玛加伯下:Chapter 12
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玛加伯下 | 2 Maccabees |
1条约既定,里息雅便回到王那里,犹太人则去从事农业。 | 1After these agreements had been concluded, Lysias returned to the king and the Jews began to return to their fields. |
2可是,有几位地方总督,如提摩太、革纳约的儿子阿颇罗尼、耶洛尼摩、德摩丰、和塞浦路斯军队的总司令尼加诺尔,仍然不让犹太人安居乐业。 | 2But the commanders of the different regions, Timotheus and Apollonius, the son of Genneus, as well as Hieronymus and Domophenes, and Nicanor, the leader of the Cypriots, would not let them live in peace and quiet. |
3而且,约培的居民又作出一件残暴的事:他们邀请那些住在他们中间的犹太人,携带妻子儿女,登上他们顶备好的船,表面上毫无加害他们的意思, | 3Moreover, the inhabitants of Joppa committed this grave crime. They invited the Jews with their wives and children to a cruise on some boats they had prepared, as if they did not have any hostility. |
4并说是按市民大众的决议行事。犹太人因爱好和平,不疑有诈,便接受了邀请;到了海中,他们即被推到海中,至少淹死了二百人。 | 4This was decided by the city authorities and the Jews accepted in order to show their desire to live with them in peace and without any suspicion at all. But once out in the open sea, the men of Joppa pushed them into the water and at least two hundred died. |
5犹大听说同胞们遭受了这样的残害,便集合起他的部下, | 5When Judas Maccabeus was informed of this cruelty against his countrymen, he informed his men. |
6呼求了公义的判官天主以后,就出击那些残杀自己同胞的人,夜间放火烧港,焚毁船只,杀了所有逃避在那里的人。 | 6After calling upon God, the just judge, he set out against the murderers of his brothers and sisters. He set fire to the harbor by night, burned the ships and put to the sword those who had taken refuge there. |
7由于城市已经关闭,他便暂且收兵,有意再次歼灭约培城中所有的人民。 | 7But, as the gates were closed, he could not enter the city, so he withdrew, intending to come back to wipe out all the inhabitants of Joppa. |
8同时他又得知雅木尼雅人对侨居的犹太人,也将采取同样的行动, | 8Meanwhile, he learned that the inhabitants of Jamnia wanted to deal in the same way with the Jews who lived there. |
9便乘夜袭击雅木尼雅人,放火焚烧港口及船只,火光烛天,以致远在二百四十「斯塔狄」外的耶路撒冷,都可看见。 | 9He also attacked the people of Jamnia by night, and set the harbor and ships on fire. The blaze was so great that the glow could be seen even from Jerusalem, some fifty kilometers away. |
10他们从那里起程,走了不到九「斯塔狄」,正要去攻打提摩太的时候,阿剌伯人便前来迎击,计有步兵不下五千,骑兵五百。 | 10From there, they set out and marched against Timotheus, but when they had marched for about two kilometers, five thousand Arabs supported by five hundred horses, attacked them. |
11战事极其激烈,犹大的军队赖天主的协助,获得全胜;这些打败的游牧民族,便向犹大求和,许下送给他们牲畜,也在各种事上接济他们。 | 11A bloody battle took place, and the men of Judas emerged victorious with the help of God. The defeated Arabs sued for peace, and promised to give them livestock, and to help them in the future. |
12犹大知道他们在许多事上,的确对自己有利,所以同意与他们讲和;双方握手言好之后,都回了自己的帐幕。 | 12Judas, convinced that they could indeed be useful to them, made peace with them. Then the Arabs withdrew to their camps. |
13犹大又进军攻击一座筑有垣墙与堡垒的坚城,住在里面的是些混杂的民族,城名叫做卡斯平。 | 13Judas attacked a city strongly fortified with ditches and walls. The city was called Caspin. People of every race lived there. |
14城内的人,仗着城墙坚固,又有储备的食粮,就以蛮横的态度对待犹大及他的部下,百般辱骂,口出恶言。 | 14The besieged, confident in the strength of their walls and because they had their storehouses full of provisions, underestimated the men of Judas and behaved most insolently toward them. They also shouted insults, blasphemies and sacrilegious words at them. |
15但是犹大与他的部下,呼号了那位在若苏厄时代,不用冲城车和军械倾覆了耶里哥城的宇宙大主宰以后,就猛攻城墙。 | 15The men of Judas called on the great Sovereign of the world who had demolished the walls of Jericho without engines of war during the time of Joshua, and then rushed furiously upon the walls. |
