得撒洛尼后书:Chapter 3
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得撒洛尼后书 | 2 Thessalonians |
1此外,弟兄们!请为我们祈祷,好叫主的圣道,也像在你们那里一样,顺利展开,并得到光荣; | 1Finally, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the Word of God may finish the race and be crowned as it was with you. |
2也叫我们脱离坏人与恶人,因为不是人人都有信德。 | 2May God guard us from wicked and evil people, since not everyone has faith. |
3主是忠信的,他必坚固你们,保护你们免于凶恶。 | 3The Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and keep you safe from the Evil One. |
4我们在主内信赖你们;你们既然现今实行了我们所吩咐的,将来也必实行。 | 4Besides, we have in the Lord this confidence that you are doing and will continue to do what we order you. |
5愿主指引你们的心去爱天主,并学习基督的坚忍。 | 5May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to perseverance for the sake of Christ. |
6弟兄们,我们还因我们的主耶稣基督的名,吩咐你们,要远离一切游手好闲,或不按得自我们的传授生活的弟兄。 | 6We command you, beloved, to stay away from believers who are living in idleness contrary to the traditions we passed on to you. |
7你们自己原来知道该怎样效法我们,因为我们在你们中没有闲散过, | 7You know how you ought to follow our example: we worked while we were with you. |
8也没有白吃过人的饭,而是黑夜白日辛苦勤劳地操作,免得加重你们任何人的负担。 | 8Day and night we labored and toiled so as not to be a burden to any of you. |
9这不是因为我们没有权利,而是为以身作则,给你们立榜样,叫你们效法我们; | 9We had the right to act otherwise, but we wanted to give you an example. |
10并且当我们在你们那里的时候,早已吩咐过你们:谁若不愿意工作,就不应当吃饭, | 10Besides, while we were with you, we said clearly: If anyone is not willing to work, neither should that one eat. |
11因为我们听说,你们中有些人游手好闲,什么也不作,却好管闲事。 | 11However we heard that some among you live in idleness - busybodies, doing no work. |
12我们因主耶稣基督吩咐这样的人,并劝勉他们安静工作,吃自己的饭。 | 12In the name of Christ Jesus our Lord we command these people to work and earn their own living. |
13至于你们,弟兄们,行善总不可懈怠。 | 13And you, brothers and sisters, do not weary in doing what is right. |
14但是如果有人,不听从我们书信上的话,应把这人记出,不要与他交际来往,好叫他惭愧; | 14If someone does not obey our instruction in this letter, take note and do not have anything to do with him, so that he may be ashamed. |
15可是不要把他当仇敌看待,但要把他当弟兄规劝。 | 15However, do not treat him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother. |
16愿赐平安的主,亲自时时处处赐给你们平安!愿主与你们众人同在! | 16May the Lord of peace give you his peace at all times and in every way. May the Lord be with you all. |
17我保禄亲笔问候,这是我每封信的记号;这是我的字体。 | 17I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand. This is my signature in all my letters. This is how I write. |
18愿我们的主耶稣基督的恩宠与你们众人同在! | 18May the grace of Christ Jesus our Lord be with you. |
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