出谷纪:Chapter 34


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出谷纪 Exodus
1上主向梅瑟说:「你要凿两块石版,和先前的一样;我要把你摔碎的石版上的字,再刻在石版上。 1Yahweh said to Moses, "Cut two slabs of stone like the first, and I will write on the slabs the words that were on the former slabs that you broke.
2明天早晨你要准备好,清早上西乃山,在山顶上站在我前。 2Be ready in the morning and come up to Mount Sinai and wait for me on the top of the mountain.
3不准任何人同你上山,全山不可有一个人,也不准在这山下放牛羊。」 3No one will go up with you and no one is to be seen anywhere on the mountain. Even the sheep and the cattle are not to graze near the mountain."
4梅瑟便凿了两块石版,和先前的一样;照上主的吩咐,清早起来,上了西乃山,手中拿着两块石版。 4So Moses cut two slabs of stone like the first. Then he rose early in the morning and went up Mount Sinai as Yahweh had commanded, taking in his hands the two slabs of stone.
5上主乘云降下,站在梅瑟身旁,他便呼喊「雅威」名号。 5And Yahweh came down in a cloud and stood there with him, and Moses called on the name of Yahweh.
6上主由他面前经过时,大声喊说:「雅威,雅威是慈悲宽仁的天主,缓于发怒,富于慈爱忠诚, 6Then Yahweh passed in front of him and cried out, "Yahweh, Yahweh is a God full of pity and mercy, slow to anger and abounding in truth and loving-kindness.
7对万代的人保持仁爱,宽赦过犯、罪行和罪过,但是决不豁免惩罚,父亲的过犯向子孙追讨,直到三代四代。」 7He shows loving-kindness to the thousandth generation and forgives wickedness, rebellion and sin; yet he does not leave the guilty without punishment, even punishing the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation."
8梅瑟急忙俯伏在地朝拜, 8Moses hastened to bow down to the ground and worshiped.
9说:「吾主,若是我真在你眼中得宠,求吾主与我们同行;这百姓固然执拗,但求你宽免我们的过犯和罪恶,以我们为你的所有物。」 9He then said, "If you really look kindly on me, my Lord, please come and walk in our midst and even though we are a stiff-necked people, pardon our wickedness and our sin and make us yours."
10上主说:「看,我要立约:我在你的全百姓前所要行的奇迹,是在普世万国未行过的;你四周的人民要看见上主的作为,因为我藉你所行的是可怕的事。 10Yahweh said, "I am making a covenant with you; in the presence of all the people I will do marvels never yet done in any land or nation so that all the people among whom you live may see how awesome is the work of Yahweh that I will do for you.
11你应注意我今日吩咐你的事:我要从你面前驱逐阿摩黎人、客纳罕人、赫特人、培黎齐人、希威人和耶步斯人。 11Obey what I command you today. I will drive out before you the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites.
12你要注意:你每到一地,不可与那地方的居民立盟,恐怕他们成了你中间的陷阱。 12Take care to make no treaty with the inhabitants of the country you enter, lest it be a snare for you.
13你应拆毁他们的祭坛,打碎他们的神柱,砍断他们的木偶。 13Rather shall you knock down their altars and smash their sacred stones and cut down their Asherah poles.
14不准你朝拜别的神,因为上主名为忌邪者,他是忌邪的天主。 14Do not worship another god, for Yahweh whose name is jealous, is a jealous God!
15不准你与当地的人民结盟,免得他们与自己的神行淫,给自己的神献祭时,请你去吃他们的祭物, 15So make no treaty with those who live in the land, for they prostitute themselves to their gods and sacrifice to them; otherwise they will invite you and you will eat of their sacrifices.
16又免得你为你的儿子娶他们的女儿为妻;当他们的女儿与自己的神行淫的时候,也使你的儿子与她们的神行淫。 16Then you will take their daughters for your sons and as those daughters prostitute themselves to their gods, they will lead your sons to do the same.
17不准为你铸造神像。 17Make no molten gods for yourself.
