厄则克耳:Chapter 33


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厄则克耳 Ezekiel
1上主的话传给我说: 1The word of Yahweh came to me in these terms,
2「人子,你应告诉你民族的子女,向他们说:当我使刀剑临于一地,那地的百姓就应从自己的人中选出一人,立他作为他们的警卫, 2"Son of man, speak to your people and say to them: Imagine that I bring the sword against a country, and the people of that country choose one among them to be their sentry.
3他一见刀剑临近那地,就吹号筒,警告人民; 3When this man sees the sword approach the land, he shall sound the trumpet to warn the people;
4人民听见号筒的声音,若不加戒备;刀剑来了,将他除掉,他的血债应归他自己承当, 4then if anyone hears the trumpet and does not heed the warning he shall be responsible for his own death,
5因为他听见号声,而不加戒备,他的血债应由他自己承担,那发警告的必安全无恙。 5but the man who gave the warning will save his life.
6警卫若见刀剑来临,却不吹号筒,人民因此没有受到警告;刀剑来了,即便除掉他们中一人,这人虽因自己的罪恶被除掉,但我也要由警卫手中追讨他的血债。 6On the other hand when the sentry sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, the people are not warned and some are killed. In that case I will hold the sentry responsible and he will answer for the victims' death.
7人子,我也这样立你作以色列家族的警卫;你听了我口中的话,应代我警告他们。 7For your part, son of man, I have set you as a watchman for Israel, and when you hear my word, you must give them my warning.
8为此,当我告诉恶人:『恶人,你必丧亡!』你若不讲话,也不警告恶人离开邪道,那恶人虽因自己的罪恶而丧亡,但我要由你手中追讨他的血债。 8When I say to the wicked: 'Wicked man, you shall die for sure,' if you do not warn the wicked man to turn from his ways, he will die because of his sin, but I will also call you to account for his blood.
9你若警告恶人叫他离开邪道,但他不肯归正,离开邪道,他必因自己的罪恶而丧亡,你却救了自己。」 9If you warn the wicked man to turn from his ways and he does not do so, he will die for his sin, but you yourself will be saved.
10「人子,你应告诉以色列家族:你们曾这样说:『我的过犯和罪恶重压着我们,我们必因此消灭,我们还怎能生存?』 10Son of man, you know the people of Israel say: 'We are wasting away because of our sin, and our wrongdoing is weighing us down. How can we live?'
11你要告诉他们:我指着我的生命起誓──吾主上主的断语──我决不喜欢恶人丧亡,但却喜欢恶人归正,离开邪道,好能生存。以色列家族啊!归正罢!归正罢!离开你们的邪道罢!何必要死去呢? 11Say to them: As I live, word of Yahweh, I do not want the wicked to die but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! turn from your wicked ways! Why, O Israel, should you die?
12人子,你要告诉你民族的子女:义人的正义在他犯罪之日不能救他;恶人的罪过在恶人悔改之日,也不会使他丧亡在他罪过中;义人在他犯罪之日,不能因着他的正义而生存。 12You, son of man, say to your people: The righteous life of the upright will not save him on the day he turns to sin and the wicked man will not be bound to his wickedness on the day he turns from his evil ways; likewise for the upright: he will die.
13几时我向义人说:他必生存;但他却依仗自己的正义行恶,他所有的正义必不再被记念,他必因他所犯的罪恶而丧亡。 13When I have said to the righteous: 'You will live,' if he takes advantage of his righteousness to do evil, his former upright life will not be remembered; the evil he is doing will make him die.
14几时我向恶人说:你必丧亡;但他由罪恶中悔改,且遵行法律和正义, 14And if I say to the wicked man, 'You will certainly die,' but he then turns from his sin and does what is just and right,
15清偿扺押,归还劫物,遵行生命的诫命,再不作恶,他必生存,不致死亡。 15gives back what he took as a pledge on a loan, restores what he has stolen, obeys the decrees that are life-giving and avoids evil, he will live, he will not die.
16他所犯的一切罪过,不再被提起,因他遵行法律和正义,必定生存。 16His life in sin will no longer be held against him. He has done what is just and right and because of that he will live.