16因天主的旨意,他们占据了这城,大加屠杀,以致附近宽约二「斯塔狄」的湖,好像注满了血。 | 16God willed that they should take possession of the city, and they carried out an incredible slaughter: the nearby lake, five hundred meters wide, seemed filled with blood. |
17他们由此再向前推进,走了约七百五十「斯塔狄」,便到达哈辣斯,以往称为托布人的犹太人住在那里。 | 17After marching for one hundred and fifty kilometers, they arrived in Charax, where the Jews were known as Tubians. |
18他们在那里没有找到提摩太,因为他既一无所成,已离开那里,只在某地留下一批极精锐的军队。 | 18They did not find Timotheus there, for he had gone without having achieved anything; but he had left a strong garrison in one place. |
19玛加伯的将军多息太及索息帕托便动身往那里去,剿灭了提摩太留在堡中的一万多人。 | 19Dositheus and Sosipater, leaders of the troops of Maccabeus, marched against them and destroyed the garrison of more than ten thousand men left behind by Timotheus. |
20同时,玛加伯把自己的军队分成数队,并给每队指派一人作统帅,然后引军进攻率领十二万步兵和二千五百骑兵的提摩太。 | 20Maccabeus then organized his army, set these two as their commanders, and rushed out against Timotheus who had twenty thousand infantrymen and two thousand five hundred horsemen with him. |
21提摩太听说犹大来攻,就先将妇孺及行李遣送到名叫卡尔纳殷的地方去,因为那地方四周,地势险要,不易围攻,难以侵犯。 | 21When Timotheus learned that Judas was approaching, he sent the women and children away with a good deal of the baggage to a fortress called Carnaim which was in an impregnable place and difficult to reach because of the narrow approaches surrounding it. |
22犹大的前锋部队一出现,因了无所不见者的显现,敌人感到恐怖惊惶,夺路奔逃,甚至自相残杀,彼此刀锋相刺。 | 22At the sight of the first battalion of Judas, terror and panic seized their enemies because of an apparition of Him who sees all things. They fled in all directions, so that they were dragged on the ground by their own companions and wounded by their own swords. |
23于是犹大奋勇追击,杀了这批罪犯,歼灭了约三万人, | 23Judas pursued Timotheus in fury and ardor, putting to the sword those wicked men and killing about thirty thousand of them. |
24连提摩太自己也落在多息太及索息帕托部队的手里;那人却以巧言花语求他们释放自己,得保性命,因为他说:「在他权下尚有很多犹太人的父母兄弟,如他本人受害,这些人也必遭凶祸。」 | 24Timotheus himself fell into the hands of Dositheus' and Sosipater's troops. He very cunningly pleaded with them to let him go, for, as he said, he had the parents and brothers of most of the Jews in his power and they would surely be put to death if he were to be killed. |
25他用了很多话来说服他们,且也发誓许下把那些人遣回;他们就为了自己弟兄的安全,将他释放了。 | 25When he had convinced them by the strength of his words, they let him go in order to save their brothers. |
26犹大又进攻卡尔纳殷及阿塔加提庙,击杀了二万五千人。 | 26Then Judas left for Carnaim and Atargateion, and killed twenty-five thousand men there. |
27杀退了这些仇人以后,犹大又领兵进攻里息雅及各族军民驻扎的厄斐龙坚城;城外有健壮的青年军人列阵把守,城内存有大批的军械和箭矢。 | 27After defeating and destroying these enemies, he led an expedition against the walled city of Ephron, where Lysias had taken refuge with people of every race. Strong young men were stationed outside the walls and they fought bravely. And there were stores of war engines and missiles inside. |
28但犹太人呼号以威力粉碎敌军的主宰以后,遂占领了这城,杀死约二万五千居民。 | 28After calling on the Lord almighty to crush the forces of the enemy, the Jews seized the city and killed more than twenty-five thousand of the people inside. |
29又从那里出发,进攻距离耶路撒冷六百「斯塔狄」的史托颇里。 | 29Moving off from there, they went to Scythopolis, a city one hundred and twenty kilometers from Jerusalem. |
30但是那里的犹太侨民证明史托颇里居民对他们非常友善,在患难时特别恩待他们; | 30But as the Jews who lived there assured Judas that the inhabitants of that city had always treated them well and had received them favorably in times of persecution, |
