宗徒大事录:Chapter 17


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宗徒大事录 Acts
1保禄和息拉经过安非颇里和阿颇罗尼雅,来到得撒洛尼,在那里有犹太人的会堂。 1Paul and Silas took the road through Amphipolis and Apollonia and came to Thessalonica, where there was a Jewish synagogue.
2保禄照常例,到他们那里,一连三个安息日,根据圣经和他们辩论, 2As Paul used to do, he went to the synagogue and on three sabbaths he held discussions with them about the Scriptures.
3阐明指出默西亚必须受难,并从死者中复活;且说:「我向你们所传报的耶稣,就是默西亚。」 3He explained and proved to them that the Messiah had to suffer and rise from the dead, and he said, "Such a Messiah is this Jesus whom I am proclaiming to you."
4他们中有些人信服了,便与保禄和息拉联合,还有许多敬畏天主的人和希腊人,以及不少的显贵妇女。 4Some of them were convinced and joined Paul and Silas. So too did a great number of Greeks sympathetic to Judaism and many prominent women.
5但是,犹太人却起了嫉妒的心,聚集了一些市井败类,结伙成群,扰乱城市;又闯进雅松家里,搜寻保禄和息拉,要拉他们到民众那里。 5This only made the Jews jealous, so they gathered some of the good-for-nothing street loafers and formed a mob to start a riot in the town. They came to the house of Jason, in an attempt to bring Paul and Silas before the people's assembly.
6但没有搜到,就把雅松和几个弟兄,拉到本城官长前,呐喊说:「这些扰乱天下的人,也到这里来了, 6Not finding them there, they dragged off Jason and some believers to the city authorities shouting, "These people who have turned the world upside down have come here also,
7雅松竟收留了他们;这些人都背叛凯撒谕令行事,说另有一位国王,就是耶稣。」 7and Jason has given them hospitality. They all disregard the decrees of the Emperor and claim that there is another king, Jesus."
8他们使群众和本城官长们听了这事,都惶惶不安。 8In this way they upset the crowd and the city officials who heard them.
9本城官长便由雅松及其余的人取了保状,便将他们释放了。 9The officials released Jason and the others on bail.
10弟兄们便立即在夜间打发保禄和息拉去贝洛雅;他们到了那里,就进了犹太人的会堂。 10As soon as night fell, the believers sent Paul and Silas off to Beroea. On their arrival they went to the Jewish synagogue.
11这里的人比得撒洛尼人开明,接受这道,极其热切,天天考究《圣经》,看这些事是否是真的。 11Its members were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica and welcomed the message with great enthusiasm. Each day they examined the Scriptures to see if these things were so.
12所以他们中有许多人信从了,还有许多希腊尊贵妇女,男子也不少。 12Many of them came to believe, as did numerous influential Greek women, and many men as well.
13可是,得撒洛尼的犹太人,一知道保禄在贝洛雅也传开了天主的圣道,就到那里煽动扰乱群众。 13But when the Jews of Thessalonica came to know that the word of God had been proclaimed by Paul in Beroea also, they hurried there to cause a commotion and stir up the crowds.
14弟兄们遂立即打发保禄往海边去;息拉和弟茂德仍留在贝洛雅。 14At once, the believers sent Paul away to the coast; but both Silas and Timothy stayed in Beroea.
15送保禄的人领他一直到了雅典;他们领了保禄的命令,叫息拉和弟茂德赶快来到他那里,以后就走了。 15Paul was taken as far as Athens by his escort, who then returned to Beroea with instructions for Silas and Timothy to come to him as soon as possible.
16保禄在雅典等候他们时,见城里满是偶像,心神很是悲愤。 16While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he felt very uneasy at the sight of a city full of idols.
17所以他就在会堂里,同犹太人和敬畏天主的人辩论,每天也在街市上,同所遇到的人辩论。 17He held discussions in the synagogue with the Jews and the God-fearing people, as well as daily debates in the public square with ordinary passersby.
