欧瑟亚:Chapter 8


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欧瑟亚 Hosea
1你要把号角放在你的口上,当作上主家的哨兵,因为百姓违背了我的盟约,干犯了我的法律。 1Sound the trumpet, sentry! Warn the people of Yahweh because they have broken my covenant and are unfaithful to my Law.
2他们呼喊我说:以色列的天主!我们认识你。 2They cry to me, "We, Israel, acknowledge you, O God."
3但以色列抛弃了善,所以敌人要迫害她。 3But Israel rejected what is right and this is why the enemy will hunt them down.
4他们自立了君王,却没有我的同意;他们自立了首领,却没有叫我知道;他们用金银为自己制造了偶像,给自己招来灭亡。 4Without my approval they set up kings and without my blessing appointed leaders. With their silver and gold they fashioned idols to their own ruin.
5撒玛黎雅!我必要除掉你的牛犊,我的怒火必要对牠燃起;以色列子民不能自新要到几时呢? 5To me, Samaria, your calf is loathsome and my anger blazes against you. How long will you remain defiled?
6牛犊是工匠制造的,牠并不是天主;撒玛黎雅的牛犊必定被粉碎! 6The calf is yours, Israel, a craftsman has made it; it is not God and will be broken into pieces.
7他们既播种了风,收的也必是风;麦子不抽穗,做不成面粉;即便做出面粉来,也必被外邦人吃掉。 7As they sow the wind, they will reap the whirlwind. Like the erect ear of corn they will bear no grain and produce no flour, or if they do, foreigners will devour it.
8以色列被吞没了,今后在列邦中必成为一个无用的废物。 8-
9他们去投奔亚述──一匹孤独的野驴──同时又给埃及送爱情的礼物。 9Israel lived apart as a wild donkey, but he was eaten up. Now they are among pagans as a worthless object. Ephraim went to Assyria with gifts.
10纵然他们在列邦中行贿,我现在就要分散他们,使他们暂时停止给君王和首领傅油。 10Now they have been given up to the nations and I shall gather them. For in no time they have been left with no prophets, or kings, or leaders.
11厄弗辣因建筑了许多祭坛,但这些祭坛为他们却只有犯罪的用途。 11Ephraim built many altars but his altars made him more guilty.
12虽然我为他们写了许多法律,却被看作陌生人的废话。 12I wrote out for him the numerous precepts of my Law, but they look on them as coming from foreigners.
13让他们奉献燔祭,让他们取吃祭肉:这一切上主都不喜欢;今后他必记住他们的邪恶,必惩罚他们的罪孽;他们必要回到埃及去。 13They offer sacrifices to me because they are those who eat the meat, but Yahweh does not accept their sacrifices for he is mindful of their sin and remembers their wickedness. They will return to Egypt.
14以色列忘了自己的造主,建立了许多宫殿,犹大也增建了许多坚固的城池;但是,我必要把火投在他们的城中,吞灭城中的宫室。 14Israel has forgotten his Maker and built palaces, but I will set fire to their towns and burn their palaces.
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