撒慕尔纪上:Chapter 18


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撒慕尔纪上 1 Samuel
1达味同撒乌耳说完了话,约纳堂的心与达味的心很相契;约纳堂爱他如爱自己一样。 1When David had finished speaking with Saul, Jonathan felt a deep affection for David and began to love him as himself.
2那天,撒乌耳把达味留下,不让他回父家去。 2Saul kept David with him from that day and did not allow him to return to his father's house.
3约纳堂同达味结为盟友,爱他如爱自己一样。 3Then Jonathan made an agreement with David because he loved him as himself.
4约纳堂脱下自己穿的外氅,连军装,带刀剑,甚至弓和腰带,都给了达味。 4Jonathan, taking off the cloak he was wearing, gave it to David; he also gave him his own armor, sword, bow and belt.
5撒乌耳派达味出去无论作什么事,没有不成功的;故此撒乌耳派他作军队的将领;军民和撒乌耳的臣仆都非常喜爱他。 5Wherever Saul sent David, he went and succeeded. For this reason, Saul put David in charge of the soldiers - a move which pleased Saul's men and his officers as well.
6当达味杀死那培肋舍特人后,班师回来时,妇女们从以色列各城中出来,唱歌跳舞,打鼓弹琴,兴高彩烈地前来欢迎撒乌耳君王。 6When they arrived after David had slain the Philistine, the women came out from the cities of Israel to meet King Saul singing and dancing with timbrels and musical insruments.
7妇女们边跳边唱说:「撒乌耳杀了一千,达味杀了一万!」 7They were merrily singing this song: "Saul has slain his thousands, and David, his tens of thousands."
8撒乌耳因此很是愤怒,这话使他很不高兴,遂说:「给了达味一万,只给了我一千;他所少的只有王位了!」 8Saul was very displeased with this song and said, "They have given tens of thousands to David but to me only thousands! By now he has everything but the kingdom!"
9从那一天起,撒乌耳常嫉视达味。 9From then on, Saul became very distrustful of David.
10第二天,恶神由天主那里降在撒乌耳身上,使他在屋中发狂。达味一如往日手中弹着琴,撒乌耳手中却拿着一杆长枪, 10The following day, an evil spirit from God seized Saul, causing him to rave in his house. David then played on the lyre as he used to do, while Saul had his spear in hand.
11撒乌耳举起枪来,想把达味钉在墙上;达味已由他面逃脱了两次。 11Then Saul pointed it at David thinking, "I will nail David to the wall." But David escaped on two occasions.
12撒乌耳害怕达味,因为上主与达味同在,而离开了撒乌耳。 12Saul saw that Yahweh was with David and had left him. And he was afraid.
13因此,撒乌耳叫他离开自己,派他作千夫长,达味便在军民前往来出入。 13So he removed David from his presence by making him chief of a thousand men. David went ahead of his troops
14达味在所行的一切事上,无不顺利,因为上主与他同在。 14and was successful each time because Yahweh was with him.
15撒乌耳见他办事顺利,就更疑惧他。 15The more successful David was, the more afraid Saul became.
16但全以色列和犹大人却爱达味,因为他在他们前往来出入。 16But all Israel and Judah loved David because he led them in their expeditions.
17撒乌耳对达味说:「看,我要把我的长女默辣布嫁给你为妻,只要你为我勇敢服务,为上主作战。」──撒乌耳心中想:我不亲手害他,让培肋舍特人加害他。 17Saul said to David, "You know my eldest daughter, Merab. I will give her to you as your wife; be brave and fight Yahweh's battles." For Saul thought, "Let the Philistines strike him instead of myself."
18达味回答撒乌耳说:「我是谁,我父家在以色列又算得什么,我怎配作君王的女婿?」 18David answered Saul, "Who am I? And what is my father's family in Israel that I should be the king's son-in-law?"
19但是,撒乌耳的女儿默辣布正要嫁给达味为妻的时候,却嫁给了默曷拉人阿德黎耳为妻。 19Yet when it was time for Merab to be married to David, she was given instead to Adriel the Meholathite.
20当时撒乌耳的女儿米加耳很爱达味;有人告诉了撒乌耳,他看着这事好, 20Now, Saul's daughter, Michal, fell in love with David. When this came to Saul's knowledge, he was very pleased
21心想:「我把她嫁给达味,叫她成为他的罗网,藉培肋舍特人害他。」所以撒乌耳再次对达味说:「今天你要作我的女婿了!」 21for he thought, "I shall promise her to him and it will be a snare to him. The Philistines will kill him." So, Saul said to David a second time, "You shall now be my son-in-law."
22撒乌耳吩咐他的臣仆说:「你们暗暗地告诉达味说:看,君王多么喜爱你,他的臣仆又都爱你,如今你要作君王的女婿了!」 22Then he commanded his servants to talk to David privately and say, "The king and all his servants like you. You should become the king's son-in-law!"
23撒乌耳的臣仆将这些话告诉了达味;达味反答说:「你们以为作君王的女婿是件小事吗?我不过只是个贫穷卑贱的人。」 23Saul's servants repeated these words to David who replied, "Do you think it is easy to become the king's son-in-law, poor and unknown as I am?"
24撒乌耳的臣仆回报王说:「达味如此如此说了。」 24When Saul's servants repeated to the king what David had said,
25撒乌耳答说:「你们要这样对达味说:君王不要什么聘礼,只要一百培肋舍特人的包皮,为报复君王的仇敌。」撒乌耳有意使达味落在培肋舍特人手中。 25Saul ordered them to tell David, "The king wants no marriage gift other than a hundred Philistine foreskins to take revenge on his enemies." For Saul wanted David to fall into the hands of the Philistines.
26他的臣仆将这些话转告给达味,达味看这事为作君王的女婿也对。所限的日期尚未过去, 26Saul's servants told this to David and it seemed to him that he could easily become the king's son-in-law.
27达味就和他的人起身去杀死了一百培肋舍特人,将他们的包皮带回,足数交给君王,为作君王的女婿;撒乌耳就将女儿米加耳嫁给他为妻。 27David and his men set out and killed two hundred Philistines. And they brought the king the foreskins so that David could become the king's son-in-law. So Saul had to give his daughter Michal to David to become his wife.
28撒乌耳看出了上主与达味同在,全以色列也都爱他, 28Saul feared David for he knew that Yahweh was with him. But Michal, Saul's daughter, loved him.
29从此更疑惧达味,终生与他为敌。 29Saul feared David more and more and was his enemy until the end.
30培肋舍特人的首领仍不断出征;但每遇他们出征,达味所行的,常比撒乌耳所有的臣仆成就更大,为此他更受人景仰。 30Whenever the Philistine chiefs engaged David in battle, he succeeded more than any of Saul's officers, in earning great fame for himself.
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