伯多禄前书:Chapter 2
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伯多禄前书 | 1 Peter |
1所以你们应放弃各种邪恶、各种欺诈、虚伪、嫉妒和各种诽谤, | 1So, give up all evil and deceit, hypocrisy, envy and every kind of gossip. |
2应如初生的婴儿贪求属灵性的纯奶,为使你们靠着它生长,以致得救; | 2Like newborn children, seek eagerly for the pure milk of the Word which will help you grow and reach salvation. |
3何况你们已尝到了「主是何等的甘饴。」 | 3Did you not taste the goodness of the Lord? |
4你们接近了他,即接近了那为人所摈弃,但为天主所精选,所尊重的活石, | 4He is the living stone rejected by people but chosen by God and precious to him. |
5你们也就成了活石,建成一座属神的殿宇,成为一班圣洁的司祭,以奉献因耶稣基督而中悦天主的属神的祭品。 | 5On drawing close to him, you also became living stones built into a spiritual temple, a holy community of priests offering spiritual sacrifices which please God through Jesus Christ. |
6这就是经上所记载的:「看,我要在熙雍安放一块精选的,宝贵的基石,凡信赖他的,决不会蒙羞。」 | 6Scripture says: See, I lay in Zion a chosen and precious cornerstone; whoever believes in him will not be disappointed. |
7所以为你们信赖的人,是一种荣幸;但为不信赖的人,是「匠人弃而不用的石头,反而成了屋角的基石」; | 7This means honor for you who believed, but for unbelievers also the stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone |
8并且是「一块绊脚石,和一块使人跌倒的磐石。」他们由于不相信天主的话,而绊倒了,这也是为他们预定了的。 | 8and it is a stone to stumble over, a rock which lays people low. They stumble over it in rejecting the Word, but the plan of God is fulfilled in this. |
9至于你们,你们却是特选的种族,王家的司祭,圣洁的国民,属于主的民族,为叫你们宣扬那由黑暗中召叫你们,进入他奇妙之光者的荣耀。 | 9You are a chosen race, a community of priest-kings, a consecrated nation, a people God has made his own to proclaim his wonders. For he called you from your darkness to his own wonderful light. |
10你们从前不是天主的人民,如今却是天主的人民;从前没有蒙受爱怜,如今却蒙受了爱怜。 | 10At one stage you were no people, but now you are God's people, you had not received his mercy, but now you have been given mercy. |
11亲爱的!我劝你们作侨民和作旅客的,应戒绝与灵魂作战的肉欲; | 11Beloved, while you are strangers and exiles, I urge you not to indulge in selfish passions which wage war on the soul. |
12在外教人中要常保持良好的品行,好使那些诽谤你们为作恶者的人,因见到你们的善行,而在主眷顾的日子,归光荣于天主。 | 12Live a blameless life among the pagans; so when they accuse you falsely of any wrong, they may see your good works and give glory to God on the day he comes to them. |
13你们要为主的缘故,服从人立的一切制度:或是服从帝王为最高的元首, | 13For the Lord's sake, respect all human authority: the king as chief authority, |
14或是服从帝王派遣来惩罚作恶者,奖赏行善者的总督, | 14the governors as sent by him to punish evildoers and to encourage those who do good. |
15因为这原是天主的旨意:要你们行善,使那些愚蒙无知的人,闭口无言。 | 15And God wants you to do good so that you may silence those fools who ignorantly criticize you. |
16你们要做自由的人,却不可做以自由为掩饰邪恶的人,但该做天主的仆人; | 16Behave as free people but do not speak of freedom as a license for vice; you are free men and God's servants. |
17要尊敬众人,友爱弟兄,敬畏天主,尊敬君王。 | 17Reverence each person, love your brothers and sisters, fear God and show respect to the emperor. |
18你们做家仆的,要以完全敬畏的心服从主人,不但对良善和温柔的,就是对残暴的,也该如此。 | 18Servants must respect their masters, not only those who are good and understanding but also those who are difficult. |
19谁若明知是天主的旨意,而忍受不义的痛苦:这才是中悦天主的事。 | 19For there is merit in putting up with unprovoked suffering, for the sake of God. |
20若你们因犯罪被打而受苦,那还有什么光荣?但若因行善而受苦,而坚心忍耐:这才是中悦天主的事。 | 20What merit would there be in taking a beating when you have done wrong? But if you endure punishment when you have done well, that is a grace before God. |
21你们原是为此而蒙召的,因为基督也为你们受了苦,给你们留下了榜样,叫你们追随他的足迹。 | 21This is your calling: remember Christ who suffered for you, leaving you an example so that you may follow in his way. |
22「他没有犯过罪,他口中也从未出过谎言」; | 22He did no wrong and there was no deceit in his mouth. |
23他受辱骂,却不还骂;他受虐待,却不报复,只将自己交给那照正义行审判的天主; | 23He did not return insult for insult and, when suffering, he did not curse but put himself in the hands of God who judges justly. |
24他在自己的身上,亲自承担了我们的罪过,上了木架,为叫我们死于罪恶,而活于正义;「你们是因他的创伤而获得了痊愈。」 | 24He went to the cross burdened with our sins so that we might die to sin and live an upright life. For by his wounds you have been healed. |
25你们从前有如迷途的亡羊,如今却被领回,归依你们的灵牧和监督。 | 25You were like stray sheep, but you have come back to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls. |
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