内一切点缀全被洗劫净尽,昔日的自由城,今日为人所奴役。 11She has been stripped of all her adornments and from the freedom that was hers, she has gone into slavery.
12我们的圣所,我们的华丽,我们的光荣,都成了一片荒凉,受外族人的污辱! 12Our beautiful sanctuary that was our pride has been laid waste and profaned by pagans.
13我们还活着作什么?」 13What is there to live for?"
14于是玛塔提雅和他的儿子都撕破了衣裳,穿上苦衣,悲哀非常。 14Mattathias and his sons tore their clothes, put on sackcloth and went into deep mourning.
15君王派来强迫人民背教的官吏,也来到了摩丁城,勒令人祭神。 15In the meantime, the king's representatives, who were forcing the Jews to give up their religion came to Modein to organize a sacred gathering.
16有些以色列人附和了,但玛塔提雅和他的儿子却一致反抗; 16While many Israelites went to them, Mattathias and his sons drew apart.
17君王的官吏对玛塔提雅说:「你是这城的首领,有面子又有势力,还受儿子兄弟们的拥护。 17The representatives of the king addressed Mattathias, and said to him: "You are one of the leaders of this city, an important and well-known man, and your many children and relatives follow you.
18如今,请你首先前来遵行王的谕令,如同各国的人、犹太居民以及留在耶路撒冷的人所作的一般;这样,你和你的儿子就算是君王的朋友,你和你的儿子可以荣获金银和各种恩赐。」 18Come now and be the first to fulfill the king's order, as the men of Judah have already done, and the survivors in Jerusalem as well. You and your sons will be named Friends of the King and the king will send you gold, silver and many other gifts."
19玛塔提雅高声回答说:「即便所有君王国土中的人民都听从他,背弃了自己祖先的教礼,服从王的命令, 19But Mattathias answered in a loud voice: "Even if all the nations included in the kingdom should abandon the religion of their fathers and submit to the order of King Antiochus,
20我和我的儿子以及我的弟兄,仍然照我们祖先的盟约去行, 20I, my sons and my family will remain faithful to the Covenant of our fathers.
21决不背弃法律和教规, 21May God preserve us from abandoning the Law and its precepts.
22决不听从王的谕令,而背离我们的教规,或偏左或偏右。」 22We will not obey the orders of the king nor turn aside from our religion either to the right or to the left."
23他刚说完了这些话,正有一个犹太人前来,当众在摩丁的祭坛上祭神,全照王的谕令。 23When he finished speaking these words, a Jew came forward in the sight of everyone to offer incense on the altar that was built in Modein according to the king's decree.
24玛塔提雅一见,热情勃发,五内俱焚,要照法律发泄义怒,于是冲上前去,把那人杀死在祭坛上。 24When Mattathias saw him, he was fired with zeal, his heart was stirred, and giving vent to his righteous anger, he threw himself on the Jew and cut the man's throat on the altar.
25同时也把迫令人民献祭的王吏杀了,并把祭坛拆毁。 25At the same time, he killed the king's representative who was forcing the people to offer sacrifice, and then tore down the altar.
26他对于法律这样热诚,完全像丕乃哈斯对撒路的儿子齐默黎所作的一样。 26In doing this he showed his zeal for the Law, as Phinehas had done with Zimri, son of Salu.
27于是玛塔提雅在城内高声喊说:「凡热心法律,拥护盟约的,请跟我来!」 27Mattathias then began to proclaim loudly in the city: "Everyone who is zealous for the Law and supports the Covenant, come out and follow me!"
28接着,他和他的儿子,把所有的家产都留在城里,逃到山中去了。 28Immediately he and his sons fled to the mountains and left behind all they had in the city.
29那时,有许多拥护正义正道的人,也都逃到旷野里去居住, 29Many Jews who looked for justice and wanted to be faithful to the Law went into the desert;
30将子女妻室牲畜也一同带了去,因为大难已临头上。 30they took with them their children, wives and livestock because life had become unbearable for them.
31其时有人报告王吏及驻扎耶路撒冷达味城的军队说:「背叛谕令的那些人,都隐藏到旷野山洞里去了。」 31Then the king's representatives and the authority in the city of David, in Jerusalem, were informed that some men had disobeyed the king's order and had gone to hide in the caves in the desert.
32于是大队人马前去追捕,到了那里,摆好阵势,在安息日那天向他们宣战, 32A strong force of the king pursued and overtook them. They surrounded them and prepared themselves for an attack. It was the day of the Sabbath.
33说:「到现在为止,若你们出来遵从王命,还可以活命。」 33And they said to the Jews: "Enough of this! Come out and obey the king's order if you wish to save your lives."
34他们回答说:「我们不出去,也不遵从王命,亵渎安息日!」 34But they answered: "We will neither come out nor obey the king's order to violate the day of the Sabbath."
35敌军立即攻击他们。 35So they attacked them at once,
36但他们不向敌人还击,也不抛石,也不堵塞藏身之处, 36but the Jews did not defend them-selves, nor did they try to close the entrance of their place of refuge.
37只说:「我们众人情愿无辜而死!有天地为我们作证:你们杀害我们,极不公平。」 37They said: "We shall die with a clear conscience but heaven and earth will remember that we were murdered."
38王军于是在安息日那天攻击了他们,他们和他们的妇孺牲畜都被屠杀了,人数约有一千。 38The king's men attacked them on that Sabbath, and they all died - men, women and children - a total of more than a thousand, not counting the livestock.
