创世纪:Chapter 33


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创世纪 Genesis
1雅各伯举目,看见厄撒乌带了四百人前来,遂将孩子分别交与肋阿、辣黑耳和两个婢女; 1Jacob looked up and saw that Esau was coming with four hundred men. So he divided the children among Leah, Rachel and the two maidservants.
2将两个婢女和她们的孩子放在最前面,其次是肋阿和她的孩子,最后是辣黑耳和若瑟。 2He then put the maidservants in front with their children, then Leah with her children and Rachel and Joseph last of all.
3他自己走在他们前面,七次伏地叩拜,直到来到哥哥前。 3He himself went on before them and bowed to the ground seven times until he came near his brother.
4厄撒乌却向他跑来,抱住他,扑在他颈上吻他,两人都哭了。 4Esau ran to meet him, took him in his arms, kissed him; and both wept.
5厄撒乌举目,看见女人和孩子,遂问说:「这些人是你的什么人?」雅各伯答说:「是天主恩赐给你仆人的孩子。」 5Esau looked up and seeing the women and the children said, "Who are these with you?" Jacob replied, "They are the children God has given to your servant."
6于是婢女和她们的孩子前来叩拜了。 6Then the servants and their children went forward and bowed down.
7肋阿和她的孩子也前来叩拜了,最后若瑟和辣黑耳才近前来叩拜。 7Leah with her children likewise advanced and bowed, and lastly Joseph and Rachel went forward and bowed.
8厄撒乌又问说:「我所见的这一大队,有什么意思?」雅各伯答说:「这是蒙我主悦纳的。」 8Esau said, "What is the meaning of all this company I have met?" Jacob replied, "It is to win your favor."
9厄撒乌说:「我的兄弟,我已够富足了;你的,你留下罢!」 9Esau answered, "Brother, I have plenty; keep what you have for yourself."
10雅各伯说:「请不要这样!我若真蒙你悦纳,请你收下我手中的礼物;因为我见了你的面,就如见了天主的面;你实在仁厚接待了我。 10Jacob said, "But, no, please! Accept the gift I offer, for I came to you as to God, and you received me kindly.
11请你收下我献给你的礼品;因为天主厚待了我,我什么都有了。」由于雅各伯极力恳请,他才收下了。 11So accept the gift I have brought you, for God has dealt generously with me and I have plenty." And so much did Jacob insist that Esau accepted the gift.
12厄撒乌说:「我们起程前行,我愿与你同行。」 12Esau then said, "Let us be on our way. I will lead you."
13雅各伯对他说:「我主知道,孩子尚幼小,我还要照顾尚在哺乳的牛羊,若一天只顾催赶,全群牲畜都要死尽。 13But Jacob said to him, "My lord knows that the children are not strong, and besides I must think of the ewes with lambs and the cows that have calves and if they are driven too hard, even for one day, all the flocks will die.
14还是请我主在你仆人前先行;我要照我前面的牲畜和孩子们的脚步,慢慢前行;直至达到色依尔我主那里。」 14Let it please my lord to go ahead of me while I move on slowly at the pace of the cattle I'm driving and that of the children, until I reach my lord at Seir."
15厄撒乌说:「让我留下几个跟我的人陪着你。」雅各伯说:「只要我能蒙我主悦纳,又何必如此!」 15Esau said, "At least let me leave with you some of my men." Jacob replied, "Why? All I want is to keep your friendship."
16厄撒乌就在当天回了色依尔。 16So Esau returned that same day to Seir.
17雅各伯却动身往稣苛特去了,在那里为自己盖了一座房屋,为牲畜搭了些棚子;为此给那地起名叫「稣苛特」。 17But Jacob left for Succoth. There he built a house for himself and shelters for his cattle. That is why the place was called Succoth.
18雅各伯由帕丹阿兰回来,平安来到客纳罕地的舍根城,在城的对面支搭了帐幕。 18On his return from Paddan-aram, Jacob safely reached Shechem, a town in the land of Canaan, and encamped within sight of the town.
19他支搭帐幕的那块地,是由舍根的父亲哈摩尔的儿子们手里,用一百块银钱买来的。 19For one hundred pieces of silver he bought from the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem, the plot of land where he had pitched his tent.
20雅各伯在那里建立了一座祭坛,称它为:「大能者以色列的天主」。 20There he erected an altar and called it God - the God of Israel.
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