列王纪下:Chapter 11


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列王纪下 2 Kings
1阿哈齐雅的母亲阿塔里雅见自己的儿子已死,便起来消灭王室所有的后裔。 1When Athaliah, the mother of Ahaziah, saw that her son had died, she was determined to wipe out all the descendants of the king.
2但约兰王的女儿,阿哈齐雅的姊妹约舍巴,将阿哈齐雅的儿子约阿士,从被杀的王太子中偷了出来,把他和他的奶妈安置在寝室内,藏了起来,没有让阿塔里雅看见:这样才没有被杀。 2But Jehosheba, the daughter of King Joram and sister of Ahaziah, took Joash, her nephew, and brought him away from among the king's sons who were about to be killed, and put him with his wet nurse in the bedroom. Thus she hid him from Athaliah, so that the boy was saved.
3约阿士和他的奶妈,在上主的殿内隐藏了六年,当时由阿塔里雅主持国政。 3And Joash remained hidden in the House of Yahweh for six years while Athaliah reigned over the land.
4第七年,约雅达派人将众百夫长,加黎人队长和卫队长召来,领进上主的殿与他们立约,在上主殿内起誓,然后引君王的儿子出来与他们相见, 4In the seventh year, Jehoiada the chief priest, summoned the officers of the royal guard and of the Carites to the House of Yahweh. After concluding a pact with them under oath, he showed them the king's son.
5同时吩咐他们说:「你们应这样行事:在安息日进宫值班的三分之一,要照例守卫王宫, 5Then he gave them these orders, "One third of your men who come on duty on the sabbath shall guard the king's house,
6另三分之一守卫稣尔门,另三分之一把守守卫者的后门;仍照旧值班守卫圣殿。 6another third shall be at the foundation gate, and the last third at the back gates. Keep watch continuously.
7在安息日从上主殿内下班的两队,仍应在上主的殿内戒备, 7Now about those who come off duty on the sabbath, two divisions of them shall guard the House of Yahweh and surround King Joash.
8各人要手里拿着武器环绕君王。擅入防线的,即将他杀死;君王出入时,你们要紧随不离。」 8You shall be at his side, each with drawn weapons, and you will kill all who would cross your line. Take care of the king wherever he goes."
9百夫长就按照司祭约雅达所吩咐的一切去行,各自带领在安息日值班,和在安息日下班的士兵,来见司祭约雅达。 9The commanders of the guards did what Jehoiada the priest had told them to do and they showed up with all their men, those who were to go off duty on the sabbath as well as those who were to come on duty on that day.
10司祭便将上主殿内属达味王的刀枪和盾牌,交给了众百夫长。 10Jehoiada entrusted to the officers the spears and shields of King David which were in the House of Yahweh.
11卫兵每人手持武器,自殿右至殿左,面对祭坛和圣殿,环立在君王四周; 11And then the guards stood from the southern corner of the house to the north, surrounding the altar and the House of Yahweh.
12然后引出太子来,给他加冕,将约书交给他,立他为王,给他傅油,在场民众都鼓掌欢呼:「君王万岁!」 12Then Jehoiada, the priest, brought out the king's son, crowned him and put the bracelets on him, then proclaimed and consecrated him king. All clapped their hands, shouting and crying out, "Long live the king!"
13阿塔里雅听见民众叫喊声,就进上主的殿,到民众前。 13When Athaliah heard the noise of the people, she approached the crowd surrounding the House of Yahweh.
14她一看,见君王照仪式站在高台上,官长和吹号角的,都站在君王两旁,所有当地人民欢乐吹号;阿塔里雅就撕裂了自己的衣服,喊叫说:「反了,反了!」 14The king was standing by the pillar, according to the custom, and the officers and the trumpeters were with him. The people were filled with joy and they were blowing trumpets. On seeing this, Athaliah tore her clothes and cried out, "Treason, treason!"
15约雅达司祭即吩咐带领军队的众百夫长说:「将她从行列中赶出去,凡跟随她的,都用刀杀死。」原来司祭曾吩咐说:不可在上主的殿内杀她。 15Jehoiada the priest commanded the officers, "Surround her and bring her out to the courtyard, and kill anyone who tries to defend her." He gave this order, because he thought, "She should not die in the House of Yahweh."
16于是众人捉住她;当她由马门进入王宫时,就地将她杀了。 16They brought her out, and when they reached the palace of the king by the horses' entrance, there they killed her.
17此后,约雅达使君王和人民与上主立约,作上主的人民;又使君王与人民立约。 17Jehoiada made a covenant between Yahweh and the king and the people so they would be the people of Yahweh.
18然后,所有当地人民都到巴耳庙去,将庙拆毁,将祭坛推翻,将神像完全打碎,在祭坛前斩了巴耳的司祭玛堂。司祭约雅达又调派士兵把守上主的殿, 18All the citizens went to the temple of Baal and destroyed it. They broke the altars and the images into pieces, and killed Mattan, the priest of Baal, before his altar. Then Jehoiada, the priest, posted guards over the House of Yahweh.
19以后,率领众百夫长、加黎人、卫兵和所有当地人民,请君王从上主的殿下来,经卫兵门进入王宫,请他坐在王座上。 19He led the officers, the guards of the king, the Carites guards and the citizens, and they accompanied the king to the palace, passing through the Gate of the Guards. King Joash sat on the royal throne.
20全国人民都欢乐喜庆,京城也很平静。至于阿塔里雅,已在王宫用刀杀死。 20All the citizens were happy and the city was at peace. Now regarding Athaliah, she had died by the sword in the king's palace.
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