玛加伯下:Chapter 13
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玛加伯下 | 2 Maccabees |
1一四九年,犹大和他的部下听说安提约古欧帕托尔率领大军来进攻犹太, | 1In the year one hundred and fortynine, the men of Judas learned that Antiochus Eupator had come against Judea with countless troops, |
2他的监护人里息雅总理也与他同来;各自率领着希腊兵,共计步兵十一万,骑兵五千三百,象二十二头,镰刀车三百辆。 | 2together with Lysias, his tutor who was head of the government. Each of them was in command of a Greek army of one hundred and ten thousand infantrymen, five thousand and three hundred horsemen, twenty-two elephants and about three hundred chariots of war with scythes. |
3默乃劳也混入其中,假仁假义地激励安提约古;他如此作,并非为了国家的安全,而只是想巩固自己的职位。 | 3Menelaus joined them, and incited Antiochus with every evil intent since he was not seeking the freedom of his country but only hoping that he would be restored to the office of High Priest. |
4但万王之王激动安提约古恼恨这个恶徒;里息雅向君王证明此人是万恶的罪魁,安提约古即下令解送他到贝洛雅去,按当地的刑法处死他。 | 4But the King of kings roused the anger of Antiochus against that wicked man, when Lysias made the king realize that Menelaus was the cause of all the evils. So the king ordered that Menelaus be taken to Berea and executed according to the custom of the place. |
5在那里有一座塔,高五十余肘,里面满是火灰,设有一架旋机,能从各方面把人投入火灰中。 | 5There is a tower in that place, twenty-five meters high, full of burning ashes, provided with a revolving device on top, which sloped on all sides into ashes. |
6凡盗窃庙物,或犯其他重罪的人,都应投入里面处死。 | 6Whoever robbed any sacred thing or committed any other notorious crime was brought up to the tower, and then, pushed into the ashes. |
7这犯法的默乃劳就是受这刑罚而死的,死后也不得入土。 | 7In this way, Menelaus died without even a burial. |
8祭坛上的火和灰原是圣洁的:他既多次亵渎祭坛,如今死在火灰中,是极公平的。 | 8This was indeed a just punishment for him who had committed so many offenses against the Altar whose fire and ashes were sacred; and so, he met his death in ashes. |
9此时,国王起了一种野蛮和强横的念头,想加害犹太人,比他父亲所行的还要残酷。 | 9The king came with a heart full of evil designs, prepared to be more cruel to the Jews, than his father had been. |
10犹大一知道这事,便命民众日夜呼求上主,求他这次还如从前一样,拯救他们,不使法律、国家和圣殿遭受浩劫, | 10When Judas learned of this, he ordered his army to call on God day and night, so that as God had done in other circumstances, he would now also help those |
11不让这刚才复兴的民族落在渎神的异民手中。 | 11who were in danger of be-ing deprived of their Law, their country and their temple. God could not let his people, who had hardly begun to breathe freely, fall once again into the hands of blasphemous pagans. |
12众人一致顺命,一连三天俯伏在地,哀哭禁食,恳求仁慈的上主。于是犹大勉励众人后,下令备战, | 12Once all the people had carried out the order to pray to the merciful Lord with lamentations, fasting and prayer for three consecutive days, Judas encouraged them and commanded them to stand ready. |
13先与长老们私下商议,然后决定在国王的军队尚未开入犹太和占领京城以前,就出发迎击,赖天主的助佑来决定一切。 | 13After summoning the Elders in private, he determined to leave with his men for a decisive attempt with the help of God, before the king's army could invade Judea and take control of Jerusalem. |
14将战争的胜负全托付于宇宙的创造者;又劝勉自己的部下,应同他一起为法律、圣殿、京城、祖国及民权奋勇作战,死而后已。于是他就在摩丁附近扎了营。 | 14Judas entrusted the decision to the Creator of the world, and encouraged his men to fight heroically to the death for the Law, the Temple, the city, the country and the institutions. So he left with his army and encamped near Modein. |
15他给军队规定以「天主胜利」为口号,然后选拔一队骁勇的少年士兵,夜袭国王营幕,在营内杀了二千守兵,刺杀了象队中的领队大象,以及木楼里驭象的人。 | 15He gave his men this watchword: "God's victory." With the most capable young men of his army he attacked by night the tent of the king, putting to the sword about two thousand men, the strongest elephant and its rider. |
16最后使全营敌人惊慌失措,遂凯旋而归。 | 16They caused fear and confusion in the camp and then withdrew in complete success. |
17因了上主保护犹大,战事完了,天才破晓。 | 17All this happened just as day was dawning, for God's help protected them. |
18国王虽经验到犹太人的英勇,但仍设法侵略他们的地方。 | 18When the king saw the daring of the Jews, he tried to take control of their fortresses by using tricks. |
19于是进攻犹太人坚固的堡垒贝特族尔,但被击退;再次进攻,又遭挫败。 | 19He advanced against Beth-zur, a city strongly defended by the Jews; he attacked it but was repelled and defeated. |
20犹大输送一切必需品,接济被围困的人, | 20Judas supplied the defenders of the city with everything they needed. |
21但有个犹太军人,名叫洛多苛的,向敌人告密;这人被查出后,即被捕入狱。 | 21Rhodocus, one of Judas' men, gave secret information to the enemies. He was hunted, captured and executed. |
22国王二次与贝特族尔居民握手议和,遂离开了那里,去攻击犹大的军队,可是又遭到惨败。 | 22The king again kept in contact with the defenders of Beth-zur, made peace with them and withdrew. |
23那时王听说,他留在安提约基雅摄政的斐理伯造反,就心慌意乱,遂与犹太人讲和,宣誓接受他们一切合理的条件;讲和后,他也献了祭,对圣殿起敬畏,对圣所也表示慷慨大方。 | 23He attacked the troops of Judas but was defeated. When he was informed that Philip, whom he had left in Antioch as head of the government, had revolted, he was dismayed. He sought peace with the Jews and had to accept and swear to observe their just petitions; he became reconciled with them, offered sacrifices, honored the Temple and showed generosity to the Holy Place. |
24王又善待了玛加伯,留下赫革摩尼德为总督,管理由仆托肋买至革勒尼人所居住的地方。 | 24The king took leave of Maccabeus and named Hegemonides as governor from Ptolemais to the land of the Gerarrites. |
25王回到仆托肋买,那里的居民却愤愤不平,不满意这些和约,要废除所议定的事项。 | 25When he came to Ptolemais, he found the inhabitants were indignant over that treaty; they were so angry they wanted to annul its terms. |
26里息雅便登台竭力辩解,说服了他们,赢得了他们的信心,使他们宁静下来,然后回安提约基雅去了。这就是王进军及撤兵的事。 | 26But Lysias came up to the tribunal to defend what had been decided; he convinced and appeased them, winning their goodwill before he set out for Antioch. This was what happened with the king's expedition and retreat. |
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