31因此犹大与其部下表示感激,也忠告他们以后对自己的民族继续表示友善。因七七节来近了,他们便回了耶路撒冷。 | 31Judas and his men thanked these people and asked them to extend the same kindness to his race in the future. Then they returned to Jerusalem, since the feast of Weeks of Pentecost was approaching. |
32过了所谓的五旬节以后,他们又出发进攻依杜默雅的总督哥尔基雅。 | 32After the feast and Pentecost, they marched against Gorgias who was the governor of Idumea. |
33哥尔基雅率领三千步兵,四百骑兵出来应战。 | 33Gorgias came out with three thousand infantrymen and four thousand horsemen to meet him. |
34双方交锋后,有些犹太人阵亡了。 | 34The battle began and some fell in the ranks of the Jews. |
35那时,托布队中,有一名叫多息太的,骁勇善骑,赶上哥尔基雅,扯住他的外衣,用力拉他,想活活捉住这个可咒骂的人。不料有个特辣克的骑兵,向他扑来,砍伤多息太的肩膀。这样,哥尔基雅便逃到玛黎撒去了。 | 35Dositheus, a horseman from Bachenor's troops, a very valiant man, grasped Gorgias by the cloak, and forcibly dragged him along, wanting to take that criminal alive. But a Thracian horseman rushed upon Dositheus and slashed his shoulder, so that Gorgias was able to flee to Marisa. |
36此时,厄次辣的部下,由于长久作战,都感厌倦;犹大便呼求上主显示助战,作他们作战的领导者。 | 36Judas saw that the men of Esdrias were exhausted because they had been fighting for a long time. He, therefore, prayed to the Lord to show himself as their ally and lead them in battle. |
37然后用祖国的语言高呼战斗的口号,歌唱诗歌,随后突袭哥尔基雅的部队,使他们瓦解。 | 37Then, he chanted a battle hymn in the language of their fathers, charged against the troops of Gorgias all of a sudden, and defeated them. |
38事后,犹大率领兵马,到了阿杜蓝城;因为已到第七日,他们就在那里照例自洁,过了安息日。 | 38Judas reorganized his army, and then went to the city of Adullam. Since it was the week's end, they purified themselves and celebrated the sabbath there. |
39第二天,由于事不宜迟,犹大的部队便出去收殓阵亡的尸体,好把他们安葬在祖坟里,与亲族在一起。 | 39The next day the companions of Judas went to take away the bodies of the dead (it was urgent to do it) and buried them with their relatives in the tombs of their fathers. |
40当时在每个死者的内衣下,发现都有雅木尼雅偶像的符箓,这原是法律禁止佩带的;众人便都明白这正是他们阵亡的原因。 | 40They found under the tunic of each of the dead men objects consecrated to the idols of Jamnia, which the Law forbade the Jews to wear. So it became clear to everyone why these men had died. |
41于是众人称赞秉公审判及揭示隐密的上主, | 41Everyone blessed the intervention of the Lord, the just Judge who brings to light the most secret deeds; |
42同心哀祷,求使所犯过恶,得以完全赦免。随后,英勇的犹大劝勉民众避免犯罪,因为人都亲眼看见这些阵亡者因罪所受的罚。 | 42and they prayed to the Lord to completely pardon the sin of their dead companions. The valiant Judas urged his men to shun such sin in the future, for they had just seen with their own eyes what had happened to those who sinned. |
43于是大众募集了二千银「达玛」,送到耶路撒冷作赎罪祭的献仪:他作的是一件很美妙高超的事,因为他想念着复活; | 43He took up a collection among his soldiers which amounted to two thousand pieces of silver and sent it to Jerusalem to be offered there as a sacrifice for sin. They did all this very well and rightly inspired by their belief in the resurrection of the dead. |
44如果他不希望那些死过的人还要复活,为亡者祈祷,便是一种多余而糊涂的事。 | 44If they did not believe that their fallen companions would rise again, then it would have been a useless and foolish thing to pray for them. |
45何况,他还想到为那些善终的人保留下的超等报酬:这实在是一个圣善而虔诚的思想。为此,他为亡者献赎罪祭,是为叫他们获得罪赦。 | 45But they firmly believed in a splendid reward for those who died as believers; therefore, their concern was holy and in keeping with faith. |
46 | 46This was the reason why Judas had this sacrifice offered for the dead - so that the dead might be pardoned for their sin. |
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