希伯来书:Chapter 3


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希伯来书 Hebrews
1所以,有分于天上召选的诸圣弟兄啊!你们应细心想想,我们公认的钦使和大司祭耶稣, 1Therefore, holy brothers, called to a supernatural vocation, consider Jesus, the apostle and High Priest of our faith.
2对那委派他的是怎样忠信,正如「梅瑟在他的全家中」一样。 2He is faithful to God who appointed him, just as Moses was a faithful steward over God's household
3他本来比梅瑟堪受更大的光荣,就如修建房屋的人,比那房屋理当更受尊荣。 3but Jesus deserves much greater honor than Moses, since he who builds the house is greater than the house.
4不错,每座房屋都由一个人修建,但那创造万有的却是天主。 4As every house has a builder, God is the builder of all.
5梅瑟在天主的全家中的确忠信,不过他只是臣仆,为给那当要宣布的事作证; 5It is said that Moses was found faithful as a servant of God over all his household, and as witness of a former revelation from God.
6但基督却是儿子,管理自己的家;他的家就是我们,只要我们保存由望德所生的依恃和荣耀,【坚定不移,直到最后。】 6Christ came as the Son, to whom the house belongs; and we are his household, provided that we stand firm in hope and courage.
7为此,圣神有话说:「今天你们如果听从他的声音, 7Listen to what the Holy Spirit says: If only you would hear God's voice today!
8不要再心硬了,像在叛乱之时,像在旷野中试探的那一天; 8Do not be stubborn, as they were in the place called Rebellion,
9在那里,你们的祖宗以考验试探了我,虽然见了我的作为, 9when your ancestors challenged me in the desert, although they had seen my deeds
10共四十年之久。所以我厌恶了那一世代,说:他们心中时常迷惑,他们不认识我的道路, 10for forty years. That is why I was angry with those people and said: Their hearts are always going astray and they do not understand my ways.
11所以我在怒中起誓说:他们决不得进入我的安息。」 11I was angry and made a solemn vow: They will never enter my rest.
12弟兄们!你们要小心,免得你们中有人起背信的恶心,背离生活的天主; 12So, brothers, be careful lest some of you come to have an evil and unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God.
13反之,只要还有「今天」在,你们要天天互相劝勉,免得你们有人因罪恶的诱惑而硬了心, 13Encourage one another, day by day, as long as it is called today. Let no one become hardened in the deceitful way of sin.
14因为我们已成了有分于基督的人,只要我们保存着起初怀有的信心,坚定不移,直到最后。 14We are associated with Christ provided we hold steadfastly to our initial hope until the end.
15经上所说:「今天你们如果听从他的声音,不要再心硬了,像在叛乱之时」, 15Scripture says: If you hear God's voice, do not be stubborn as they were in the place called Rebellion.
16是谁听了而起了叛乱呢?岂不是梅瑟从埃及领出来的众人吗? 16Who are those who having heard still rebelled? They were all those who came out of Egypt with Moses.
17四十年之久,天主厌恶了谁呢?不是那些犯了罪,而他们的尸首倒在旷野中的人吗? 17With whom was God angry for forty years? With those who sinned and whose bodies fell in the desert.
18他向谁起了誓,不准进入他的安息呢?不是向那些背信的人吗? 18To whom did God swear that they would not enter into his rest? To those who had disobeyed.
19于是我们看出:他们不得进入安息,是因了背信的缘故。 19We see then that unbelief prevented them from reaching their rest.
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