申命纪:Chapter 12


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申命纪 Deuteronomy
1这是你们在上主你祖先的天主赐给你作产业的地上,当遵守奉行的法令和规则;你们几时生活在那地,就应日日遵守。 1These are the precepts, the norms and the laws that you shall endeavor to put into practice all the days of your life in the land which Yahweh, the God of your fathers, has given you.
2凡你们去征服的民族供奉神祇的地方,无论在高山上,或在丘陵上,或在任何绿树下,都应加以破坏: 2Totally destroy all the places where the peoples you are going to drive away had worshiped their gods. Do this in the high mountains as well as in the hills and under every green tree.
3拆毁他们的祭坛,打碎他们的石碣,烧毁他们的神柱,砍倒他们神祇的雕像,将他们的名字由那地方完全消除。 3Destroy their altars, smash their pedestals, burn their sacred pillars, and break into pieces the images of their gods. Wipe out in those places even the name of their gods.
4你们不可像他们那样崇拜上主你们的天主。 4Do not build similar sanctuaries for Yahweh,
5上主你们的天主,将由你们各支派中选择一个地方,为立自己的名号,为做自己的住所,你们只可到那里去寻求他, 5for he himself has already chosen a place among all the tribes to put his Name there and dwell in it. There you will go and look for Yahweh.
6在那里奉献你们的全燔祭、祭献、什一之物、献仪、还愿祭、自愿祭,以及首生的牛羊; 6To that place you will bring your burnt offerings and your sacrifices, tithes and offerings. There you will present the offerings that you promised to God and those which you voluntarily offer, as well as the firstlings of your cattle and sheep.
7在那里你们和你们的家属,应在上主你们的天主面前宴会欢乐,因为上主你们的天主祝福了你们的一切事业。 7There you shall eat in the presence of Yahweh and feast together with your families, enjoying everything you have reaped through the blessing of Yahweh.
8你们不要照我们今日在这里所行的,各行其是, 8You shall not do there as we do here. For now everyone does what seems best for him,
9因为你们至今还没有到安居之地,还没有到上主你的天主赐给你为业的地方。 9because we have not yet come to the place of rest, that is, the land which Yahweh is giving you as your inheritance.
10但是,当你们过了约但河,住在上主你们的天主赐给你们为业的地方,脱免了四周的仇敌,安居乐业时, 10When you cross the Jordan and settle in the land which Yahweh will give you, when he has delivered you from all your enemies, you will at last find rest.
11你们应在上主你们的天主所选定为立自己名号的地方,奉献我所吩咐的一切:即你们的全燔祭、献祭、什一之物、献仪,以及一切向上主许愿应献的礼品; 11Then you shall bring to the place chosen by Yahweh as a dwelling place for his Name, everything which I commanded: the burnt offerings, the sacrifices, the tithes and the first-fruits of the work of your hand, and the selected offerings which you promised by vow to Yahweh:
12你们和你们的儿女、仆婢,以及在你们城镇里的肋未人,都应在上主你们的天主面前一同欢乐,因为肋未人没有在你们中分得产业。 12There you shall celebrate your banquets before Yahweh: you and your children, your servants as well as the Levites who live among you, since they have no portion or inheritance as you have.
13你应小心,不可在你所见的任何地方奉献你的全燔祭; 13Be careful not to offer your holocaust in any place.
14只可在上主由你一支派中所选定的地方,奉献你的全燔祭,行我所规定的一切。 14Only in the place chosen by Yahweh in the land of one of your tribes are you to offer your holocaust, and only there will you do all that I command you.
15但是你可在各城镇内,依照上主你的天主所赐与你的祝福,随意杀牲食肉;不洁和洁净的人,都可以吃,如吃羚羊和鹿肉一样; 15However, in all your cities you may slaughter and eat meat, as much as you like of the animals Yahweh has blessed you with. Both the clean and the unclean may eat of it, just as you would eat gazelle or deer.
