厄则克耳:Chapter 23


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厄则克耳 Ezekiel
1上主的话传给我说: 1The word of the Lord Yahweh came to me in these terms,
2「人子,有两个女人,同是一母的女儿, 2"Son of man, there were two women, daughters of the same mother.
3她们在埃及行过淫,年轻时当过娼,在那里有人抚弄过她们的乳房,在那里有人糟蹋了她们的童身。 3They became prostitutes in Egypt, even from their youth. In that land their breasts were fondled and caressed.
4她们的名字,大的叫敖曷拉,她妹妹叫敖曷里巴。她们本来属于我,也给我生了子女。至于她们的名字:敖曷拉是指撒玛黎雅,敖曷里巴是指耶路撒冷。 4The elder was called Oholah, her sister Oholibah. Both of them were mine and they gave me sons and daughters. Oholah is Samaria and Oholibah is Jerusalem.
5敖曷拉属我时,已行邪淫,恋爱了她的情人,邻邦亚述人, 5Oholah was mine when she played the harlot; she lusted after her lovers, the Assyrians,
6即那穿紫红衣服的将领和公卿,全是英俊的青年,善于骑马的骑士。 6warriors dressed in purple, governors, commanders, desirable young men, riders on horses.
7于是她与所有的亚述青年行淫,并为她所恋爱的情人及其偶像所玷污。 7She offered them her harlotry, to those who were the best of Assyria. She dishonored herself with all those for whom she lusted and with their idols.
8但她仍没有放弃埃及的淫荡,因为他们在她青年时曾同她共寝过,糟蹋过她的童身,在她身上发泄过淫欲。 8But she did not forget her harlotry with the Egyptians who had lain with her and poured their lust on her from the time of her youth.
9为此我把她交在她情人手中,即她所热恋的亚述人手中。 9That is why I gave her over to her lovers, the Assyrians, the object of her lustful desires.
10他们必要揭露她的私处,掳去她的子女,用刀把她杀死:如此,因所加于她身上的惩罚,她成了妇女的警戒。 10They uncovered her nakedness, seized her sons and daughters and slew her. And she became a byword among women because punishment had come to her.
11她妹妹敖曷里巴虽看见了这一切,但她的情欲更甚于她姐姐,她的淫乱也远超过她姐姐的淫乱。 11Her sister, Oholibah, witnessed this but she was even more corrupt in her lust and worse than her sister in her prostitution.
12她也恋爱那些身为将领公卿的邻邦亚述子民,他们都是衣着华美,善于骑马的骑士,而且都是英俊的青年。 12She lusted after the Assyrians, governors, commanders, horsemen, all desirable young men, and
13我也见了她受玷污,她们两的行径完全一样。 13I saw how she dishonored herself. Both sisters acted in the same way but she went further than her sister.
14她的淫行有增无减。当她看见绘画在墙上的人──用丹青绘画的加色丁人像, 14No sooner had she seen men portrayed on walls, pictures of Chaldeans sketched in vermilion than she lusted after these men,
15腰间束着佩带,头上缠着突出的头巾,都有军官的模样,相似巴比伦人,加色丁即是他们的出生地── 15tightly belted, heads top-heavy with turbans, all resembling Babylonian cavalry officers.
16她的眼一看见,就爱上了他们,遣派使者往加色丁,到他们那里去。 16She sent messengers to Chaldea and
17巴比伦人一来到她那里,登上爱情的床,行了淫,玷污了她;她受玷污之后,遂即厌弃了他们。 17they came to her in the bed of love and defiled her with their prostitution. They dishonored her so much that she turned from them in disgust.
18她既暴露了自己的淫行,揭开了自己的私处,因此我也厌弃她,如同厌弃她姐姐一样。 18But because she had given herself and exposed her nakedness, I too turned from her in disgust just as I had turned away from her sister.
19她又想念年轻时在埃及行淫的日子,遂增强了她的淫欲。 19She multiplied her harlotry recalling her youth when she played the harlot in Egypt.
20她仍恋爱体壮似驴,精足似马的情人。 20She lusted after her lovers whose bodies were like those of donkeys and whose organs resembled those of horses.
21于是你渴望你年轻时的淫行,那时埃及人曾抚摸过你的胸怀,抚弄过你青春的乳房。 21She returned to the shameful conduct of her youth with the Egyptians.
22因此,敖曷里巴!吾主上主这样说:看,我要鼓动你所厌弃的情人来攻击你,引他们从四周来攻击你, 22That is why, Oholibah, thus says Yahweh: I am sending against you your lovers from whom you have turned away in disgust and I will bring them against you from all sides,
23即巴比伦人和一切加色丁人,培科得、芍亚和科亚,以及一切同他们联合的亚述人,英俊的青年,一切长官和公卿、军官和将领,一切善于骑马的人。 23Babylonians and Chaldeans, men of Pekod, Shoa and Koa and all the Assyrians with them, handsome young men, governors, commanders, cavalry officers, titled people, all riding horses.
24他们率领大军、车辆和辎重车,大队士卒,都佩着甲、盾和盔,由四周攻击你。我让他们处罚你,照他们的法律判决你。 24They will come against you with chariots, wagons and throngs of people who will assail you from all sides with buckler, shield and helmet.
25如此,我要在你身上发泄我的妒火,让他们以愤怒待你,割去你的鼻子和耳朵;其余的都死于刀下;他们还要掳去你的子女,余下的都为火烧死。 25I will put your case before them and they will judge you according to their laws. I will release my jealousy against you so that they shall deal with you furiously. They will cut off your nose and your ears and what is left of you will fall by the sword. They will seize your sons and daughters and what is left of you will be consumed by the fire;
26他们还要剥光你的衣服,夺去你的装饰品。 26they will strip you of your clothes and ornaments.
