编年纪下:Chapter 33
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编年纪下 | 2 Chronicles |
1默纳舍登极时年十二岁,在耶路撒冷作王凡五十五年。 | 1Manasseh was twelve years old when he came to the throne and he reigned for fifty-five years in Jerusalem. |
2他行了上主视为恶的事,仿效上主从以色列子民前所驱逐的异民所行的可耻之事。 | 2He did what was evil in the eyes of Yahweh, and followed the disgusting practices of the nations that Yahweh had removed from the land before giving it to Israel, |
3他重建了他父亲希则克雅所拆毁的高丘,又为巴耳建立了祭坛,制造阿舍辣,叩拜奉事天上的万象。 | 3He rebuilt the High places his father Hezekiah had wrecked; he set up altars to the Baals and made sacred trunks. He worshiped the whole array of heaven and served it. |
4虽然上主曾指着圣殿说过:「我要将我的名永远立在耶路撒冷」,他仍在上主殿内建立了一些祭坛; | 4He built altars in Yahweh's House of which Yahweh had said, "In Jerusalem shall my Name be forever." |
5且在上主殿的两庭院内,为天上万象建立了一些祭坛; | 5He built altars to the whole array of heaven in the two courts of Yahweh's House. |
6使自己的儿子在本希农山谷中经火,行占卜,邪术和魔术,立招魂师和术士;不断行上主视为恶的事,惹上主发怒。 | 6He caused his sons to pass through the fire in the Valley of Benhinnom. He practiced soothsaying, magic and witchcraft, and introduced necromancers and wizards. He did many things displeasing to Yahweh, thus provoking his anger. |
7他又在天主殿内立了他所彫制的偶像;虽然论及这殿天主曾对达味和他的儿子撒罗满说过:「我要在这殿内,和在我由以色列各支派所选出的耶路撒冷城,立我的名,直到永远。 | 7He placed the idol he had made in the house of which God had said to David and to his son Solomon, "In this house and in Jerusalem, the city I chose out of all the tribes of Israel, I will give my Name a home forever. |
8只要以色列人遵行我藉梅瑟所吩咐他们的一切法律、典章和律例,我不再使他们的脚,离开我赐予你们祖先的土地。」 | 8I will no longer turn Israel's footsteps away from the land I assigned to their fathers, provided they observe all I have ordered them in accordance with the whole Law, the statutes and the ordinances, given through Moses." |
9但默纳舍诱惑犹大和耶路撒冷的居民行恶,甚于上主由以色列子民前所消灭的那些民族。 | 9Manasseh led Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem astray, so that they did more evil than those nations Yahweh had destroyed before the sons of Israel. |
10为此,上主曾警告默纳舍和他的百姓,但是他们不肯听从。 | 10Yahweh spoke to Manasseh and his people, but they paid no attention. |
11因此,上主使亚述王的将官前来攻打他们,用钩子钩住默纳舍,用锁链锁住,解送到巴比伦。 | 11Then Yahweh sent the generals of the king of Assyria against them, who captured Manasseh with hooks, put him in chains and led him away to Babylon. |
12默纳舍在这患难中,呼求了上主他的天主,在他祖先的天主前,大发谦卑, | 12In his distress he sought to appease Yahweh his God. Humbling himself deeply before the God of his ancestors, he prayed to him, |
13哀恳上主,上主便俯允了他的祈求,垂听了他的哀祷,使他归回耶路撒冷,恢复了他的王位;默纳舍这才知道只有上主是天主。 | 13and God changed his mind. Hearing his plea he allowed him to come back to Jerusalem and reign again. Manasseh realised then that Yahweh is God. |
14此后,默纳舍在达味城外另筑了一道城墙,西边由谷内的基红起,直到鱼门,将敖斐耳围起,且将城墙加建的很高;在犹大各坚城内派有将帅驻守。 | 14After that he rebuilt the outer wall of the Citadel of David, west of Gihon in the wadi, as far as the Fish Gate; it encircled the Ophel, and he increased its height very considerably. He stationed military governors in all the fortified towns of Judah. |
15又从上主殿内除去了外神和偶像,将他在上主殿的山上和耶路撒冷所建立的祭坛,都一律拆毁,抛在城外, | 15He removed the alien gods and the idol from Yahweh's House and all the altars he had built on the mountain of Yahweh's House and in Jerusalem, and threw them out of the city. |
16重修了上主的祭坛,在上面献和平祭和感恩祭,命令犹大人只奉事上主以色列的天主。 | 16He rebuilt the altar of Yahweh and offered peace offerings and praise offerings on it, and ordered Judah to serve Yahweh the God of Israel; |
17但是民众仍然在高丘献祭,不过只向上主天主献祭。 | 17however, the people continued to sacrifice on the High places, although only to Yahweh their God. |
18默纳舍其余的事蹟,以及他向天主所发的祷词,并诸先见者奉上主,以色列天主的名对他所说的话,都记载在《以色列列王实录》上。 | 18The rest of the history of Manasseh, his prayer to God, and the words of the seers who spoke to him in the name of Yahweh the God of Israel, can be found in the Annals of the Kings of Israel. |
19他如何祈祷和上主如何应允,他未自卑以前的一切罪恶和不忠,以及他在何处建立高丘,立阿舍辣和彫刻的偶像等事,都记载在诸先见者的《言行录》上。 | 19His prayer and how God heard his prayer, all his sins, his unfaithfulness, the sites where he built High places and set up sacred trunks and idols before he humbled himself are recorded in the Annals of Hozai. |
20默纳舍与他的祖先同眠,葬在他王宫的花园里;他的儿子阿孟继位为王。 | 20Then Manasseh rested with his ancestors and was buried in his palace. His son Amon succeeded him. |
21阿孟登极时年二十二岁,在耶路撒冷作王二年。 | 21Amon was twenty-two years old when he became king and he reigned for two years in Jerusalem. |
22他行了上主视为恶的事,全如同他父亲默纳舍;向他父亲默纳舍所彫刻的一切偶像献祭膜拜, | 22He did what is displeasing to Yahweh, as Manasseh his father had done. Amon offered sacrifice and worship to all the idols Manasseh his father had made, |
23从没有像他父亲默纳舍在上主面前自谦自卑过;阿孟只知罪上加罪。 | 23but he did not humble himself before Yahweh like Manasseh his father had done; instead he made the guilt of Judah worse. |
24为此,他的臣仆共谋造反,在宫中将他杀死。 | 24His officers plotted against him and killed him in his palace. But the people of the nation struck down all those who had plotted against King Amon and proclaimed his son Josiah as his successor. |
25当地的人民却将所有反叛阿孟王的人都杀了,立他的儿子约史雅继位为王。 | 25 |
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