艾斯德尔传:Chapter 9
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艾斯德尔传 | Esther |
1十二月,「阿达尔」月十三日,是该执行君令和上谕的那一天,也是犹太人的敌人原想歼灭犹太人的日期,却变成了犹太人制服敌人的日子。 | 1When the day came for the order of the king to be carried out - the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, Adar, on which the enemies of the Jews had expected to crush them - the reverse happened, for it was the Jews who got the upper hand over those who sought their harm. |
2住在薛西斯王各省各城的犹太人,都聚集起来,动手攻打那些想谋害他们的人,但没有一个人能抵挡他们,因为所有人民都害怕他们。 | 2In their towns throughout the provinces of King Ahasuerus, the Jews gathered to strike at those who planned their destruction. But no one dared resist them, for they were feared by all the other nations. |
3各省的首长,御史大臣和省长,以及为君王服务的人,都拥护犹太人,因为害怕摩尔德开。 | 3In fact, all the officials of the provinces, the satraps, governors and the king's administrators supported the Jews out of fear of Mordecai, |
4的确,摩尔德开在王宫里已掌大权,声誉传遍各省,而摩尔德开的权力越来越大。 | 4who had become more and more powerful and prominent not only in the palace but throughout the provinces. |
5这样犹太人就用刀屠杀,消灭了一切敌人,任意对待了仇恨他们的人; | 5The Jews struck down their enemies, killing them by the sword, doing as they pleased to those who hated them. |
6只在稣撒禁城,犹太人就杀死了五百人, | 6In Susa alone, they killed five hundred men. |
7也杀了帕商大达、达耳丰、阿斯帕达、 | 7They also killed Parshandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha |
8颇辣达、阿达里雅、阿黎大达、 | 8Porathai, Adalia, Aridatha, |
9帕玛市达、阿黎赛、阿黎待与耶匝达, | 9Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai, and Vaizatha, |
10即哈默大达的儿子,犹太人的仇人哈曼的十个儿子,但没有下手抢夺财物。 | 10the ten sons of Haman, who was Hammedatha's son and enemy of the Jews. But they laid no hand on the spoils. |
11当天,君王就知道了在稣撒禁城内杀死的人数。 | 11That same day the number of the slain in Susa was reported to the king, |
12王对艾斯德尔后说:「在稣撒禁城内,犹太人已杀死五百人和哈曼的十个儿子,在帝国其他各省内,他们更将做出何事?如今你还请求什么,我必赐给你;你还要求什么,我都必履行。」 | 12who in turn told Esther: "The Jews have killed five hundred men and the ten sons of Haman in Susa alone. Imagine what more they have done in the rest of my provinces! But you shall again be granted whatever you ask; whatever you request shall be fulfilled." |
13艾斯德尔答说:「如蒙大王赐恩,请恩准住在稣撒的犹太人,明天也照今天的法律行事,把哈曼的十个儿子悬在刑架上。」 | 13Esther replied, "If it pleases the king, let the Jews in Susa be permitted again tomorrow to carry out today's edict, and let Haman's ten sons be hanged on the gallows." |
14王就下令照办。于是在稣撒发出了一道谕旨,要把哈曼的十个儿子悬在刑架上。 | 14The king then ordered that this be done. The edict was issued in Susa, and the ten sons of Haman were hanged. |
15在「阿达尔」月十四日那一天,住在稣撒的犹太人又集合起来,在那里击杀了三百人,但没有下手抢夺财物。 | 15On the fourteenth day of the month of Adar, the Jews in Susa gathered again and put to death three hundred men. But again they laid no hand on the spoils. |
16住在君王各省的其他犹太人,也聚集起来保卫自己,摆脱敌人的侵害,把他们的七万五千仇人杀死,但没有下手抢夺财物。 | 16The other Jews in the king's provinces also assembled to protect themselves and rid themselves of their enemies. They killed seventy-five thousand of their foes, but did not lay hands on the spoils. |
17这是「阿达尔」月十三日的事;十四日那天,他们安息,举行庆功的欢宴。 | 17This was on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar, and the Jews rested on the fourteenth, making it a day of feasting and rejoicing. |