18你要按照我所吩咐的,在阿彼布月所定的日期内,守无酵节,七天之久吃无酵饼,因为在阿彼布月你出离了埃及。 18Keep the feast of Unleavened Bread; for seven days in the month of Abib you are to eat unleavened bread, for that was the month you went out of Egypt.
19凡初开母胎的都应归于我;你的牲畜中,凡首生的公牛羊,都应归于我。 19All that first opens the womb is mine and every firstborn male of your livestock, sheep and cattle.
20首生的驴,应用羊赎回;若不赎回,应打断牠的颈项。你的子孙中,凡是长子,你应赎回。空着手的,不可到我台前来。 20You shall redeem the firstborn of a donkey with a lamb. If you do not redeem it you must break its neck. Every firstborn of your sons you shall redeem; and no one shall appear before me empty-handed.
21你六天作工,但第七天应安息,连在耕种收获的时期,也要安息。 21You shall work for six days and rest on the seventh day; even at the time of plowing and harvesting you shall rest.
22在收获初熟麦子时,应过七七节;在年尾过收藏节。 22Celebrate the Feast of Weeks with the firstfruits of the wheat harvest and the Feast of Ingathering at the turning of the year.
23凡你所有的男子,一年三次应去朝拜主,上主,以色列的天主。 23Three times each year all your men shall appear before Yahweh, God of Israel.
24几时我从你面前赶走异民,扩展了你的疆域之后,你一年三次上去朝拜上主你天主的时候,没有人敢图谋你的国土。 24I will drive out nations before you and extend your boundaries. No one shall covet your country when you go up three times each year to appear before Yahweh, your God.
25不可同酵面一起给我祭献牺牲的血;逾越节的牺牲,不可留到早晨。 25Do not offer the blood of a sacrifice to me together with leavened bread and do not let anything from the Passover Feast remain until morning.
26你田中最上等的初熟之果,应献到上主你的天主的殿中。不可煮羊羔在其母奶之中。」 26Bring the very best of the firstfruits of your soil to the house of Yahweh, your God. Do not boil a kid in the milk of its mother."
27以后上主向梅瑟说:「你要记录这些话,因为我依据这些话同你和以色列子民立了约。」 27Then Yahweh said to Moses, "Write down these words, for these are the requirements of the covenant that I have made with you and with Israel."
28梅瑟在那里同上主一起,停留了四十天四十夜,没有吃饭,也没有喝水;把盟约的话,即十句话,写在石版上。 28Moses remained there with Yahweh forty days and forty nights without eating bread or drinking water. He wrote on the slabs the words of the Covenant - the Ten Commandments.
29梅瑟从西乃山下来的时候,手中拿着两块约版;他下山的时候,未发觉自己的脸皮,因同上主谈过话,而发光。 29When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, with the two slabs of the Statement in his hands, he was not aware that the skin of his face was radiant after speaking with Yahweh.
30亚郎和全以色列子民一看见他的脸皮发光,都害怕接近他。 30Aaron and all the sons of Israel saw that Moses' face was radiant and they were afraid to go near him.
31梅瑟召呼他们过来,亚郎和全会众的首领才敢回到他跟前,梅瑟就同他们谈了话。 31But Moses called them, and Aaron with all the leaders of the community drew near, and Moses spoke to them.
32以后全以色列子民也来到他跟前,他把上主在西乃山上同他所说的一切,都吩咐了他们。 32Afterwards all the Israelites came near and he told them all that Yahweh had commanded him on Mount Sinai.
33梅瑟向他们讲完话,就用首帕蒙上自己的脸。 33When Moses had finished speaking with them, he put a veil over his face.
34几时梅瑟到上主台前去同他谈话,就揭去首帕,直到出来的时候;他出来后,就对以色列子民讲明上主吩咐他的事, 34Whenever Moses went before Yahweh to speak with him, he took off the veil until he came out again. And when he came out and told them what he had been commanded,
35以色列子民观看梅瑟的脸,见梅瑟的脸皮发光。以后梅瑟再用首帕蒙上自己的脸,直到再去同上主谈话。 35the Israelites saw that his face was radiant. Moses would then replace the veil over his face until he went again to speak with Yahweh.
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