17如果你民族的子女还说:『吾主的作法不公平。』其实是他们的作法不公平。 17Yet your people say, 'The position of the Lord is not just.' On the contrary it is theirs that is wrong.
18几时义人离弃正义而去行恶,他必因此而丧亡; 18The upright man who turns from what is just and right and does evil, shall die;
19几时恶人离弃罪恶,而遵行法律和正义,他必因此而生存。 19and the wicked man who turns from evil to do what is just and right shall live!
20你们怎么还说:『吾主的作法不公平?』以色列家族,我必照你们每人的行为审判你们。」 20Though you say: 'The Lord's position is wrong,' I will judge you, Israel, each one according to his ways."
21我们充军后十一年十月五日,有一个从耶路撒冷逃到我这里的人说:「京城陷落了。」 21On the fifth day of the tenth month in the eleventh year of our exile, a fugitive arrived from Jerusalem to tell me: "The city has fallen."
22在逃难者来的前一晚上,上主的手临于我,开了我的口;及至他早晨来到我这里以前,我的口已开了,我不再作哑吧。 22Now the hand of Yahweh had been on me the evening before the arrival of the fugitive. When I met him in the morning, Yahweh opened my mouth. My tongue was loosened and no longer was I silent.
23上主的话传给我说: 23The word of Yahweh then came to me in these terms,
24「人子,在以色列地区住在那些废墟里的人仍说道:亚巴郎只一个人就占据了此地,我们人数众多,此地应归我们占有。 24"Son of man, those who remain among the ruins in the land of Israel reckon: 'Abraham was alone when he received the land as a possession; we are still numerous enough and it is to us that the country has been given.'
25为此你应告诉他们:吾主上主这样说:你们吃了带血的祭物,举目仰望了你们的偶像,且杀人流血,而你们还要占据此地? 25But you will say to them: thus says Yahweh: You eat food with blood, you look towards idols, you shed blood, and you want to possess the land!
26你们仍仗着刀剑,行丑恶之事,每人玷污近人的妻子,而你们还要占据此地? 26You lean on your sword, you do what is detestable, each one dishonors his neighbor's wife and yet you want to possess the land!
27你应告䜣他们:吾主上主这样说:我指着我的生命起誓:那在废墟中的,必丧身刀下;在原野的,我要把他们交给野兽吞噬;在堡垒和山洞中的,必死于瘟疫。 27Say to them: This is the word of Yahweh: As I live, those who settled among the ruins will fall by the sword; those in the open country I will give as food to the beasts and those in strongholds and caves shall die of the plague.
28我要使此地变为沙漠和荒野,使她再不能夸耀自己的势力;我要使以色列的山变为荒丘,再无人经过。 28I will make the country a wasteland, a lonely place. They will no longer lean on their power and the mountains of Israel shall be deserted with no one crossing them.
29为了他们所行的丑恶,我使此地变为沙漠和荒野时,他们必承认我是上主。 29Then they will know that I am Yahweh when I make their country a lonely waste because of all the detestable things they have done.
30人子,你民族的子女在墙下及他们的门口,彼此谈论你说:来,我们去听听由上主那里传出了什么话? 30Son of man, your people talk about you along the walls and at the doors of the houses, each one with his neighbor: 'Come and hear the latest word of Yahweh.'
31他们便成群结队地来到你这里,像我的百姓般坐在你面前,听你的话,但不去实行;他们口头上说的是甜言蜜语,但他们心却在追求不义的利益。 31They go to you as they go to an assembly and sit in front of you. They listen to your words but do not do what you say. Instead they continue to lie and look only for their own interest.
32你对他们好像唱情歌的人,歌喉悦耳,弹奏美妙;他们喜欢听你说的话,却不去实行。 32For them you are no more than a singer of lovesongs - a beautiful voice accompanied by beautiful music. They listen but do not practice what they hear.
33当这事来时──看,已来了!──他们必承认在他们中有位先知。」 33But when what is foretold comes true - and it is about to happen - they will know that there was a prophet among them."
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