希伯来书:Chapter 13
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希伯来书 | Hebrews |
1弟兄相爱之情应当常存。 | 1Let mutual love continue. |
2不可忘了款待旅客,曾有人因此于不知不觉中款待了天使。 | 2Do not neglect to offer hospitality; you know that some people have entertained angels without knowing it. |
3你们应怀念被囚禁的人,好像与他们同被囚禁;应怀念受虐待的人,好像你们也亲身受了一样。 | 3Remember prisoners as if you were with them in chains, and the same for those who are suffering. Remember that you also have a body. |
4在各方面,婚姻应受尊重,床第应是无玷污的,因为淫乱和犯奸的人,天主必要裁判。 | 4Marriage must be respected by all and husband and wife faithful to each other. God will punish the immoral and the adulterous. |
5待人接物不应爱钱;对现状应知足,因为天主曾亲自说过:「我决不离开你,也决不弃舍你。」 | 5Do not depend on money. Be content with having enough for today for God has said: I will never forsake you or abandon you, |
6所以我们可放心大胆地说:「有天主保护我,我不畏惧;人能对我怎样?」 | 6and we shall confidently answer: The Lord is my helper, I will not fear; what can man do to me? |
7你们应该记念那些曾给你们讲过天主的道理,作过你们领袖的人,默想他们的生死,好效法他们的信德。 | 7Remember your leaders who taught you the word of God. Consider their end and imitate their faith. |
8耶稣基督昨天、今天、直到永远,常是一样。 | 8Christ Jesus is the same today as yesterday and forever. |
9不可因各种异端道理而偏离正道;最好以恩宠来坚固自己的心,而不要以食物:那靠食物而行的人,从未得到好处。 | 9Do not be led astray by all kinds of strange teachings. Your heart will be strengthened by the grace of God rather than by foods of no use to anyone. |
10我们有一座祭坛,那些在帐幕内行敬礼的人,没有权利吃上面的祭物, | 10We have an altar from which those still serving in the Temple cannot eat. |
11因为那些祭牲的血,由大司祭带到圣所内当作赎罪祭,祭牲的尸体却应在营外焚烧尽了; | 11After the High Priest has offered the blood in the Sanctuary for the sins of the people, the carcasses of the animals are burnt outside the camp. |
12因此耶稣为以自己的血圣化人民,就在城门外受了苦难。 | 12For this same reason Jesus, to purify the people with his own blood, suffered his Passion outside the holy city. |
13所以我们应离开营幕,到他那里去,去分受他的凌辱, | 13Let us, therefore, go to him outside the sacred area, sharing his shame. |
14因为我们在此没有常存的城邑,而是寻求那将来的城邑。 | 14For we have here no lasting city and we are looking for the one to come. |
15所以我们应藉着耶稣,时常给天主奉献赞颂的祭献,就是献上我们嘴唇的佳果,颂扬他的圣名。 | 15Let us, then, continually offer through Jesus a sacrifice of praise to God, that is the fruit of lips celebrating his name. |
16至于慈善和施舍,也不可忘记,因为这样的祭献是天主所喜悦的。 | 16Do not neglect good works and common life, for these are sacrifices pleasing to God. |
17你们应信服并听从你们的领袖,因为他们为了你们的灵魂,常醒寤不寐,好像要代你们交账的人;你们要使他们喜欢尽此职分,而不哀怨,因为他们若有哀怨,为你们决无好处。 | 17Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are concerned for your souls and are accountable for them. Let this be a joy for them rather than a burden, which would be of no advantage for you. |
18请为我们祈祷!因为我们确信,我们有一个纯正的良心,愿意在一切事上举止完善。 | 18Pray for us, for we believe our intentions are pure and that we only want to act honorably in all things. |
19我还恳切劝勉你们格外行祈祷,使我快回到你们那里。 | 19Now I urge you all the more to pray for me that I may be given back to you the sooner. |
20赐平安的天主曾由死者中领出了那位因永远盟约的血,作群羊伟大司牧的我们的主耶稣, | 20May God give you peace, he who brought back from among the dead Jesus our Lord, the Great Shepherd of the sheep, whose blood seals the eternal covenant. |
21愿他成全你们行各种善工,好承行他的旨意;愿天主在我们身上,藉着耶稣基督行他眼中所喜悦的事!愿光荣归于他,至于无穷之世!阿们。 | 21He will train you in every good work, that you may do his will, for it is he who works in us what pleases him, through Jesus Christ, to whom all glory be for ever and ever. Amen! |
22弟兄们!我劝你们容纳这劝慰的话,因为我只是简略地给你们写了这封信。 | 22Brothers, I beg you to take these words of encouragement. For my part, I will add few words. |
23你们要知道,我们的弟兄弟茂德已被释放了;如果他来的快,我就同他一起来看你们。 | 23Know that our brother Timothy has been released. If he comes soon I will visit you with him. |
24问候你们的诸位领袖和众圣徒!意大利的弟兄们问候你们。 | 24Greetings to all your leaders and to the saints. Greetings from those in Italy. |
25愿恩宠与你们众人同在! | 25Grace be with you all. |
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