39玛塔提雅和他的朋友一听说此事,都十分悲痛。 39When Mattathias and his friends came to know what happened, they went into deep mourning.
40彼此商议说:「若大家都像我们的弟兄所行的一样,为保护自己的性命和教规,不还击外邦人,那么,人很快就要把我们从地面上消灭了。」 40They said to one another: "We cannot do as our brothers have done; we shall fight against the pagans to defend our life and our customs; otherwise, they will quickly destroy us."
41于是在那天大家决定:「即便人在安息日来击我们,我们也应还击抵抗,免得我们像我们的弟兄都死在洞中。」 41On that day, they resolved to defend themselves against anyone who attacked them on the day of the Sabbath, and not let themselves be killed, as had happened with their people in the hiding place.
42当时,哈息待党派的人也与他们会合;这些人都是以色列的勇士,甘心为法律舍生的人。 42At that time, a group of Hasideans (the Devout), valiant Israelites who devoted themselves sincerely to the Law, joined them.
43还有逃难流亡的人都同他们联合,支持他们。 43All those who wanted to escape from oppression joined them, and in this way they grew strong.
44于是他们便组成军队,发奋攻打罪人,怒袭叛徒;其余的人都逃往外邦人那里,为求安全。 44They succeeded in forming an army; then they began to pour their anger and indignation onto the sinners and renegades. These men had to flee to other lands for safety.
45玛塔提雅和他的朋友便到处巡行,拆毁祭坛, 45Mattathias and his friends made expeditions during which they destroyed the altars,
46凡在以色列境内遇见未受割损的孩子,便强迫他们割损; 46imposed by force the rite of circumcision on the children they found uncircumcised,
47此外,还扫荡了暴徒,在历次战役中都很顺利。 47and pursued all the arrogant. The undertaking prospered in their hands.
48如此,保障了法律,摆脱了外邦人及国王的控制,不让恶人得势。 48They defended the Law against foreigners and their kings, and subdued the renegades.
49玛塔提雅临死时,对他的儿子们说:「现在是傲慢暴横得势,也是灾难和仇恨的时候。 49When Mattathias neared his death, he said to his sons: "Now the insolent and the violent are in power; it is a time of upheaval in which God releases his anger.
50孩子们!现今你们对法律应热诚服膺,应为我们祖先的盟约舍生致命, 50So, my sons, be zealous for the Law and risk your lives defending the Covenant of our fathers.
51要怀念祖先当日所创的大业,这样才可获得无上的光荣和不朽的芳名。 51Remember the deeds our fathers fulfilled in their time, that you too may have fame and glory.
52亚巴郎不是在受试探中显示了忠信,才算他有义德吗? 52Remember Abraham who proved himself faithful in the hour of trial, and how God held him to be a righteous man.
53若瑟在患难中遵守了诫命,然后才作了埃及的主人。 53Joseph, at the time of his misfortune observed the commandment of God and so became the lord of Egypt.


54Phinehas, our father, because of his great zeal received the priesthood for himself and for his sons forever.
55若苏厄因满全了天主的命,才作了以色列的民长。 55Joshua became head of Israel because he carried out God's command.
56加肋布因在会众前作证,才在此地获得了产业。 56Caleb received his inheritance in this land because he had proclaimed the truth before the assembly.
57达味因慈悲为怀,才承受了永世的王位。 57And David was given a lasting kingdom because of his devotion.
58厄里亚因热爱法律,才被接升天。 58Elijah because of his zeal for the Law was taken up into heaven.
59哈纳尼雅、阿匝黎雅、米沙耳因着信赖,才得拯救,免受火烧。 59Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael were saved from the flames because of their faith.
60达尼尔因心中纯洁,才蒙拯救,免于狮子的口。 60Daniel was rescued from the lion's mouth because of his righteousness.
61你们要世世代代这样存想:凡是仰望他的,决一无所缺。 61Consider, then, that in any generation those who trust in God are never defeated.
62不要怕恶人的议论,因为他们的光荣要变成粪土蛆虫, 62Do not fear the threats of an impious man, for his glory shall end in dung and worms.
63今日飞黄腾达,明日即为黄花;人一归于灰土,他的计谋也云消雾散。 63Today he is exalted, but tomorrow he shall perish; he shall return to dust from where he came, and nothing shall remain of his plans.
64孩子们!你们要刚强不屈,遵守法律,法律必使你们蒙受光荣。 64Have courage, my sons, and remain steadfast in the Law for in this you will receive glory.
65你们的兄弟息孟,我晓得他是具有超见的人,你们该常听从他,他该接你们父亲之位。 65I know that among you, Simon is a man of sound judgment; listen to him and he shall take your father's place.
66犹大玛加伯自幼奋勇,他该是你们的将领,作战攻打异族。 66Judas Maccabeus has been valiant from his youth: let him be your general and conduct the war against foreigners.
67你们应召集所有遵行法律的人来跟随你们,为百姓复仇雪恨。 67Now, call all those who fulfill the Law to join you and defend our people.
68应反抗异族,应坚守法律的规条。」 68Retaliate against the pagans and fulfill the ordinance of the Law."
69他祝福了他们以后,就归到他亲族那里去了。 69Mattathias blessed them and then went to join his fathers.
70死于一四六年,他的儿子们把他葬在摩丁的祖茔里,全以色列为他举丧志哀。 70He died in the year one hundred and forty-six and they buried him in the tomb of his fathers at Modein; and all Israel mourned him deeply.
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