18住在稣撒的犹太人,因为在十三十四日聚集复仇,便于十五日安息,举行庆功的欢宴。 | 18The Jews in Susa, however, assembled on the thirteenth and fourteenth and rested on the fifteenth, making this a day of feasting and rejoicing. |
19从此以后,那些住在村庄的犹太乡民,奉「阿达尔」月十四日为庆日,欢宴庆祝,互送礼物;但居住在城市的犹太人却以「阿达尔」月十五日为庆日,互送礼物。 | 19That is why the rural Jews have a different day of rest and celebration: the fourteenth of the month of Adar on which they send presents to each other. |
20摩尔德开于是将这些事记录下来,并向薛西斯王各省远近的犹太人颁发文书, | 20Mordecai recorded these events and sent letters to all the Jews throughout the provinces of King Ahasuerus, both near and far, |
21通告他们应每年庆祝「阿达尔」月十四十五两天, | 21directing them to celebrate annually the fourteenth and fifteenth of the month of Adar |
22因为这两天是犹太人彻底摆脱仇敌的日子,而这一月为他们是化忧为喜,化凶为吉的一月,因此该以欢宴庆祝这两天,互赠礼物,救济穷困。 | 22as the days when the Jews rid themselves of their enemies, and as the month when their sorrow was turned into joy and their mourning into feasting. They were to observe these as days of festivity and rejoicing, days for giving food presents to one another and gifts to the poor. |
23犹太人便把已开始举行的和摩尔德开给他们规定的事,奉为永远当守的盛典。 | 23The Jews agreed to observe annually this celebration instituted on Mordecai's written order. |
24原来,阿加格人哈默大达的儿子哈曼,那全犹太人的仇人曾蓄意加害犹太人,要将他们灭绝,就抽出「普尔」即签,来择定铲除歼灭他们的日子。 | 24For Haman, son of Hammedatha the Agagite, enemy of the Jews, had plotted to destroy them and had cast the pur or lot for their ruin. |
25但是君王一洞悉此事,便下谕令说:「哈曼加害犹太人想出来的阴谋,应加在他自己头上!」就判处他和他的儿子们悬在刑架上。 | 25Yet through Esther's intervention, the king ordered in writing that the wicked plan against the Jews should instead be turned against Haman, whom he ordered to be hanged as well as his sons. |
26从此,人就援用「普尔」一名,称这两天为「普陵节」。依照这文书记载的,和他们有关此事亲身看见及经历的一切, | 26These days, therefore, have been called Purim after the word pur. Because of this written order and of what they had seen and experienced, |
27犹太人便给自己,给自己的子孙,给一切加入他们集会的人,规定了「每年该照规定依时庆祝这两天」为不可更改的法律; | 27the Jews took upon themselves, their descendants and all who would join them, to celebrate these two days every year without fail, in the manner prescribed and at the time appointed. |
28世世代代,家家户户,各省各城,应纪念和庆祝这两天;犹太人决不可废除这两天的「普陵节」,他们的子孙也决不可忘掉这庆节。 | 28Commemorated and celebrated thus, in every family, province and city, through all generations, these days of Purim were never to fall into disuse among the Jews nor into oblivion among their descendants. |
29阿彼海耳的女儿艾斯德尔后与犹太人摩尔德开,又以全权再度写了一道核准「普陵节」的文书。 | 29Queen Esther, daughter of Abihail, along with the Jew Mordecai, wrote with full authority to confirm this second letter concerning Purim. |
30然后把此文书分发给所有住在薛西斯帝国一百二十七省内的犹太人,以平和诚恳的言词, | 30Letters were sent to all the Jews in the one hundred twenty-seven provinces of Ahasuerus' kingdom, in words conveying goodwill and assurance, |
31劝他们遵照犹太人摩尔德开对这「普陵节」所规定的,依时举行。至于禁食和哀歌的吟咏等礼,则可依照他们自己及自己的后代所规定的去行。 | 31enjoining them to observe these days of Purim at the designated time, as Mordecai the Jew and Queen Esther had decreed and just as the Jews had prescribed for themselves and their descendants, with respect to their duty of fasting and lamentation. |
32从此,艾斯德尔的命令,便成了「普陵节」的规定,并记载于史册。 | 32Esther's decree fixed these practices of Purim, and it was recorded in the book. |
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