迦拉达书:Chapter 3


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迦拉达书 Galatians
1无知的迦拉达人啊!被钉在十字架上的耶稣基督,已活现地摆在你们眼前,谁又迷惑了你们呢? 1How foolish you are, Galatians! How could they bewitch you after Jesus Christ has been presented to you as crucified?
2我只愿向你们请教这一点:你们领受了圣神,是由于遵行法律呢?还是由于听信福音呢? 2I shall ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by the practice of the Law, or by believing the message?
3你们竟这样无知吗?你们以圣神开始了,如今又愿以肉身结束吗? 3How can you be such fools: you begin with the Spirit and end up with the flesh!
4你们竟白白受了这么多的苦吗?果然是白白地吗? 4So you have experienced all this in vain! Would that it were not so!
5天主赐与你们圣神,并在你们中间施展了德能,是因为你们遵行法律呢?还是因为你们听信福音呢? 5Did God give you the Spirit and work miracles among you, because of your observance of the Law or because you believed in his message?
6经上这样记载说:「亚巴郎信了天主,天主就以此算为他的正义。」 6Remember Abraham: he believed God and because of this was held to be a just man.
7为此你们该晓得:具有信德的人,才是亚巴郎的子孙。 7Understand then that those who follow the way of faith are sons and daughters of Abraham.
8圣经预见天主将使异民凭信德成义,就向亚巴郎预报福音说:「万民都要因你获得祝福。」 8The Scriptures foresaw that by the way of faith, God would give true righteousness to the non-Jewish nations. For God's promise to Abraham was this: In you shall all the nations be blessed.
9可见那些具有信德的人,与有信德的亚巴郎同蒙祝福。 9So now those who take the way of faith receive the same blessing as Abraham who believed;
10反之,凡是依恃遵行法律的,都应受咒骂,因为经上记载说:「凡不持守律书上所记载的一切,而依照遵行的,是可咒骂的。」 10but those who rely on the practice of the Law are under a curse, for it is written: Cursed is everyone who does not always fulfill everything written in the Law.
11所以很明显的,没有一个人能凭法律在天主前成义,因为经上说:「义人因信德而生活。」 11It is plainly written that no one becomes righteous, in God's way, by the Law: by faith the righteous shall live.
12但是法律并非以信德为本,只说:「遵行法令的,必因此获得生命。」 12Yet the Law gives no place to faith, for according to it: the one who fulfills the commandments shall have life through them.
13但基督由法律的咒骂中赎出了我们,为我们成了可咒骂的,因为经上记载说:「凡被悬在木架上的,是可咒骂的。」 13Now Christ rescued us from the curse of the Law by becoming cursed himself for our sake, as it is written: there is a curse on everyone who is hanged on a tree.
14这样天主使亚巴郎所蒙受的祝福,在基督耶稣内普及于万民,并使我们能藉着信德领受所应许的圣神。 14So the blessing granted to Abraham reached the pagan nations in and with Christ, and we received the promised Spirit through faith.
15弟兄们!就常规来说:连人的遗嘱,如果是正式成立的,谁也不得废除或增订。 15Brothers, listen to this comparison. When anyone has made his will in the prescribed form, no one can annul it or add anything to it.
16那么,恩许是向亚巴郎和他的后裔所许诺的,并没有说「后裔们」,好像是向许多人说的,而是向一个人,即「你的后裔」,就是指基督。 16Well now, what God promised Abraham was for his descendant. Scripture does not say: for the descendants, as if they were many. It means only one: this will be for your descendant, and this is Christ.
17我是说:天主先前所正式立定的誓约,决不能为四百三十年以后成立的法律所废除,以致使恩许失效。 17Now I say this: if God has made a testament in due form, it cannot be annulled by the Law which came four hundred and thirty years later; God's promise cannot be cancelled.
18如果承受产业是由于法律,就已不是由于恩许;但天主是由于恩许把产业赐给了亚巴郎。 18But if we now inherit for keeping the law, it is not because of the promise. Yet that promise was God's gift to Abraham.
19那么,为什么还有法律呢?它是为显露过犯而添设的,等他所恩许的后裔来到,它原是藉着天使,经过中人的手而立定的。 19Why then the Law? It was added with sin in mind; it was something added; that it was only valid until the descendant to whom the promise was addressed should come; and it was put into effect by the angels with Moses as a mediator
20可是如果出于单方,就不需要中人了,而天主是由单方赐与了恩许。 20between them: if it were given by God himself, he is one.
21那么,法律相反天主的恩许吗?绝对不是。如果所立定的法律能赐与人生命,正义就的确是出于法律了。 21Does the Law then compete with the promises of God? Not at all. Only if we had been given a Law capable of raising life, could righteousness be the fruit of the Law.
22但是圣经说过:一切人都被禁锢在罪恶权下,好使恩许藉着对基督耶稣的信仰,归于相信的人。 22But the written Law actually closed out every viewpoint other than that of sin. So the believers receive the promise as the fruit of Christian faith.
23在「信仰」尚未来到以前,我们都被禁锢在法律的监守之下,以期待「信仰」的出现。 23Before the time of faith had come, the Law confined us and kept us in custody until the time in which faith would show up.
24这样,法律就成了我们的启蒙师,领我们归于基督,好使我们由于信仰而成义。 24The Law then brought us to Christ as a child to his master, so that we be set right with God through faith.
25但是「信仰」一到,我们就不再处于启蒙师权下了。 25With the coming of faith, we are no longer submitted to this guidance.
26其实你们众人都藉着对基督耶稣的信仰,成了天主的子女。 26Now, in Christ Jesus, all of you are sons and daughters of God through faith.
27因为你们凡是领了洗归于基督的,就是穿上了基督: 27All of you who were given to Christ through baptism, have put on Christ.
28不再分犹太人或希腊人,奴隶或自由人,男人或女人,因为你们众人在基督耶稣内已成了一个。 28Here there is no longer any difference between Jew or Greek, or between slave or freed, or between man and woman: but all of you are one in Christ Jesus.
29如果你们属于基督,那么,你们就是亚巴郎的后裔,就是按照恩许作承继的人。 29And because you belong to Christ, you are of Abraham's race and you are to inherit God's promise.
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