玛加伯下:Chapter 10


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玛加伯下 2 Maccabees
1玛加伯及他的部下在上主领导之下,收复了圣殿和京城。 1With God's help Maccabeus and his men seized the Temple and the city.
2他们把外方人在广场上建立的一切祭坛,以及庙宇都予以拆毁。 2They destroyed the altars built by the foreigners in the public squares, as well as the sacred enclosures.
3洁净圣殿以后,他们另建立了一座祭坛,然后打石取火,用取来的火重献中断了两年的祭献,又焚香、点灯、供饼。 3After purifying the Temple, they built a new altar. They kindled fire from flint and for the first time in two years offered sacrifices. Once again, there were incense, lamps, and the bread of presence.
4此后,他们便俯伏在地,祈求上主不要让他们再遭遇这样的祸患;如果他们仍再犯罪,求他减轻惩罚,不要再将他们交付与渎神的野蛮民族。 4Having done all this they threw themselves flat on the ground and asked the Lord not to send them such calamities anymore. But if they should sin again, they asked that he would correct them with gentleness and not hand them over again into the hands of blasphemous and ferocious foreigners.
5正在外邦人玷污圣殿的那记念日,他们举行了洁殿礼,即「基色娄」月二十五日; 5The purification of the Temple took place on the same date on which the foreigners had profaned it, that is, on the twenty-fifth of the month of Chislev.
6按着举行帐棚节的仪式,兴高采烈地庆祝了八天;回想不久之前,过帐棚节时,还像野兽一样,藏在山上或洞里; 6For eight days they celebrated the feast with rejoicing, in the same way that they celebrated the Feast of the Tabernacles remembering how, not long before on that same date, they were dwelling in the mountains and caves like wild animals.
7为此他们都拿着花枝,青枝和棕榈树枝,歌颂那位赐他们能顺利清洁圣殿的天主; 7Then, carrying leafy branches and palms, they chanted hymns to Him who had brought the cleansing of his own Holy Place to a happy end.
8并且大家一致表决,规定犹太全国人民应每年举行这庆节。 8They also decided by public vote that this event would be commemorated annually by the whole Jewish nation.
9有关安提约古号称厄丕法乃的结局,已如上述。 9This is all that refers to the death of Antiochus, called Epiphanes.
10现在我们要述说这恶人的儿子,安提约古欧帕托尔在位时所发生的事情,略述所有的战祸。 10We shall now proceed to narrate the events that happened under Antiochus Eupator, son of the impious, and to relate briefly the calamities brought about by the war.
11他登极后,便立了一位名叫里息雅的为国务总理,兼任切肋叙利亚和腓尼基的总督。 11In fact, once he inherited the kingdom, he appointed Lysias to be in charge of his affairs and to act as high commissioner for Coele-Syria and Phoenicia.
12此时,号称玛克龙的仆托肋米,首先对犹太人主持正义,为了他们受的委屈,就尽力和平对待他们; 12Now Ptolemy, called Macron, was the first governor to do justice to the Jews. He was upset by injustices done against them, so he tried to solve all their problems satisfactorily.
13因此王的一些朋友在欧帕托尔面前控告了他,说他在各方面堪称为叛臣,因为他曾离弃了非罗默托托他管理的塞浦路斯,而投奔安提约古厄丕法乃。因为他自觉不配居高位,遂服毒自尽。 13But the Friends of King Eupator made use of this to accuse him before the king. They continually called him a traitor, reminding him that he had once abandoned the land of Cyprus, which had been entrusted to him by Philometor, in order to go over to Antiochus Epiphanes. Since he could not discharge his high office with dignity, he was driven to despair and committed suicide by poisoning himself.
14当哥尔基雅作了那地的总督以后,便招募外方人从军,利用各种机会同犹太人交战。 14It was then that Gorgias was appointed military commissioner of those regions, and began to stir up war against the Jews by any means.
15同时,占有一些重要堡垒的依杜默雅人,也骚扰犹太人,收留从耶路撒冷逃亡的人,意图发动战争。 15On the other hand, the Idumeans had strong fortresses and harassed the Jews. Gathering the fugitives from Jerusalem, they managed to prolong the war.
16玛加伯及他的部下,在哀恳祈求天主协助自己作战以后,就动员攻击依杜默雅人的堡垒。 16The men of Maccabeus, after praying and asking the Lord to come and fight at their side, attacked the fortresses of the Idumeans.
17他们英勇作战,占据了那些据点,把城墙上作战的人都击退,凡落在他们手中的,都一概杀尽,杀了不下两万人。 17They carried on with their assaults and the place fell into their power. They repelled those who fought on the ramparts, slaughtered all who fell into their hands, and killed more than twenty thousand men.
18有九千多人逃到两座特别坚固,且贮藏有各种急需物品的堡垒里。 18At least nine thousand men took refuge in the two towers that were strongly fortified with everything they needed to withstand a prolonged siege.
