训道篇:Chapter 1


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训道篇 Ecclesiastes
1达味之子耶路撒冷的君王「训道者」的语录: 1Here are the words of the Teacher, son of David, king in Jerusalem:
2虚而又虚,训道者说:虚而又虚,万事皆虚。 2All is meaningless - says the Teacher - meaningless, meaningless!
3人在太阳下辛勤劳作,为人究有何益? 3What profit is there for a man in all his work for which he toils under the sun?
4一代过去,一代又来,大地仍然常在。 4A generation goes, a generation comes and the earth remains forever.
5太阳升起,太阳落下,匆匆赶回原处,从新再升。 5The sun rises, the sun sets, hastening towards the place where it again rises.
6风吹向南,又转向北,旋转不息,循环周行。 6Blowing to the south, turning to the north, the wind goes round and round and after all its rounds it has to blow again.
7江河流入大海,大海总不满溢;江河仍向所往之处,川流不息。 7All rivers go to the sea but the sea is not full; to the place where the rivers come from, there they return again.
8万事皆辛劳,无人能尽言:眼看,看不够;耳听,听不饱。 8All words become weary and speech comes to an end, but the eye has never seen enough nor the ear heard too much.
9往昔所有的,将来会再有;昔日所行的,将来会再行;太阳之下决无新事。 9What has happened before will happen again; what has been done before will be done again: there is nothing new under the sun.
10若有人指着某事说:「看,这是新事。」岂不知在我们之前早就有过。 10If they say to you, "See, it's new!" know that it has already been centuries earlier.
11只是对往者,没有人去追忆;同样,对来者,也不会为后辈所记念。 11There is no remembrance of ancient people, and those to come will not be remembered by those who follow them.
12我训道者,曾在耶路撒冷作过以色列的君王。 12I, the teacher, have been king of Israel in Jerusalem.
13我曾专心用智慧考察研究过天下所发生的一切;──这实在是天主赐与人类的一项艰辛的工作。 13I set my heart on studying and examining critically all that is done under heaven.
14我观察了在太阳下所发生的一切:看,都是空虚,都是追风。 14It is a burdensome task which God has given to the sons of men! I have seen everything that is done under the sun, but all is meaningless: it is chasing the wind.
15弯曲的,不能使之正直,亏缺的,实在不可胜数。 15What is bent cannot be straightened; what is not will not come to be.
16我心里自语说:「看,我获得了又大又多的智慧,胜过了所有在我以前住在耶路撒冷的人,我的心获得了许多智慧和学问。」 16I thought to myself, "See, I have increased and promoted wisdom more than anyone who ruled Jerusalem before me and I have experienced to the full both wisdom and knowledge."
17我再专心研究智慧和学问,愚昧和狂妄,我才发觉:连这项工作也是追风。 17I set my heart on comparing wisdom with foolishness and stupidity, and I discovered that this also is chasing the wind.
18因为智慧愈多,烦恼愈多;学问越广,忧虑越深。 18For the wiser you are, the more worries you have, and the more you learn, the more you suffer.
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