申命纪:Chapter 7


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申命纪 Deuteronomy
1当上主你的天主领你进入你要去占领的地方,由你面前驱逐许多民族,即赫特人、基尔加士人、阿摩黎人、客纳罕人、培黎齐人、希威人和耶步斯人,那七个比你又多又强的民族时, 1When Yahweh, your God, has brought you into the land where you are going and which you will conquer; when he drives away before you many peoples - the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites and the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites - seven nations that are much more numerous and more powerful than you;
2当上主你的天主将他们交给你,打败他们时,你应完全消灭他们,不可与他们立约,也不可恩待他们; 2when he has given them into your hand and you defeat them, you must destroy them all according to the law of anathema.
3不可与他们通婚,不可将你的女儿嫁给他们的儿子,也不可为你的儿子娶他们的女儿; 3Do not make any covenant with them or have compassion on them.
4因为他们必要使你们的子女远离我,而去事奉别的神,致使上主向你们大发忿怒,将你们迅速消灭。 4Do not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons, or taking their daughters for your sons, because they would seduce your children to abandon me and adore strange gods for which the anger of Yahweh would burn against you, and then he would destroy you.
5你们应这样对待他们:拆毁他们的祭坛,打碎他们的石碣,砍倒他们的神柱,烧毁他们的雕像。 5On the contrary, this is what you must do: destroy their altars and break their sacred pillars into pieces, demolish their poles and burn their idols.
6因为你是属于上主你天主的圣民,上主你的天主由地面上所有的民族中,拣选了你作自己特属的人民。 6You are a people consecrated to Yahweh, your God. Yahweh has chosen you from among all the peoples on the face of the earth, that you may be his own people.
7上主喜爱你们,拣选你们,并不是因为你们比其余的民族人数众多;其实你们在所有的民族中,是最少的一个; 7Yahweh has bound himself to you and has chosen you, not because you are the most numerous among all the peoples (on the contrary, you are the least).
8而是由于上主对你们的爱,并为履行他向你们祖先所起的誓,上主才以大能的手解救你们,将你们由为奴之家,由埃及王法郎的手中救出来。 8Rather, he has chosen you because of his love for you and to fulfill the oath he made to your fathers. Therefore, with a firm hand Yahweh brought you out from slavery in Egypt, from the power of Pharaoh.
9所以,你应知道,只有上主你的天主是天主,是对那爱他,遵守他诫命的人,守约施恩直到千代的忠信的天主; 9So know that Yahweh, your God, is the true and faithful God. He keeps his covenant, and his love reaches to the thousandth generation for those who love him and fulfill his commandments,
10但对那恨他的人,他必当面报复,将他消灭;对恨他的人,他决不迟延,必当面报复。 10but he punishes in their own persons those who hate him and he repays them without delay.
11所以你要谨慎遵行我今天吩咐你的诫命、法令和规则。 11So keep the commandments, the norms and the laws that today I command you to practice.
12如果你们听从这些法令,谨守遵行,上主你的天主必照他向你祖先起的誓,对你守约施恩。 12If you observe these norms, if you keep and practice them, Yahweh will be faithful to his Covenant and will show you the love he promised to your fathers.
13他必爱你,祝福你,增加你的人数;在向你的祖先起誓许给你的地上,祝福你身生的子女,你地内的出产、五谷、酒、油,以及牛羊的生产。 13He will love you, bless you and multiply you. He will bless you with many children and abundant harvests: wheat, wine and oil; he will multiply the young of your cattle and of your sheep in the land that he promised your fathers he would give you.
14万民中你是最有福的;在你内没有不育的男女,牲畜中没有不生殖的雌雄。 14You shall be more favored than all the peoples; there will be no sterile male or female among your people or in your livestock.
15上主必使一切疾病远离你;你所知道的埃及的各种恶疾,决不加在你身上,反而加在一切恨你的人身上。 15Yahweh will remove from you all infirmities, he will not let any of the plagues of Egypt which you have known fall upon you. But he will inflict them upon those who hate you.
16凡上主你的天主交给你的民族,你都要消灭,不可怜视,也不可事奉他们的神,因为这是陷害你的罗网。 16So, destroy all the peoples which Yahweh, your God, will put in your power. Do not have pity on them or serve their gods: this would be a trap for you.
17假如你心里想:这些民族比我人多,我怎能赶走他们? 17Perhaps you will say in your heart: "These nations are more numerous than I am, how then am I going to drive them away?"
18你不要怕他们,只应记起上主你的天主对法郎和全埃及所做的事。 18Do not be afraid, remember what Yahweh, your God, has done with Pharaoh and with the Egyptians,
19你亲眼见了上主你的天主为救你所用的大灾难、神蹟、奇事、大能的手和伸展的臂;上主你的天主也必同样对待你所怕的一切民族。 19those terrible trials which you saw with your eyes and the marvels and signs, the strong hand and outstretched arm with which Yahweh, your God, has freed you.
20此外,上主你的天主必打发黄蜂来攻击他们,直到那些残存和由你面前隐藏起来的人完全消灭为止。 20He will do the same with all the people whom you fear. Yahweh will even send wasps to destroy those who remain and hide themselves to escape from you.
21在他们面前,你不应畏惧,因为在你中间有上主你的天主,大而可畏的天主。 21Do not be afraid of them because Yahweh, your God, is in your midst. He is a great and terrible God.
22上主你的天主必将这些民族由你面前渐渐驱逐;你不可将他们迅速消灭,免得野兽增多而于你不利。 22It is he who will drive out these nations little by little before your eyes. If you were to destroy them all at once, the wild beasts would multiply and cause you trouble.
23上主你的天主必将他们交于你,使他们大起恐慌,直到他们全被消灭。 23Yahweh, your God, will give these people over to you and he will fill them with fear until they all perish.
24他必将他们的君王交在你手中,你必使他们的名由天下消灭;没有一人能对抗你,直到你将他们完全消灭。 24Yahweh will give their kings into your hands so that you may strike out their name from under heaven, and nothing will stand before you until you have destroyed them.
25你应将他们的神像,投在火中烧掉;不应贪图神像上的金银,而留为己有,免得陷于罗网,因为这于上主你的天主是可憎之物。 25Burn the images of their gods and do not covet the gold or silver that covers them. Do not take it for yourself lest you be trapped by it, because Yahweh hates it.
26可憎之物,不可带进你屋内;免得你与那些东西一同毁灭;你应厌恶憎恨这一切,因为那是应毁灭之物。 26None of these shall enter your house, for as they are accursed, the curse might return to you. Regard these as abominable because they are indeed "anathema" or accursed.
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