19玛加伯留下息孟、若瑟、匝刻约和他的军队,足够围困堡垒,自己便往危急的地方去了。 19Maccabeus left Simon, Joseph, and also Zaccheus and his men in sufficient numbers to sustain the siege, and went off to where his presence was more needed.
20但是息孟的部队贪财,受了堡垒中一些人的贿赂,收得七万「达玛」,而让他们一些人逃走了。 20Yet the men of Simon were tempted by greed, and let themselves be bought with the silver of those in the towers. So in exchange for sixty thousand pieces of silver, they allowed a number of them to escape.
21玛加伯一知道这事,就召集军民的军长,斥责他们为银钱出卖自己的兄弟,把与自己交战的敌人放走, 21As soon as Maccabeus learned this, he assembled the leaders of the people and accused those men of having sold their brothers for money by letting their enemies escape.
22因此把这些叛徒处死,并立时进攻这两座堡垒。 22He condemned them to death as traitors, and proceeded at once to capture the towers.
23战事在他的手中进行的很是顺利,在这两个堡垒里,又杀了两万多人。 23He killed more than twenty thousand men in those two towers, successfully bringing to an end the undertaking they had begun.
24从前被犹太人打败的提摩太,又聚集一大批外方士兵,并招募不少来自亚细亚的骑兵,想用武力去占领犹太。 24Timothy, who had been defeated before by the Jews, gathered together an enormous number of foreign troops and a great number of horses from Asia. He appeared in Judea in order to conquer it by force of arms.
25但他快来近时,玛加伯和他的部下都头上撒土,腰束苦带,恳求天主, 25Before his attack, the men of Maccabeus sprinkled dust on their heads and put on sackcloth as a means of entreating God.
26跪伏在祭坛的前阶上,恳求天主向他们大发慈悲,按着法律所宣示的,与他们的仇人为仇,与他们的敌人为敌。 26They bowed at the foot of the altar and asked God to treat them well and to be the enemy of their enemies, the adversary of their adversaries, as written in the Law.
27祈祷完毕,就拿起武器出发,走到离城相当远的地方,靠近敌人,就停住了。 27After praying, they armed themselves and advanced from the city. They stopped when they came close to the enemy.
28天一破晓,两军交锋:这一方,不是依靠兵力,而是依靠天主,作为成功和胜利的保证;另一方却只仗自己的勇气,而来作战。 28Right at daybreak, they attacked from both sides. One side placed their confidence in their Lord as the pledge of success and victory besides their bravery, while the others were moved by hatred.
29战争正在激烈进行时,敌人看见从天上降下五个光辉灿烂的人,骑着金辔的马,走在犹太人的前面, 29When the battle was at its height, there appeared from heaven before the enemies, five radiant men riding on horses with golden bridles, who put themselves at the head of the Jews.
30把玛加伯围在中央,用自己的盔甲掩护他,使他不受伤害;然后向敌人放射箭矢和雷电,使他们目眩惶惑,秩序大乱。 30They surrounded Maccabeus and defended him with their weapons, making him invulnerable. At the same time, they rained arrows and thunderbolts on the enemy, who in turn fell and were dispersed in great disorder, blinded and confused.
31结果,杀死步兵二万五百,骑兵六百; 31Twenty thousand five hundred infantrymen and six hundred horsemen died.
32提摩太只得逃到一座凯勒阿管辖的,名叫革则尔最稳固的堡垒里去。 32Timothy took refuge in a heavily guarded fortress called Gezer where Chereas was in command.
33玛加伯与他的部下,四天奋勇围攻这坚固的堡垒。 33The forces of Maccabeus gallantly besieged the fortress for four days.
34里面的人,仗着地势险要,狂傲谩骂,口出恶言。 34Those within were confident in the strength of the fortress, so they hurled insults and curses at the Jews.
35至第五天破晓时分,玛加伯军中有二十个少年,被这些谩骂激得怒火如焚,于是奋勇越墙而上,咆哮如野兽,逢人便杀。 35At daybreak on the fifth day, twenty young men from the troops of Maccabeus, enraged by the blasphemies they had been hearing, bravely stormed the wall and with brutal fury killed everyone who stood before them.
36同时,有别的一些人,也越墙而上,四面袭击里面的人,又放火烧楼,燃起烈火,把谩骂的人活活地烧死。另有一些人却冲破城门,让其余的军队进去,迅速地把城市占领, 36Others took advantage of this diversion to climb the walls and set fire to the towers. They made bonfires and burned the blasphemers alive. Others destroyed the gates while the rest of the army entered to occupy the city.
37杀了藏在蓄水池中的提摩太和他的兄弟凯勒阿与阿颇罗法乃。 37They killed Timothy who had hidden in a well, and his brother Chereas, and Apollophanes.
38战后他们咏诗唱歌,赞美上主,因为他对以色列特降鸿恩,使他们获得了胜利。 38When all this was over, they chanted hymns and praises to the Lord who had exalted Israel and had given them victory.
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