宗徒大事录:Chapter 25


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宗徒大事录 Acts
1斐斯托到省上任,三天以后,就从凯撒勒雅上了耶路撒冷。 1Three days after Festus arrived in the province, he went up from Caesarea to Jerusalem.
2司祭长和犹太人的首领,向他告发保禄,并请求他开恩, 2There the chief priests and the elders accused Paul again.
3来对付保禄,就是求他将保禄解到耶路撒冷来,他们好设下埋伏,在半路上将他杀掉。 3In a very hypocritical way, they asked as a favor from Festus that Paul be brought to Jerusalem; but they were planning to kill him on the way.
4可是,斐斯托回答说:「保禄应押在凯撒勒雅,我自己不久就快回去。」 4Festus answered that Paul was under custody in Caesarea and, as he himself had to go there shortly, he added,
5又说:「你们中有权势的人,跟我一同下去,若在那人身上有什么不对处,控告他好了。」 5"Let those of you who have the authority go down with me to Caesarea, and if this man has done anything wrong, let them accuse him."
6斐斯托在他们中住了不过八天或十天,就下到了凯撒勒雅。第二天坐堂,下令将保禄带来; 6Festus did not stay in Jerusalem for more than eight or ten days, and then he went to Caesarea. The next day, he took his seat on the tribunal and sent for Paul.
7保禄一来到,从耶路撒冷下来的犹太人就围住他,提出许多严重而不能证明的罪状。 7When Paul arrived, the Jews who came from Jerusalem stood around him and presented many serious charges which they could not prove.
8保禄分辩说:「我对于犹太人的法律,对于圣殿,对于凯撒,都没有犯什么罪。」 8Paul defended himself from all these saying, "I have not committed any offense against the Law of the Jews, or against the Temple or against Caesar."
9斐斯托想要向犹太人讨好,就向保禄说:「关于这些事,你愿意上耶路撒冷,在那里于我面前受审吗?」 9Then Festus, who wanted to please the Jews, asked Paul: "Do you wish to go up to Jerusalem to be tried before me?"
10保禄却说:「我站在凯撒的公堂前,我该在这里受审。我对犹太人并没有作过不对的事,就是你也知道的很清楚。 10Paul answered, "I am on trial before Caesar's tribunal; here I have to be tried. I have done no wrong to the Jews: you yourself know this very well.
11假如我作了不对的事,或作了什么该死的事,我虽死不辞;但若这些人所控告我的,都是实无其事,那么谁也不能将我交与他们;我向凯撒上诉。」 11If I have committed any crime which deserves death, I accept death. But if I have not done anything of which they accuse me, no one can give me up to them. I appeal to Caesar."
12斐斯托与议会商议之后,回答说:「你既向凯撒上诉,就往凯撒那里去!」 12So Festus, after conferring with his council, answered, "You have appealed to Caesar. To Caesar you shall go."
13过了几天,阿格黎帕王同贝勒尼切到了凯撒勒雅,向斐斯托致候。 13Some days later King Agrippa and his sister Bernice arrived in Caesarea to greet Festus. As they were to stay there several days, Festus told the king about Paul's case and said to him,
14他们在那里住了多日,斐斯托就将保禄的事件,陈述给王说:「这里有一个人,是斐理斯留在狱中的囚犯。 14"We have here a man whom Felix left as a prisoner.
15我在耶路撒冷的时候,司祭长和犹太人的长老告发他,要求定他的罪。 15When I was in Jerusalem, the chief priests and the elders of the Jews accused him and asked me to sentence him.
16我回答他们说:当被告还没有与原告当面对质,还没有机会辩护控告他的事以前,就将那人交出,不合罗马人的规例。 16I told them that it is not the custom of the Romans to hand over a man without giving him an opportunity to defend himself in front of his accusers.
17及至他们来到这里,我一点也没有迟延,次日便坐堂,下令把那人带来。 17So they came and I took my seat without delay on the tribunal and sent for the man.
18原告站起来,对他没有提出一件罪案,是我所逆料的恶事; 18When the accusers had the floor, they did not accuse him of any of the crimes that I was led to think he had committed;
19他们的争辩,仅是关于他们的宗教及关于一个已死的耶稣,保禄却说他还活着。 19instead they quarreled with him about religion and about a certain Jesus who has died but whom Paul asserted to be alive.
20我对这争执不知如何处理,就问他是否愿意去耶路撒冷,在那里受审。 20I did not know what to do about this case, so I asked Paul if he wanted to go to Jerusalem to be tried there.
21可是,保禄却要求上诉,将他留给皇帝审断,我便下令留下他,等我解他到凯撒那里。」 21But Paul appealed to be judged by the emperor. So I ordered that he be kept in custody until I send him to Caesar."
22阿格黎帕向斐斯托说:「我也愿意亲自听听这个人。」斐斯托说:「明天你就可以听他。」 22Agrippa said to Festus: "I would like to hear that man." Festus answered him: "Tomorrow you shall."
23第二天,阿格黎帕和贝勒尼切来时甚是排场,偕同千夫长及城里的要人进了厅堂;斐斯托下令,把保禄带来。 23On the following day, Agrippa and Bernice arrived with great ceremony and entered the audience hall with the commanders and the elders of the city. Festus ordered that Paul be brought in and said:
24斐斯托说:「阿格黎帕王和同我们在场的众人,你们看这个人,为了他,所有的犹太群众曾在耶路撒冷和这里向我请求,呼喊说:不该容他再活下去。 24"King Agrippa and all here present, here you see this man about whom the whole community of the Jews came to see me, in Jerusalem as well as here, protesting loudly that he must not live.
25但我查明他并没有作过什么该死的事。他既把这案子向皇帝上诉了,我便决定把他解去。 25I, for my part, am convinced that he has not done anything that deserves death. But after he appealed to be judged by the emperor, I decided to send him on.
26我对这人没有什么确实的事可向主上陈奏;因此我将他带到你们前,尤其你阿格黎帕王前,好在审讯以后,有所陈奏, 26Well, if I have no definite information, what can I write to Caesar about him? Therefore I present him before all of you, and especially before you, King Agrippa, that you may examine him and that I may know what to write.
27因为我以为,解送囚犯而不指明他的罪状,于理不合。」 27For it seems absurd to me to send a prisoner without indicating the charges against him."
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