宗徒大事录:Chapter 21
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宗徒大事录 | Acts |
1我们离别了他们,便开船一直航行,来到科斯,第二天到了洛多,又从那里到了帕塔辣。 | 1When we had finally taken leave of them, we put out to sea and sailed straight to Cos, and the next day to Rhodes, and from there to Patara. |
2我们遇见了一只要开往腓尼基的船,便上去航行。 | 2There we found a ship that made for Phoenicia; we went aboard and set sail. |
3我们望见了塞浦路斯,就从它左边驶过,向叙利亚驶去,在提洛靠了岸,因为船要在那里卸货。 | 3We caught sight of Cyprus but passed it by on our left, as we continued on towards Syria. We landed at Tyre, where the ship had to unload cargo. |
4我们找到了门徒,就在那里住了七天;他们因圣神的默示,告诉保禄不要上耶路撒冷去。 | 4There we found the disciples and stayed a week. Warned by the Spirit, they told Paul not to go to Jerusalem. |
5日子一满,我们便出发前行,众人同妻子儿女陪送我们直到城外;我们跪在岸上祈祷, | 5But when it was time, we departed and continued on our journey. All of them, wives and children included, came out of the city with us, and on the beach we knelt down and prayed. |
6彼此辞别后,我们上了船,他们就回家去了。 | 6After that we said good-bye to one another; we boarded the ship and they returned home. |
7我们从提洛到了仆托肋买,便行完了航程;向弟兄们请过安,就在他们那里住了一天。 | 7We continued our journey, sailing from Tyre to Ptolemais, where we greeted the brothers and sisters and spent a day with them. |
8第二天我们出发,来到凯撒勒雅,进了传福音者斐理伯的家,住在他那里,他是七执事之一。 | 8On the following day we left and came to Caesarea. There we entered the house of Philip the evangelist and we stayed with him. He was one of the Seven |
9他有四个女儿,都是贞女,能说预言。 | 9and had four unmarried daughters who were gifted with prophecy. |
10我们住了多日。有一个先知,名叫阿加波,从犹太下来。 | 10We were there some days when a prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. Coming to us, he took Paul's belt and bound his own feet and hands with it, saying, |
11他来到我们这里,拿起保禄的腰带,将自己的脚和手绑了,说:「圣神这样说:犹太人要在耶路撒冷这样捆绑这条腰带的主人,将他交在外邦人手中。」 | 11"Thus speaks the Holy Spirit: This is how the Jews in Jerusalem will bind the owner of this belt and hand him over to the foreign power." |
12我们一听这话,就同当地居民请求保禄不要上耶路撒冷去。 | 12When we heard this, we, together with these people of Caesarea, begged Paul not to go up to Jerusalem. |
13保禄回答说:「你们为什么啼哭,使我心碎呢?为了主耶稣的名,我不但准备受綑绑,而且也准备死在耶路撒冷。」 | 13Then he answered, "Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be imprisoned but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus." |
14我们既不能说服他,也就静默了,只说:「愿主的旨意成就罢!」 | 14When he would not be persuaded, we gave up and said, "The Lord's will be done." |
15过了几天,我们便收拾行李上耶路撒冷去; | 15After this we got ready and went up to Jerusalem. |
16有几个凯撒勒雅的门徒,也和我们同去,他们领我们到一个久为门徒的塞浦路斯人木纳松那里住宿。 | 16With us were some of the disciples of Caesarea who brought us to the house of a Cypriot where we were to stay. He was called Mnason and was one of the early disciples. |
17我们到了耶路撒冷,弟兄们高兴地接待了我们。 | 17When we arrived in Jerusalem the brothers welcomed us warmly. |
18第二天,保禄同我们去见雅各伯,众长老也都聚集在那里。 | 18The next day Paul went with us to James' house where all the elders had gathered. |
19保禄向他们请安以后,就将天主在外邦人中藉他的服务所行的事,一一叙述了。 | 19After greeting them, Paul began telling them in detail everything God had done among the non-Jews through his ministry. |
20他们听了,就光荣天主,并对保禄说:「弟兄!你看,在信教的犹太人中盈千累万,都是热爱法律的人; | 20After hearing this, they all praised God, but they said, "You see, brother, how many thousands of Jews of Judea have come to believe, and all of them are zealous for the Law. |
21关于你,他们听说你教训在外邦人中的一切犹太人背弃梅瑟,说不要给孩子行割损礼,也不要按规例行。 | 21Yet they have heard that you teach the Jews who live in pagan nations to depart from Moses, telling them not to have their sons circumcised and to renounce Jewish customs. |
22那么怎么办呢?他们总会听说你已来了。 | 22We shall gather the assembly for, in any case, they will hear that you have arrived. |
