迦拉达书:Chapter 5


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迦拉达书 Galatians
1基督解救了我们,是为使我们获得自由;所以你们要站稳,不可再让奴隶的轭束缚住你们。 1Christ freed us to make us really free. So remain firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery.
2请注意,我保禄告诉你们:若你们还愿意受割损,基督对你们就没有什么益处。 2I, Paul, say this to you: if you receive circumcision, Christ can no longer help you.
3我再向任何自愿受割损的人声明:他有遵守全部法律的义务。 3Once more I say to whoever receives circumcision: you are now bound to keep the whole Law.
4你们这些靠法律寻求成义的人,是与基督断绝了关系,由恩宠上跌了下来。 4All you who pretend to become righteous through the observance of the Law have separated yourselves from Christ and have fallen away from grace.
5至于我们,我们却是依赖圣神,由于信德,怀着能成义的希望, 5As for us, the Spirit imparts to us this hope that through faith we shall be set right with God.
6因为在基督耶稣内,割损或不割损都算不得什么,惟有以爱德行事的信德,才算什么。 6In Christ Jesus it is irrelevant whether we be circumcised or not; what matters is faith working through love.
7以前你们跑得好!有谁拦阻了你们去追随真理呢? 7You had begun your race well, who then hindered you on the way? Why did you stop obeying the truth?
8这种劝诱,决不是出自那召选你们的天主。 8This was not in obedience to God who calls you:
9少许的酵母就能使整个面团发酵。 9in fact, a little leaven is affecting the whole of you.
10我在主内信任你们,认为你们不会有什么别的心思;但那扰乱你们的人,不论他是谁,必要承受惩罚。 10I am personally convinced that you will not go astray, but the one who confuses you, whoever he may be, shall receive punishment.
11至于我,弟兄们,如果我仍宣讲割损的需要,那我为什么还受迫害?若是这样,十字架的绊脚石就早已除去了。 11I myself, brothers, could I not preach circumcision? Then I would no longer be persecuted. But where would be the scandal of the cross?
12巴不得那些扰乱你们的人,将自己割净了! 12Would that those who confuse you might go as far as mutilating themselves!
13弟兄们,你们蒙召选,是为得到自由;但不要以这自由作为放纵肉欲的借口,惟要以爱德彼此服事。 13You, brothers and sisters, were called to enjoy freedom; I am not speaking of that freedom which gives free rein to the desires of the flesh, but of that which makes you slaves of one another through love.
14因为全部法律总括在这句话内:「爱你的近人如你自己」。 14For the whole Law is summed up in this sentence: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
15但如果你们彼此相咬相吞,你们要小心,免得同归于尽。 15But if you bite and tear each other to pieces, be careful lest you all perish.
16我告诉你们:你们若随圣神的引导行事,就决不会去满足本性的私欲, 16Therefore I say to you: walk according to the Spirit and do not give way to the desires of the flesh!
17因为本性的私欲相反圣神的引导,圣神的引导相反本性的私欲:二者互相敌对,致使你们不能行你们所愿意的事。 17For the desires of the flesh war against the spirit, and the desires of the spirit are opposed to the flesh. Both are in conflict with each other, so that you cannot do everything you would like.
18但如果你们随圣神的引导,就不在法律权下。 18But let the Spirit lead you: this has nothing to do with submitting to the Law.
19本性私欲的作为是显而易见的:即淫乱、不洁、放荡、 19You well know what comes from the flesh: immorality, impurity and shamelessness,
20崇拜偶像、施行邪法、仇恨、竞争、嫉妒、忿怒、争吵、不睦、分党、 20idol worship and magic, hatred, jealousy and violence, anger, ambition, division, factions,
21妬恨、【凶杀】、醉酒、宴乐,以及与这些相类似的事。我以前劝戒过你们,如今再说一次:做这种事的人,决不能承受天主的国。 21and envy, drunkenness, orgies and the like. I again say to you what I have already said: those who do these things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
22然而圣神的效果却是:仁爱、喜乐、平安、忍耐、良善、温和、忠信、 22But the fruit of the Spirit is charity, joy and peace, patience, understanding of others, kindness and fidelity,
23柔和、节制:关于这样的事,并没有法律禁止。 23gentleness and self-control. For such things there is no Law or punishment.
24凡属于耶稣基督的人,已把肉身同邪情和私欲钉在十字架上了。 24Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its vices and desires.
25如果我们因圣神生活,就应随从圣神的引导而行事。 25If we live by the Spirit, let us live in a spiritual way.
26不要贪图虚荣,不要彼此挑拨,互相嫉妬。 26Let us not be conceited; let there be no rivalry or envy of one another.
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