撒慕尔纪上:Chapter 30


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撒慕尔纪上 1 Samuel
1当达味和他的人第三天来到漆刻拉格时,阿玛肋克人已侵入乃革布和漆刻拉格,将漆刻拉格洗劫,放火烧了, 1David and his men reached Ziklag on the third day, but the Amalekites had just raided the Negeb and Ziklag, storming it and burning it to the ground.
2将城中的妇女,以及所有的老幼,都掳了去;但没有杀人,只将他们掳走,回返原路。 2They had taken captive the women and all who were in the city, young and old. They killed no one but carried them off when they left.
3达味和他的人来到城旁,见城已被火烧毁,他们的妻子儿女尽被掳去, 3When they reached the town, David and his men found it burned to the ground and their wives, sons and daughters taken captive.
4遂放声大哭,直哭得声嘶力竭。 4Then David and those with him wept aloud until they could weep no more.
5达味的两个妻子:依次勒耳人阿希诺罕和曾作加尔默耳人纳巴耳妻子的阿彼盖耳,也被掳去了。 5David's two wives, Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail, widow of Nabal of Carmel had also been taken captive.
6达味陷入窘境,因为人民各为自己的儿女非常痛心,都说要用石头打死他;但是达味更加坚固依靠上主,他的天主。 6Now David was greatly distressed because the people were talking of stoning him; for they were embittered because of what had happened to their sons and daughters. But David found strength in Yahweh his God.
7达味对阿希默肋客的儿子厄贝雅塔尔司祭说:「请你将『厄弗得』给我拿来!」厄贝雅塔尔就将「厄弗得」给达味拿了来。 7David told Abiathar the priest, son of Ahimelech, to bring him the ephod. So Abiathar brought the ephod to David
8达味求问上主说:「我该追赶这群土匪吗?我追得上吗?」上主答说:「你去追赶,必能追上,能救回一切。」 8who then consulted Yahweh, "Shall I go after these raiders? Can I overtake them?" The answer was, "Go after them for you shall surely overtake them and recover the captives."
9达味和随从他的六百人于是立即出发,到了贝索尔河。 9David set out with his six hundred men and they reached the brook of Besor. There, two hundred men stayed behind, for they were too exhausted to cross the brook,
10达味带着四百人仍向前追赶,其余二百人,因为过于疲倦,不能过贝索尔河,就住下了。 10and David continued the chase with four hundred men.
11有人在田间遇见了一个埃及人,把他领到达味前,给他饭吃,给他水喝, 11They found an Egyptian in the open country and brought him to David. They gave him food, which he ate, and water to drink.
12又给他一块无花果饼,两串干葡萄;他吃了后,精神就恢复了,因为他已三天三夜没有吃饭喝水了。 12They gave him a piece of fig cake and two pieces of raisin cake. The Egyptian ate and recovered his strength, for he had been three days and three nights without eating or drinking.
13达味问他说:「你是谁的人,你是那里的?」他答说:「我是个埃及少年,为一个阿玛肋克人做奴隶,因为我害病,我主人抛弃我已三天了。 13David then questioned him, "To whom do you belong, and where do you come from?" He answered, "I am an Egyptian, slave of an Amalekite. My master abandoned me because I fell sick three days ago.
14我们侵袭了革勒提人的南部,犹大的南部和加肋布的南部,放火烧了漆刻拉格。」 14We raided the Negeb of the Cherethites, the territory of Judah and the Negeb of Caleb and set Ziklag on fire."
15达味问他说:「你能领我下到这群土匪那里去吗?」他答说:「你要指着天主给我起誓:不杀我,也不将我交在我主人手里,那么我就领你下到这群土匪那里去。」达味对他起了誓, 15David then asked him, "Will you lead me to this raiding band?" He replied, "Swear to me by God that you will neither kill me nor deliver me into the hands of my master and I will lead you to this raiding band."
16他便领他下去了。看,土匪都散在各处,正在吃喝,庆祝他们从培肋舍特地方和犹大地方抢来的大批胜利品。 16So the Egyptian led David to the raiding band whom they found scattered all over the ground, eating, drinking, dancing and feasting with the spoils they had taken from the land of the Philistines and from the land of Judah.
17达味从天亮直到晚上,击杀他们,消灭他们,除四百骑骆驼逃走的士兵外,一个也没逃脱。 17David fought them from early morning to the evening of the following day, allowing no one to escape except four hundred young men who mounted their camels and fled.
18凡阿玛肋克人所掳去的,达味都救了回来,也救回了他的两个妻子。 18David recovered everything the Amalekites had taken and rescued his two wives.
19凡被掳去的,不论老幼,不论子女,不论什么财物,一个也不缺,达味全都夺了回来。 19Nothing and no one was missing, small or great, son or daughter, booty or anything the Amalekites had taken. David brought back everything.
20他们夺回了所有的牛羊,牵到达味前说:「这是达味的战利品。」 20He then gathered flocks and herds and the people drove them before him, saying, "These are David's spoils!"
21达味回到那二百人那里,他们因为走路疲乏,不能跟着去,达味就叫他们停留在贝索尔河旁──这些人就前来欢迎达味和跟随他的军人,达味和军人也上前去向他们请安。 21David reached the two hundred men who had been too tired to follow him, and were left behind at the Besor brook. These men came to meet David and those who were with him. David then drew near and greeted them.
22同达味前去的人中,有些不良分子和无赖之徒高声嚷说:「他们既然没有与我们同去,我们所救回来的财物,什么也不要分给他们,只让他们各自带自己的妻子和儿女回去。」 22But the malicious and worthless people among those who had accompanied David said, "Since they did not come with us, we shall not share the booty with them; let each of them take his wife and children and leave."
23达味就说:「兄弟们,上主既然这样恩待我们,保护我们,把这群前来攻击我们的土匪,交在我们手里,你们决不能这样做。 23But David said, "My brothers, you shall not do that after what Yahweh has given us. He has protected us and delivered into our hands the band that raided us.
24在这件事上,谁能依从你们呢?那下去打仗的得多少,那留下看守辎重的,也得多少;大家应当平分!」 24Who would agree to what you have said? The share of those who go down to battle and of those who remain with the baggage shall be the same; they shall share alike."
25从那天起,达味给以色列立定了这项至今有效的规矩和法律。 25From that day to the present, this has been a statute and custom for Israel.
26达味回到漆刻拉格,照犹大所有的城邑,从胜利品中拿了些分给他们的长老说:「请看!这是由上主敌人的财物中,给你们分送的礼物。」 26When David arrived in Ziklag, he sent part of the booty to the elders of Judah, to each of his friends, saying, "This is a gift to you from the booty of Yahweh's enemies:
27就是给了那些在贝突耳的,在辣玛南方的,在雅提尔的, 27to those in Bethel, in Ramoth-negeb, in Jattir,
28在阿辣辣的,在息弗摩特的,在厄市特摩的, 28in Aroer, in Sipmoth, in Eshtemoa,
29在加尔默耳的,在耶辣默耳人城中的,在刻尼人城中的, 29in Racal, in the Jerahmeelite cities, in the Kenite cities,
30在曷尔玛的,在波尔阿商的,在阿塔客的, 30in Hormah, in Borashan,
31在赫贝龙的长老,也给了在达味和他的人民曾经漂流过的地方的人。 31in Athach, in Hebron, and in all the places where David and his men had stayed.
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