申命纪:Chapter 13


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申命纪 Deuteronomy
1凡我吩咐你们的事,你们应谨慎遵行;不可加添,也不可删除。 1Do all that I command you with out adding or taking anything away from it.
2若你们中出现了一位先知或作梦的人,给你提供一种神蹟或奇事, 2What about the prophet or the professional dreamer who gives you signs or miracles?
3而他所说的神蹟和奇事实现了,以致向你说:『让我们去随从事奉其他的神罢!』而那神是你素不相识的; 3If these signs or these marvels happen, and he takes advantage of them to say: "Come and let us follow other gods (gods which are not ours), and let us serve them,"
4你不要听从这先知或作梦者的话,因为上主你们的天主有意试探你们,愿意知道你们是否全心全灵真爱上主你们的天主。 4do not pay attention to the words of this prophet or dreamer; because Yahweh, your God, is testing you to know if you really love him with all your heart and with all your soul.
5你们只应跟随上主你们的天主,只应敬畏他,遵守他的诫命,听从他的话,事奉他。依靠他。 5It is Yahweh, your God, you will follow and him will you fear. Obey his commandments and listen to his voice. Serve him and cling to him.
6至于这先知或作梦的人,应处死刑,因为他出言背叛了领你出埃及地,由奴隶之家赎出你来的上主你们的天主,要你离弃上主你的天主命你当行的道路:如此你由你中间铲除了邪恶。 6As for the prophet or dreamer, he must die because he has spoken to draw you away from Yahweh, your God, who brought you out of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of slavery. This prophet must die because he wanted you to stray from the path that Yahweh has commanded you to follow. In this way you will purge the evil from your midst.
7如果你的兄弟,你父亲或母亲的儿子,或你的儿女,或你的爱妻,或你视如性命的朋友,暗中引诱你说:『让我们去事奉其他的神罢!』而那神是你和你的祖先素不相识的, 7If your brother, the child of your father, or if your son or daughter, or the woman you love or your close friend secretly tries to lure you, saying: "Come, let us serve other gods," gods whom neither you nor your fathers have known,
8是你四周,离你或近或远,由地极这边到地极那边的各民族所敬拜的神; 8the gods of either the neighboring nations that surround you along the boundaries of your land or those far away,
9你不可对他表示同意,不可听从他,也不可怜视他,顾惜他,袒护他; 9do not yield to him or listen to him. Do not pity him, or pardon him or cover up for him,
10务要将他杀死,并且你应先动手,然后全体人民动手打死他。 10but denounce him. You shall deal him his death and your hand shall be the first raised against him, and then the hand of all the people.
11你应用石头砸死他,因为他图谋使你离弃领你出埃及地,出奴隶之家的上主你的天主。 11You shall kill him by stoning because he tried to draw you away from Yahweh, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from that house of slavery.
12这样全以色列人听了必然害怕,在你中间不致做出这样邪恶的事。 12All in Israel will hear of this and they will fear, and never dare to do such evil.
13如果你听说,在上主你的天主赐给你居住的一座城内, 13You may hear that in some of the cities that Yahweh will give you to dwell in,
14由你中间出来了一些坏人,勾引本城的居民说:『让我们去事奉其他的神罢!』而那神是你们素不相识的; 14some evil people have appeared. You will perhaps hear that they have perverted their fellow residents and have invited them to serve new and strange gods.
15你就该调查、探寻、仔细访问;如果真有其事,在你中间真发生了这样可恶的事, 15Then carefully inquire about them and try to discover the truth of the matter. If it is certain and you have confirmed that such a shameful thing has indeed been done,
16你该用利剑杀尽这城的居民,完全破坏此城和城中所有的一切,连城中的牲畜也用剑杀尽, 16you shall kill by the sword all the inhabitants of that city. You shall curse the city and all that is in it, even the animals.
17并把由城中掠夺的一切财物堆积在广场上,将城和所掠夺的一切财物放火焚烧,全献给上主你的天主,使那城永远成为废墟,再不得重建。 17Then you shall pile up all the plunder in the center of the square and set the city on fire with all the plunder so as to fulfill the curse of Yahweh. This city will forever be a heap of ruins, and will never again be rebuilt.
18凡应毁灭之物,一件也不可留在你手中,好使上主撤回他的盛怒,对你施恩,怜恤你,照他对你祖先所誓许的,使你繁昌, 18You shall not take hold of anything from this city, not even the smallest thing, in order to appease the wrath of Yahweh, and that he may have mercy on you. Then he will bless you and fulfill the promise he has sworn to your fathers
19只要你听从上主你的天主的话,遵守我今天所吩咐你的一切诫命,实行上主你的天主眼中视为正直的事。 19if you listen to the voice of Yahweh, observing all his commandments that I command you today, and doing what is right in the sight of Yahweh, your God.
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