18有几个伊壁鸩鲁派和斯多噶派的哲士同他争论,有的说:「这个饶舌多言的人想说什么?」有的说:「看来他是个外国鬼神的宣传者」──因为保禄宣讲耶稣及复活的福音。 18Epicureans and Stoic philosophers debated with him, some of them asking, "What is this babbler trying to say?" Others commented, "He sounds like a promoter of foreign gods," because he was heard to speak of Jesus and 'the Resurrection.'
19他们遂带保禄,领他到了阿勒约帕哥,说:「我们可以知道你所讲的这新道理是什么吗? 19So they took Paul and led him off to the Areopagus hall, and said, "We would like to know what this new teaching is that you are talking about.
20我们听见你说了一些新奇的事,所以我们想知道这到底有什么意思。」 20Some of the things we hear you say sound strange to us, and we would like to know what they mean."
21原来所有的雅典人和侨居在那里的外国人,不管其他的事,只是论谈或探听一些新奇的事。 21Indeed, all Athenian citizens, as well as the foreigners who live there, have as their favorite occupation talking about or listening to the latest news.
22保禄遂即站在阿勒约帕哥当中说:「众位雅典人,我看你们在各方面都更敬畏神明, 22Then Paul stood up in the Areopagus hall and said, "Athenian citizens, I note that in every way you are very religious.
23因为我行经各处,细看你们所敬之物,也见到一座祭坛,上面写着『给未识之神。』现在,我就将你们所敬拜而不认识的这位,传告给你们。 23As I walked around looking at your shrines, I even discovered an altar with this inscription: To an unknown God. Now, what you worship as unknown, I intend to make known to you.
24创造宇宙及其中万物的天主,既是天地的主宰,就不住人手所建的殿宇, 24God, who made the world and all that is in it, does not dwell in sanctuaries made by human hands, being as he is Lord of heaven and earth.
25也不受人手的侍候,好像需要什么似的,而是他将生命、呼吸和一切赏给了众人。 25Nor does his worship depend on anything made by human hands, as if he were in need. Rather it is he who gives life and breath and everything else to everyone.
26他由一个人造了全人类,使他们住在全地面上,给他们立定了年限,和他们所居处的疆界; 26From one stock he created the whole human race to live throughout all the earth, and he fixed the time and the boundaries of each nation.
27如他们寻求天主,或者可以摸索而找到他;其实,他离我们每人并不远, 27He wanted them to seek him by themselves, even if it were only by groping for him, and eventually to find him. Yet he is not far from any one of us.
28因为我们生活、行动、存在,都在他内,正如你们的某些诗人说的:『原来我们也是他的子孙。』 28For in him we live and move and have our being, as some of your poets have said: for we too are his offspring.
29我们既是天主的子孙,就不该想:神就像由人的艺术及思想所制的金银石刻的东西一样。 29If we are indeed God's offspring, we ought not to think of divinity as something like a statue of gold or silver or stone, a product of human art and imagination.
30天主对那愚昧无知的时代,原不深究;如今却传谕各处的人都要悔改, 30But now God prefers to overlook this time of ignorance and he calls on all people to change their ways.
31因为他已定了一个日期,要由他所立定的人,按正义审判天下,他为给众人一个可信的凭据,就叫这人从死者中复活了。」 31He has already set a day on which he will judge the world with justice through a man he has appointed. And, so that all may believe it, he has just given a sign by raising this man from the dead."
32他们一听见死人复活,有的讥笑,有的却说:「关于这事,我们后来再听你罢!」 32When they heard Paul speak of a resurrection from death, some made fun of him, while others said, "We must hear you on this topic some other time."
33这样,保禄便从他们当中出去了。 33At that point Paul left.
34可是,也有几个人依附保禄而信从了,其中有阿勒约帕哥的官员狄约尼削,和一个名叫达玛黎的妇人;同他们一起信从的,还有其他一些人。 34But a few did join him, and believed. Among them were Dionysius, a member of the Areopagus court, a woman named Damaris, and some others.
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