27这样,我才消除你心中的淫荡,和由埃及地开始的淫行,使你再不敢举目看他们,再不想念埃及。 27I will put an end to your shameful behavior and your harlotry dating from your time in Egypt; you will not look towards them again and will no longer dream of Egypt. Thus says
28因为吾主上主这样说:看,我要将你交在你所恼恨的人手中,和你所厌恶的人手中。 28the Lord Yahweh: I am handing you over to those you hate, to those from whom you turned in disgust.
29他们要以恼恨对待你,夺去你的一切财物,赤身露体的抛弃你:因此你放荡的私处,好色和淫乱都要暴露出来。 29They will treat you with loathing and take from you everything you have worked for, leaving you naked and uncovered and the nakedness of your harlotry will be exposed.
30他们这样对待你,是因为你同异民行了淫,受了他们偶像的玷污。 30Your shameful conduct and your promiscuity have brought this upon you, because you lusted after the nations and defiled yourself with their idols.
31你既然走了你姐姐的路,我也要把她的苦爵放在你手中。 31Since you have gone the way of your sister, I will place her cup in your hand.
32吾主上主这样说:你要喝你姐姐又深又大,容量又多的苦爵,你要成为耻笑和辱骂的对象, 32Thus says Yahweh: You shall drink your sister's cup which is deep and wide. You shall be the butt of derision and mockery: the cup holds so much!
33你要酩酊大醉,满怀忧愁。你姐姐撒玛黎雅的爵是惊惶和毁灭的爵, 33You shall be filled with drunkenness and sorrow; it is a cup of desolation and horror, the cup of Samaria, your sister!
34你必要喝,且要喝尽,连渣滓也要吞下;你还要抓破你自己的乳房:这是我所说的──吾主上主的断语── 34You will drink and empty it to the dregs, and then tear your breasts - for I have spoken, word of the Lord Yahweh."
35为此吾主上主这样说:因为你忘了我,把我抛在背后,你也要亲自承担你好色和淫乱的惩罚。」 35That is why the Lord Yahweh speaks thus: "Since you have forgotten me and turned your back on me, you too will pay for your immodesty and harlotry!"
36上主对我说:「人子,你要审判敖曷拉和敖曷里巴,向她们说明她们的丑恶: 36Then Yahweh said to me, "Son of man, will you judge Oholah and Oholibah? Confront them with their abominations,
37她们犯了奸淫,手上带着杀人的血,同偶像犯了奸淫,还焚化了她们给我所生的子女,祭祀偶像。 37for they have committed adultery and stained their hands with blood. They committed adultery with their idols and even sacrificed their children - my children - as food for them.
38此外,她们还对我行了这事:在那一天她们还玷污了我的圣所,亵渎了我的安息日, 38At that time they defiled my sanctuary and profaned my sabbaths;
39因为当她们给她们的偶像祭杀自己的子女时,同一天也进了我的圣所,加以亵渎。的确,她们在我圣殿中这样行了。 39the same day they sacrificed their children to their idols, they entered my sanctuary to desecrate it. This is what they did in my house.
40并且他们还想从远方召人来,便遣使者到他们那里。看,他们果然来了,你就为了他们而沐浴,画眼,佩戴珠宝。 40Both of them sent messages to men who had come from afar and they came. You bathed yourself for them, painted your eyes and decked yourself with jewels.
41以后你坐在华丽的床上,床前安放桌子,上面摆上本来献给我的香和油。 41You seated yourself on a stately couch and beside a table on which you put incense and oil that was mine.
42在她那里可以听到从旷野来的群众的欢乐嘈杂声,他们在她们姐妹的腕上带上镯子,在她们头上戴上花冠。 42The sound of a carefree crowd was heard there because of their number, not to mention the people brought in from the desert. They put bracelets on the wrists of the women and splendid crowns on their heads.
43那时我就关于这老淫妇说:现今她当然又要去行淫。 43Then I said about this city, worn out and defiled with her adultery: This is indeed harlotry!
44的确,人都到她们那里,就如到娼妓那里,也照样到淫妇敖曷拉和敖曷里巴那里。 44Men go to her as one goes to a prostitute. So they went to Oholah and Oholibah, the dissolute women!
45但正义的人必要裁判她们,如裁判奸妇和流血的人,因为她们是奸妇,血还在她们手上。 45But upright men will judge as adulterous those who have shed blood, for indeed they are adulteresses and blood is on their hands."
46因为吾主上主这样说:我要使许多人来攻击她们,叫她们饱受虐待并遭受抢掠。 46For thus says Yahweh: "Let a great assembly be gathered against them! Let them be delivered to terror and spoil!
47这群人要用石头砸死她们,用刀砍碎她们,屠杀她们的子女,火烧她们的房屋。 47The assembly will stone them, have them cut in pieces by the sword, kill their sons and daughters and burn their houses.
48如此,我要把淫乱由此地铲除,使所有的妇女受到警戒,不敢效法你们的淫行。 48I will put an end to debauchery in this land; all the women will be warned and no longer will they imitate your immorality.
49我要使你们的淫行归在你们身上。承担敬拜偶像的罪罚:如此,你们才承认我是上主。」 49I will make your immorality fall on your own heads and when you receive the punishment of your idolatry, you will know that I am Yahweh."
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