玛加伯下:Chapter 7


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玛加伯下 2 Maccabees
1事后,又有兄弟七人与他们的母亲一同被捕,国王命人用鞭子和牛筋痛打他们,强迫他们吃法律禁止的猪肉。 1It happened also that seven brothers were arrested with their mother. The king had them scourged and flogged to force them to eat the flesh of a pig which was prohibited by the Law.
2其中一个,代表发言说:「你想问什么?你愿由我们知道什么?我们已经准备,宁死不愿背叛我们祖先的法律。」 2One of them, speaking in behalf of all, said, "What do you want to find out from us? We are prepared to die right now rather than break the law of our ancestors."
3于是国王大怒命人取过锅釜来,放在火上。 3The king became furious and ordered that pans and caldrons be heated over a fire.
4及至锅釜瞬息间烧红以后,就命人在其余的兄弟和母亲眼前,将那发言人的舌头割下来,剥去他的头皮,割下他的四肢, 4When these were red-hot, he commanded that the tongue of their spokesman be cut out, his head scalped, and his hands and feet cut off while his brothers and mother looked on.
5肢体被分割后,王命人将他拉到火边,活生生地放在锅里煎熬。当锅内的蒸气往上升起时,其余的兄弟和母亲都互相劝勉作壮烈的牺牲说: 5When he had been thoroughly mutilated, the king ordered that while still breathing, he be brought to the fire and roasted alive. While the smoke from the pan spread widely, the other brothers and their mother encouraged one another to die bravely. And they said,
6「上主天主看见,必要怜恤我们,正如梅瑟在谴责歌中所说的:他必怜恤自己的仆人!」 6"The Lord God sees all, and in reality, has compassion on us, as Moses declared in his song, and clearly said: The Lord will have pity on his servants."
7第一个这样死去以后,遂领第二个来赴刑。将他的头皮与头发一起削去,以后问他说:「在你的身体一块一块地分解以前,你吃不吃猪肉?」 7When the first had left the world in this way, they brought the second for execution. After stripping the skin with the hair from his head, they asked him: "Which do you prefer: to eat the flesh of a pig or to be tortured limb by limb?"
8他用祖国的话答说:「不!」因此,他也像第一个一般受了刑罚。 8He answered them in the language of his ancestors, "I will not eat." And so he, too, was tortured.
9他在快要断气的一刹那,高声说:「你这穷凶极恶的人!你使我失去现世的生命,但是宇宙的君王,必要使我们这些为他的法律而殉难的人复活,获得永生。」 9At the moment of his last breath, he said, "Murderer, you now dismiss us from life, but the King of the world will raise us up. He will give us eternal life since we die for his laws."
10这一个以后,轮到第三个受刑了!在命他伸舌头时,他就爽快地伸出,且毅然伸开双手, 10After this, they punished the third. He stuck his tongue out when asked to, bravely stretched forth his hands,
11慷慨地说:「这些肢体是从上天得来的,但是,现在为了他的法律,我不吝啬这一切,希望有一天从他那里仍再得到。」 11and even had the courage to say: "I have received these limbs from God, but for love of his laws I now consider them as nothing. For I hope to recover them from God."
12国王和他的侍从都惊异这少年人不怕受苦的精神。 12The king and his court were touched by the courage of this young man, so unconcerned about his own sufferings.
13他死了以后,他们用同样酷刑处罚第四个。 13When this one was dead, they subjected the fourth to the same torture.
14他临死时这样说:「深信天主使人复活许诺的人,死在人手中,是求之不得的;可是为你,却没有进入生命的复活。」 14At the point of death, he cried out, "I would rather die at the hands of men, and wait for the promises of God who will raise us up; you, however, shall have no part in the resurrection of life."
15接着,人就带第五个来受刑。 15They took the fifth at once and tortured him. But with his eyes fixed on the king,
16他向国王瞪着眼说:「你这有死有坏的人,现今你对人有权柄,为所欲为;可是,不要想我们的民族已被天主摈弃。 16he said to him, "Though you are mortal, you have authority over people and are able to do what you will. But do not think that our race has been abandoned by God.
17你等着看罢!你必要看见他的大能,看他要怎样惩罚你和你的子孙!」 17Wait, and you shall see his great power when he torments you and your descendants."
18在他以后,带了第六个来,他快死时说:「你不要糊涂自欺!我们遭受这一切,正是因为我们得罪了我们的天主,因而遭受了这样严重的灾难。 18After this, they took the sixth who, at the point of death, said, "Don't be mistaken. We suffer all this because of ourselves for we have sinned against our own God; so these astonishing things have come upon us.
19可是,你不要想你对抗天主,能侥幸免罚!」 19But do not think that you are going to remain unpunished, after having made war with God."
20尤当称奇,最值得光荣记念的,还是他们的母亲。她在一日之内亲见七个儿子死去,还能欣然忍受,因为她全心寄望于上主。 20More than all of them, their mother ought to be admired and remembered. She saw her seven sons die in a single day. But she endured it even with joy for she had put her hope in the Lord.