16只有血,你们不可以吃,你应将血如水一样泼在地上。 16Only you must not eat the blood but pour it out upon the earth like water.
17你所收的五谷、酒、油的十分之一,你的头胎牛羊,你许愿献的供物,或自愿献的供物以及你手中的献仪,都不可在你的城镇内吃, 17You may not eat in your cities the tithes of your wheat, wine and oil, or the firstlings of your herd or your flock, or any of the things which you have offered to Yahweh either freely or by vow.
18只可在上主你的天主面前,在上主你的天主选定的地方,你和你的儿女、仆婢,以及在你城镇内的肋未人一起吃;在上主你的天主面前,为了你的一切事业而欢乐。 18These you are to eat before Yahweh in the place Yahweh has chosen, together with your children and your servants, and you will feast before Yahweh, your God, enjoying the fruit of your labor.
19你要留意,在你的地域内,永不可忘记肋未人。 19Be careful not to forget the Levite as long as you live.
20当上主你的天主,照他对你所许的,扩展了你的疆域时,你若说:『我想吃肉。』,你既然想吃肉,你可以任意吃肉。 20When Yahweh has extended your boundaries as he promised you, and you would like to eat meat, you may do so whenever you like.
21若上主你的天主选定建立自己名号的地方离你太远,你可照我吩咐你的,宰杀上主赐给你的牛羊,在你的城镇内任意吃, 21If the place chosen by Yahweh for his dwelling is too far, then you may kill any of your herd or your flock, which Yahweh has given you, in the manner that I have prescribed for you.
22全如吃羚羊和鹿肉一样;不洁和洁净的人,都可以一起吃。 22You may eat it within your cities as much as you like, but you shall eat it just as the gazelle or the deer is eaten: all may equally eat of it - the clean and the unclean.
23但应记住:不可吃血,因为血是生命,你不可将生命与肉一起吃。 23Only take care not to eat the blood because blood and life are one and you must not eat the life with the flesh.
24你不可吃血,应将血如水一样泼在地上。 24Do not eat it but pour it as water is poured upon the land,
25你不要吃血,好使你和你的后代子孙能享幸福,因为你行了上主眼中视为正直的事。 25that all may go well with you and with your children after you, doing what is pleasing in the eyes of Yahweh.
26至于你所献的圣物和许愿的祭品,应带到上主所拣选的地方去; 26In turn, you shall bring with you the things you have consecrated and offered by vow to Yahweh and go to the place chosen by Yahweh.
27将你的全燔祭、肉和血全献在上主你的天主的祭坛上;至于其他的祭献,应将血倒在上主你的天主的祭坛上,肉可以吃。 27There you will sacrifice your holocausts, the flesh as well as the blood, on the altar of Yahweh, your God. Pour out the blood on the altar, and then eat the flesh.
28你应谨慎听从我吩咐你的这一切事,好使你和你的后代子孙永远享福,因为你行了上主你的天主眼中视为善良和正直的事。 28Be careful to obey all that I command you, and all shall always be well with you and with your children after you, for doing what is right and good in the eyes of Yahweh.
29当上主你的天主,将你所要进占之地的民族,由你面前铲除,而你占领了他们的地方,住在那里的时候, 29Yahweh, your God, will destroy before you the nations you drive away. When you have destroyed them and dwell in their land, be careful after having destroyed them.
30你应小心,不要在他们由你面前消灭以后,你自己反受迷惑,去仿傚他们;也不要探究他们的神说:『这些民族怎样事奉了他们的神,我也要怎样去做。』 30Let it not be that you fall in the trap and follow their example. Do not look at their gods saying: "How did this nation serve their gods? We will do the same."
31对上主你的天主,你不可这样做,因为凡上主所憎恨的可恶之事,他们对自己的神都做了;甚至为自己的神,用火焚烧了自己的子女。 31This you shall not do, even to honor Yahweh your God, since in order to honor their gods,
32 32they have done everything that Yahweh abhors, including burning their children in honor of their gods.
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