艾斯德尔传:Chapter 3
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艾斯德尔传 | Esther |
1此后,薛西斯王擢升阿加格人哈默大达的儿子哈曼,使他进级,位居所有同僚公卿之上。 | 1After these events, King Ahasuerus promoted Haman, son of Hammedatha the Agagite, to a rank higher than that of all the other officials. |
2君王下命,凡在御门供职的臣仆,都应向哈曼俯首下拜,只有摩尔德开不肯向他低头,也不下拜。 | 2On orders of the king, all the royal officials at the king's gate would kneel and bow down to Haman. This Mordecai refused to do. |
3于是御门供职的臣仆问摩尔德开说:「为什么你违犯王命?」 | 3The royal officials at the king's gate asked Mordecai, "Why do you disobey the king's order?" |
4他们天天这样问他,他也不听;他们便告诉了哈曼,说摩尔德开背叛王命,想观察摩尔德开的态度是否坚持到底,因为他曾给他们说自己是犹太人。 | 4They spoke to him day after day, but he refused to comply, explaining that he was a Jew. To find out if this explanation was acceptable, they reported the matter to Haman. |
5哈曼见摩尔德开不向他低头下拜,就非常忿怒, | 5Haman was enraged when he saw that Mordecai would not kneel down or pay him honor. |
6心想只杀害摩尔德开一人,还不足泄恨,因为人向他告诉了摩尔德开的身世;于是哈曼打算把薛西斯王整个帝国内的一切犹太人,和摩尔德开一起杀尽灭绝。 | 6Having learned who Mordecai's people were, he thought it would not be enough to lay hands on him alone, but sought to destroy all the Jews throughout the kingdom of Ahasuerus. |
7在薛西斯为王第十二年正月,即「尼散」月,有人在哈曼前抽「普尔」,就是抽签,为定一个日子和月份,好在那一天灭绝摩尔德开的种族。结果,抽出了十二月,即「阿达尔」月十三日。 | 7In the first month, the month of Nisan, in the twelfth year of King Ahasuerus, the pur or lot was cast in Haman's presence to determine the day and the month for the destruction of Mordecai's people. The lot fell on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, Adar. |
8于是哈曼对薛西斯王说:「在你全国各省内,有一个民族,散居在各民族之间,他们的法律和各民族的都不同,又不遵守王法;容留他们,于君王实在不利。 | 8Haman talked to King Ahasuerus, "Scattered throughout the provinces of your kingdom is a certain people, whose customs differ from those of other people. Since they do not obey our laws, it is not in the king's best interests to tolerate them. |
9若君王赞同,可谕令把他们灭绝,我愿捐一万『塔冷通』银子,交与管理国库的人,归入王库。」 | 9If it please the king, let a decree be issued to destroy them. I will deposit in the royal treasury ten thousand silver talents for the men who carry out the king's business." |
10于是君王由自己的手上,取下指玺,交与那迫害犹太人的阿加格人哈默大达的儿子哈曼。 | 10The king took the signet ring off his finger, handed it to Haman, son of Hammedatha the Agagite, enemy of the Jews, and said, |
11接着对哈曼说:「钱仍还给你,至于这个民族,你可任意处置。」 | 11"Keep the money, and do with these people as you please." |
12即在正月十三日召集了众御史,根据哈曼的旨意,用各省习用的文字,和各民族的方言,拟定了一道文书,颁发给各省御史大臣,各省省长,各民族族长;文书用薛西斯王的名义措辞,并盖上君王的指玺; | 12On the thirteenth day of the first month, the royal scribes were summoned. As Haman dictated, they wrote orders in the script of each province and in the language of each people to the king's satraps, the governors of every province, and the officials of every people. Written in the name of King Ahasuerus himself and sealed with his own ring, |
13然后由众驿使传递至帝国各省,限令在一天内,即十二月,「阿达尔」月十三日,把全国所有的犹太人,不论老幼妇孺,一律加以歼灭、屠杀、铲除,财产一律没收。 | 13these dispatches were sent by couriers to all the royal provinces with the order to kill, destroy and wipe out all the Jews - young and old, women and children - on a single day, the thirteenth day of the twelfth month of Adar, and to plunder their goods. |
补录乙 | |
1谕文如下:「薛西斯大王钦命印度至厄提约丕雅之一百二十七省省长及其属员事: | 14A copy of the edict to be promulgated as law in every province was published for all the people to know so that they would be ready for that day. |
2自朕辖治各邦,管理全国以来,未尝妄用职权,而常以宽容仁慈,抚育我人民,志在庶民皆享康乐,举国共庆升平,勤苦经营,以图国泰民安,恢复人类久已渴望之和平。 | 15The couriers, spurred on by the king's command, set out in haste, and the edict was first promulgated in Susa. As the king and Haman sat down to drink, the city of Susa was in bewilderment. |
3朕今咨询枢密,何以克遂此愿。而哈曼首相,秉赋忠贞,信智超群, | |
4上奏朕曰:有一败类,散居天下万邦,风俗律法,与天下异,且不从王法,使朕所颁政令,难奏厥功。 | |
5今朕始悉其端,惟此民族,与众殊异,固守己法,生活异趣,对朕天下,实存野心,致力破坏,是以国家不获安宁。 | |
6因此朕令:凡当今首相──朕之亚父哈曼──在文书内所示之人物,务于本年十二月即『阿达尔』月十四日,偕其妻孥子女,应一律刀斩,歼灭九族,不得留情顾惜。 | |
7务使古今败类,于一日之间,悉葬身九泉,然后国必永安,乱事方息。」 | |
14谕文应在各省公布,通知天下人民,准备应付这一天。 | |
15驿使因迫于君令,就迅速出发;在稣撒禁城里立即公布了这道上谕。此时君王与哈曼同席共饮;但是稣撒全城却陷于混乱。 |
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