21她心中充满高尚的情绪,以大丈夫的气概奋发起女性孱弱的心灵,用本国的话,一一鼓励他们说: 21Full of a noble sense of honor, she encouraged each one of them in the language of their fathers. Her woman's heart was moved by manly courage, so she told them:
22「我不知你们怎样出现在我的腹中:不是我给了你们灵魂与生命,也不是我构成了你们每一个人的身体。 22"I wonder how you were born of me; it was not I who gave you breath and life, nor I who ordered the matter of your body.
23世界的创造者,既然形成了人的初生,赐予万物以起源,也必仁慈偿还你们的灵魂和生命,因为你们现在为爱护他的法律舍生致命。 23The Creator of the world who formed man in the beginning and ordered the unfolding of all creation shall in his mercy, give you back breath and life, since you now despise them for love of his laws."
24安提约古自觉受了轻慢,猜想这番话必是讽刺自己,就趁最幼的一个尚在,不断用话劝诱,且向他起誓,只要他弃舍自己祖传的一切,保证他必享富贵幸福,作自己的朋友,且得高官厚禄。 24Antiochus thought that she was making fun of him and suspected that she had insulted him. As the youngest was still alive, the king tried to win him over not only with his words, but even promised to make him rich and happy, if he would abandon the traditions of his fathers. He would make him his Friend and appoint him to a high position in the kingdom.
25可是,少年人对这话毫不介意,因此王就召他的母亲来,劝她给少年人出个得救的主意。 25But as the young man did not pay him any attention, the king ordered the mother to be brought in. He urged her to advise her son in order to save his life.
26国王再三劝了她,她才同意去劝说自己的儿子。 26After being asked twice by the king, she agreed to persuade her son.
27于是她向他弯着身,嘲弄着暴君,用祖国的话这样对他说:「我儿,你怜恤我罢!我在腹中怀育你九个月,三年哺养你,又栽培提携养育你,直到现在的年纪。 27She bent over him and fooled the cruel tyrant by saying in her ancestral language: "My son, have pity on me. For nine months, I carried you in my womb and suckled you for three years; I raised you up and educated you until this day.
28我儿,我恳求你仰视天,俯视地,观察天地间形形色色的万物!你该知道,这一切都是天主从无中造成的,人类也是如此造成的。 28I ask you now, my son, that when you see the heavens, the earth and all that is in it, you know that God made all this from nothing, and the human race as well.
29你不要怕这刽子手,反该对得起你的哥哥们,视死如归,好叫我在天主显示仁慈的时候,可迎接你的哥哥和你!」 29Do not fear these executioners, but make yourself worthy of your brothers - accept death that you may again meet your brothers in the time of mercy."
30她刚说完了话,青年人就说:「你们还等什么?我决不听从国王的命令,我只听从梅瑟给我们祖宗立定的法律命令。 30When she finished speaking, the young man said, "What are you waiting for? I do not obey the king's order but the precepts of the Law given by Moses to our fathers.
31你这设法迫害希伯来人的罪魁,你决不能逃脱天主的手! 31And you who have devised such tortures against the Hebrews, shall not escape the hands of God.
32我们受难是为了我们的罪恶。 32Know that we perish because of our sins.
33我们永生的上主,为责罚和惩戒我们,一时向我们发怒,但终究要与自己的仆人重新和好。 33Our living Lord punishes and corrects us for a short time because he is angry with us, but he shall again be reconciled with his servants.
34至于你这恶人!你这人类中的妖孽!你虽然伸手毒害上天的子女,可是,别糊里糊涂,洋洋得意,妙想天开, 34And you, the most wretched and impious man, do not be proud or be carried away by your vain hopes. Do not raise your hand against the sons of Heaven,
35因为你逃脱不了全能全知天主的审判。 35for you have not yet escaped the judgment of the almighty God, who sees everything.
36我哥哥们既忍受了暂时的苦痛,如今他们按照天主的盟约,得到了永生,你却因着天主的审判,将受你骄傲应得的刑罚, 36Our brothers suffered a short time for the sake of eternal life and have already entered into the friendship of God. But you, for your part, shall suffer the punishment you deserve for your arrogance.
37我要如同我哥哥们一样,甘心为祖宗的法律,舍弃我的肉身和生命,求上主早日怜恤我们的百姓,并用苦难与灾祸,迫使你承认他是惟一的天主。 37With my brothers, I give up my body and my soul for the laws of my fathers, calling on God that he may at once have pity on our race, and that by trials and afflictions, you may come to confess that he is the only God.
38愿全能者向我们全族所发的义怒,在我和我哥哥们身上,就此止息。」 38Through me and my brothers, may the wrath of the Almighty which has justly fallen on the whole of our race come to an end."
39国王难以忍受他的凌辱,于是勃然大怒,加给他的刑罚比对别的更凶残。 39The king was even more infuriated at him than at the others because of his mockery and he dealt more cruelly with him.
40这样,这个纯洁的少年一心依靠上主,走入了另一世界。 40So the youngest also died undefiled, putting his whole trust in God.
41儿子们相继致命,最后母亲也致了命。 41After all her sons, the mother also died.
42以上所述,足以叫人明了当时关于吃祭品和因此而掀起的惨酷的刑罚。 42This is enough to make known what happened regarding the pagan sacrifices and the tortures beyond all imagination.
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