23你就按照我们告诉你的去办罢:我们这里有四个人,他们都有愿在身; | 23Then do as we tell you. There are four men among us who have made a vow. |
24你带这些人,同他们一起行取洁礼,并替他们出钱,叫他们剃头;这样,众人便知道自己关于你所听到的事原是假的,而你却是个循规蹈矩,遵守法律的人。 | 24Take them and purify yourself along with them and pay the sacrifice for them to shave their heads. In that way everyone will know that there is nothing true in what they have been told about you, but that you go on keeping the Law. |
25关于信教的外邦人,我们已写信决定,叫他们戒避祭邪神之物、血、窒死的禽兽和奸淫。」 | 25As for the non-Jews who have become believers, we sent them a letter to tell them that they are only obliged not to eat meat offered to idols, or blood, or flesh of strangled animals; and also to avoid prohibited sexual union." |
26于是保禄就把这几个人带去;第二天,同他们一起行了取洁礼,以后进 了圣殿,呈报取洁的日子何时满期,何时为他们每人奉献供物。 | 26So the next day Paul took the men; he purified himself with them and entered the Temple to give notice of what day the sacrifice would be offered for each of them to end his time of purification. |
27当七天快完时,从亚细亚来的犹太人见保禄在殿里,就煽动所有的群众,向他下手, | 27When the seven days were almost over, some Jews from Asia, who saw Paul in the Temple, began to stir up the whole crowd. They seized him |
28喊着说:「以色列人!请帮忙,这就是到处教训众人反对人民、法律和这地方的那个人。他还领了希腊人们进圣殿,亵渎了这圣地。」 | 28shouting, "Fellow Israelites, help! This is the man who is spreading his teaching everywhere against our people, our law and this Sanctuary. And now he has even brought non-Jews into the Temple area, defiling this Holy Place." |
29原来他们以前见过厄弗所人特洛斐摩同他在城里,就以为保禄领他进了圣殿。 | 29They said this because earlier they had seen Trophimus, an Ephesian, with Paul in the city and they thought that Paul had taken him into the Temple. |
30于是全城震动,百姓一起跑来,拿住保禄,把他拉出殿外,立即把门都关上。 | 30Then turmoil spread through the whole city. People came running from all sides. They seized Paul and dragged him outside the Temple. At once the gates were shut. |
31他们正想要杀他时,有人上去报告给营部的千夫长说:「全耶路撒冷都乱了!」 | 31They would have killed him, had not a report reached the commander of the Roman troops that all of Jerusalem was rioting. |
32千夫长立时带着士兵和百夫长跑下来,到了他们那里;他们一见了千夫长和士兵,就停止,不打保禄了。 | 32At once the commander took some officers and soldiers and rushed down to the crowd. On seeing him with the soldiers, the crowd stopped beating Paul. |
33于是千夫长前去,拿住保禄,下令用两条锁链绑了,遂查问他是谁,作了什么事。 | 33The commander went over to Paul, arrested him and ordered him to be bound with two chains; then he inquired who he was and what he had done. |
34群众中,有的喊这,有的喊那;由于乱嚷,千夫长不能得知实情,便下令将保禄带到营里去。 | 34But some in the crowd shouted one thing and others another. As the commander was unable to find out the facts because of the uproar, he ordered Paul to be brought to the fortress. |
35当走上台阶时,由于群众挤得凶猛,保禄只好由士兵抬着; | 35When Paul reached the steps, he actually had to be carried up by the soldiers because of the violence of the mob, |
36一群百姓跟在后面喊着说:「除掉他!」 | 36for a multitude of people followed shouting, "Kill him!" |
37快要带进营盘时,保禄向千夫长说:「许我向你说句话吗?」他说:「你会希腊话? | 37Just as he was about to be taken inside, Paul said to the commander, "May I say something to you?" He replied, "So you speak Greek! |
38莫非你就是前些日子作乱,带领四千匕首党人,往荒野去的那个埃及人吗?」 | 38Are you not the Egyptian, then, who caused a riot some time ago and let a band of four thousand terrorists out into the desert?" Paul answered, |
39保禄答说:「我是犹太人,是塔尔索人,基里基雅的一个并非无名城市的公民。我求你,准我向百姓讲话。」 | 39"I am a Jew, a citizen of Tarsus, a well-known city in Cilicia. I beg you, let me address these people." The commander agreed. |
40千夫长准许了;保禄就站在台阶上向百姓挥手,大家都安静下来后,保禄便用希伯来话致辞说: | 40So Paul standing on the steps, motioned to the people with his hand and, when they were silent, he began to speak to them in Hebrew. |
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