厄斯德拉上:Chapter 3
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厄斯德拉上 | Ezra |
1到了七月,当时住在各城里的以色列子民,全都一起聚集在耶路撒冷。 | 1By the seventh month, the Israelites were already settled in their cities. Then all the people gathered in Jerusalem. |
2约匝达克的儿子耶叔亚,和他的兄弟司祭们,以及沙耳提耳的儿子则鲁巴贝耳,和他的兄弟们,于是下手修建以色列天主的祭坛,要按天主的人梅瑟在法律上所写的,在上面奉献全燔祭。 | 2Joshua, son of Jozadak, with his fellow-priests, and Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel, with his brothers, began rebuilding the altar of the God of Israel, to offer the sacrifices upon it, as it is written in the Law of Moses, the man of God. |
3不论本地人民怎样恐吓,他们仍在原处重建了祭坛,向上主献了全燔祭,即每日早晚的全燔祭, | 3They built the altar in the same place, in spite of the fear they had of the people of the land, and they offered burnt offerings upon it, and the morning and evening sacrifice. |
4按照规定举行了帐棚节,每天依照法定的数目奉献全燔祭; | 4They celebrated the Feast of the Tabernacles as it is written, and offered burnt offerings daily according to the established ritual. |
5以后,献了恒常祭,并在月朔、安息日和一切祝圣于上主的庆日,献了全燔祭,和各人自愿向上主献的自愿祭。 | 5Then they continued offering the perpetual sacrifice and the sacrifices on the sabbaths, the new moon and all the solemnities of Yahweh, besides what everyone would offer voluntarily to Yahweh. |
6从七月一日起,已开始向上主奉献全燔祭,虽然上主的殿宇当时尚未奠基, | 6They began offering burnt offerings on the first day of the seventh month, although the foundation of the House of Yahweh had not yet been laid. |
7却将银钱交给凿石匠和木匠,将食物饮料和油,供给那些从黎巴嫩由海中将香柏木运到约培来的漆冬人和提洛人,全照波斯王居鲁士所准许的。 | 7They gave money to the masons and the carpenters. They also gave food, wine and oil to the Tyrians to bring cedar lumber from Lebanon to Joppa by sea, according to the authorization of Cyrus, king of Persia. |
8他们来到耶路撒冷天主殿宇后的第二年二月,沙耳提耳的儿子则鲁巴贝耳,约匝达克的儿子耶叔亚,和他们其余的弟兄司祭及肋未人,以及所有由充军回到耶路撒冷的人,动了工,派定二十岁和二十岁以上的肋未人,监督建筑上主殿宇的工程。 | 8In the second year, after their arrival at the House of God in Jerusalem, in the second month, Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel, and Joshua, son of Jozadak, with the rest of their brothers, the priests, the Levites and all who had returned to Jerusalem from exile, began the work: they appointed the Levites who were twenty years old and upward to supervise the work in the House of Yahweh. |
9耶叔亚和他的儿子们,以及他的兄弟们,卡德米耳和他的儿子们,以及曷达委雅的后裔,同心协力,监督那建筑天主殿宇的工人;还有赫纳达得的儿子们,以及他们的儿子和弟兄肋未人。 | 9Joshua, his sons and his brothers, Kadmiel and his sons, and the sons of Henadad, all together agreed to supervise those who worked in the House of God. |
10工人们安放上主殿宇基础时,司祭身穿礼服,拿着号筒,阿撒夫的后裔肋未人拿着铙钹,各站在自己的地方,以色列王达味制定的仪式,赞美上主, | 10When the workers had laid the foundation for the sanctuary of Yahweh, the priests, clothed in fine linen, came forward with trumpets, and the Levites, sons of Asaph, with cymbals, and they sang to Yahweh according to the ordinance of David, king of Israel. |
11彼此轮流歌唱赞美和感谢上主的诗歌:「因为他是圣善的,因为他对以色列的慈爱永远常存。」同时全体人民都大声欢呼,赞美上主,因为上主的殿宇已经奠基。 | 11They gave thanks to Yahweh, singing and praising: "For he is good, for his love for Israel is eternal." All the people shouted aloud the praises of Yahweh for the foundation of the House of Yahweh had now been laid. Many of the priests, Levites and older heads of the families who have seen the first house wept with great lamentation as the foundation was laid. |
12许多曾在这地基上,亲眼见过先前的圣殿的老司祭、老肋未人和老族长,面对这座圣殿,不禁放声大哭,却也有许多人欢喜高呼, | 12But others raised their voices with shouts of joy, |
13以致分不清是欢呼声或是哀哭声,因为民众都高声喊叫,这声音连远处都可听到。 | 13and the people could not distinguish the shouts of rejoicing from the cries of weeping, for the people shouted so loudly that the noise was heard afar. |
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