编年纪下:Chapter 8
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编年纪下 | 2 Chronicles |
1撒罗满建造上主的殿和自己的王宫历时二十年;二十年过后, | 1Solomon spent twenty years in building Yahweh's House and his own palace. |
2撒罗满又重建了希兰还给他的城邑,令以色列子民住在那里。 | 2Then he rebuilt the towns that Huram had given him and settled Israelites in them. |
3此后,撒罗满到了哈玛特祚巴,征服了那地。 | 3He went against Hamath of Zobah and conquered it: |
4又修建了在旷野里的塔德摩尔,在哈玛特四周修筑了贮藏城。 | 4he built Tadmor in the wilderness and all the storing towns which he built in Hamath. |
5又建筑了上贝特曷龙和下贝特曷龙,作为有墙有门有闩的设防城。 | 5He rebuilt Upper beth-horon and Lower Beth-horon, fortified towns with walls and gates and bars, |
6又建筑了巴阿拉特和所属于撒罗满的贮藏城,以及一切屯车城和骑兵城;凡撒罗满愿意在耶路撒冷、黎巴嫩以及他所管辖的境内所要建设的,都已建设了。 | 6also Baalath and all the storing towns owned by Solomon, all the towns for his chariots and horses, and all it pleased Solomon to build in Jerusalem, in Lebanon and in all the countries subject to him. |
7至于其余的人民,即那些不属以色列的赫特人、阿摩黎人、培黎齐人、希威人和耶步斯人, | 7Solomon employed for forced labor all those who remained of the Hittite, Amorite, Perizzite, Hivite and Jebusite peoples, that is the non-Israelites |
8以色列子民没有消灭,而他们凡留在此地的子孙,撒罗满都征来充作苦役,直到今天仍是如此。 | 8whose descendants were left in the country and had not been killed by the Israelites. Their descendants continue to be slaves down to the present time. |
9撒罗满并没有使以色列子民为他的工作担任苦役,因为他们是他的战士、将官、战车长和骑兵长。 | 9Upon the Israelites, however, Solomon did not impose slave labor; these served as fighting men; they were officers of his chariots and commanders of horsemen. |
10撒罗满的监察官,共有二百五十人,监管百姓。 | 10Solomon appointed two hundred and fifty overseers to make all these people work. |
11撒罗满又将法郎的女儿,从达味城搬到为她建筑的宫中,因为他说:「连我的妻子,也不可住在以色列王达味的宫中,因为上主的约柜所到的地方是圣地。」 | 11Solomon brought Pharaoh's daughter from the City of David up to the house he had built for her. For he said, "I can't let a woman live in the palace of David king of Israel; these are holy places where the ark of Yahweh has been." |
12那时撒罗满在上主的祭坛上,即他在门廊前所筑的祭坛上,向上主献了全燔祭; | 12Solomon then offered burnt offerings to Yahweh on Yahweh's altar which he had built in front of the porch. |
13并按梅瑟的吩咐,在安息日、新月和每年的三个节期:无酵节、七七节和帐棚节,奉献每日应献的祭品。 | 13Observing the daily rule for burnt offerings according to the requirements of Moses for sabbaths, New Moon and the three annual feasts: the feast of Unleavened Bread, the feast of Weeks and the feast of Tabernacles. |
14他又照他父亲达味的规定,为司祭派定了班次,各尽其职;又规定了肋未人的任务,令他们负责赞颂;照每日的定例,在司祭前服务;又派定了门丁,按照他们的班次守卫各门,因为天主的人达味是如此命令的。 | 14He established the priestly orders in their duties according to the regulations of his father David. He also enforced the rules affecting the Levites who offered praise and served with the priests according to the daily ritual, and the different orders of gatekeepers at each gate, for such had been the commandments of David, the man of God. |
15君王对司祭和肋未人所吩咐的任何职务,以及管理府库的事,他们都没有违抗。 | 15They did not change anything of the royal ordinances applying to the priests and the Levites, not even in the matter of treasurership. |
16由上主的殿奠基之日起,以迄完成,撒罗满的一切工作完备无缺;上主的殿于是告成。 | 16In this way all of Solomon's work was completed from the day when the foundations of Yahweh's House were laid, until the end - and so... Yahweh's House was finished. |
17此后,撒罗满往厄东地,到了滨海的厄兹雍革贝尔及厄拉特。 | 17Then Solomon went as far as Eziongeber and Elath on the shores of the sea, in the land of Edom. |
18希兰派遣自己的臣仆给他送来了船只和善于航海的人;他们与撒罗满的仆人同往敖非尔去,从那里装载了黄金四百五十「塔冷通」,运到撒罗满王那里。 | 18Huram sent him ships manned by his own men, who were experienced sailors. These men went with Solomon's men to Ophir and from there they brought back almost sixteen tons of gold, which they delivered to King Solomon. |
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