欧瑟亚:Chapter 7


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欧瑟亚 Hosea
1当我着手医治以色列时,厄弗辣因的罪孽就显露出来,撒玛黎雅的恶行也暴露出来,因为他们行了诡诈的事:窃贼潜入室内,而外遇强盗; 1The sin of Ephraim appears clearly; the wickedness of Samaria is obvious. They cheat one another, they break into houses while bandits raid outside.
2但他们并不存心细想:我记住他们的一切恶行。现今他们的行为围绕着他们,一一摆在我眼前。 2They do not realize that I am mindful of their evil deeds. They are engulfed by their sins which are always before me.
3他们使君王欢喜,是出于恶意;使首领快乐,是出于诡诈。 3They amuse the king with their wickedness and the officials with their trickery.
4个个燃起了怒火,像一座火炉,伙夫暂停煽火,直到和好的面团发酵。 4They are and remain adulterers, like an oven heated by a baker; he has not to stir the fire from the time the dough is kneaded until it rises.
5在他们的君王的庆日上,当官长们酒劲发作,不能支持的时候,君王便和恶徒勾结起来。 5On the day of the king his officials get drunk and the king joins hands with the revelers.
6他们的心虽因阴谋而焦虑得像火炉一样,但他们的怒火却整夜停息;一到早晨,却又如烈火复燃。 6In their plotting they burn like an oven; all night their anger smolders and in the morning blazes like a fire.
7个个像火炉一样,炽燃起来,吞噬了他们的官长;他们的君王都倒毙了,但没有一个曾向我呼求。 7They are all heated like an oven and they devour their own rulers; all their kings fall but none of them calls on me for help.
8厄弗辣因想混杂在列邦之中,厄弗辣因成了一块尚未翻过的烤饼。 8Ephraim mixes with other nations. He is like a half-baked loaf;
9外邦人耗尽了她的力量,她尚不自觉,头上已满布了白发,她还不知晓。 9the nations around him consume his strength but he is unaware of it. He has become old and he does not know it.
10【虽然如此,以色列的骄傲仍呈显在自己面上,他们仍不归依,仍不寻求上主,他们的天主。】 10Israel's arrogance is witness against him but even so they will not turn back to Yahweh, their God, or search for him.
11厄弗辣因像愚蠢无知的鸽子,一时求救埃及,一时又投奔亚述; 11Ephraim is like a silly pigeon, now calling on Egypt, now turning to Assyria.
12可是不论他们往何处去,我要向他们撒开我的罗网,使他们像天上的飞鸟跌下:一听到他们聚齐待飞,我便将他们捕捉。 12But wherever they turn I shall throw my net over them for they rebelled against me and they will fall like birds.
13他们有祸了!因为他们远离了我;他们必遭受毁灭,因为他们背逆了我。我原想拯救他们,但他们却对我撒谎, 13Woe to them who fled far from me; disgrace will fall on those who deceived me. I wanted to redeem them but they spoke evil of me.
14并没有真心呼求我,只是在祭坛旁悲叹;为了五谷和新酒,仍自割己身,仍背叛我。 14They did not call on me sincerely when they groaned on their beds because of their wheat and wine and turned to me.
15我虽然加强了他们的手臂,然而他们仍图谋邪恶反抗我。 15When I made them successful and strong, they plotted evil against me.
16他们归向了虚无,变成了歪曲的弓;他们的首领因自己的狂言,必丧身刀下,且在埃及地为人耻笑。 16Now they turn to nothingness. They are deceptive as a twisted bow. Their leaders will fall by the sword because of their insolent talk; in the land of Egypt, people will make fun of them.
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