欧瑟亚:Chapter 9


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欧瑟亚 Hosea
1以色列!你不要高兴,不要像异民一样狂欢,因为你行了淫,离弃了你的天主,在所有的禾场上只是喜爱淫资。 1Do not rejoice and celebrate, Israel, like other nations, for you have deserted your God. You are fond of prostitution gifts and run to every threshing floor where there is wheat.
2禾场与榨酒池不再认识他们,新酒也要拒绝他们。 2This is why threshing floors and vats will not feed you; new wine will disappoint you.
3他们必不能在上主的地方居住;厄弗辣因必要回到埃及,且要在亚述吃不洁之物。 3No longer will you remain in Yahweh's land. Ephraim will return to Egypt - in fact to Assyria, where they will eat unclean food.
4他们不能再向上主奠酒,也不能再向他奉献自己的祭品;他们的饼好似丧饼,凡吃这饼的,必受玷污;因为他们的饼只可为他们自用,不能带进上主的殿内。 4No more will they be able to pour out the wine offering for Yahweh and no longer will they sacrifice to him. They will have only bread for mourners; all who eat it will be defiled. This food will be for themselves and it will not be taken into the house of Yahweh.
5那么,你们在盛会之日,在上主的节日,可作什么呢? 5What shall you do on the feast? You will leave but not for the pilgrimage to Yahweh; rather you will flee because of the invaders.
6因为,看,他们由毁灭里逃走,埃及要收集他们,摩夫要埋葬他们;他们珍贵的银器将为蒺藜所承受,他们的帐幕将被荆棘所占有。 6Egypt will gather you and Memphis entomb you. Nettles will take over your treasures of silver and thorns creep over your tents.
7惩罚的日子来了,报复的日子到了,以色列要喊说:先知是愚人,受灵感的人是疯子!是,这是因为你的过犯繁多,因为你的罪恶重大。 7The time of punishment has come, the day of retribution is here. The Israelites will know it. The prophets will go out of their mind; the seers will become like mad men because your defeat will be as great as your sins have been.
8厄弗辣因窥伺先知的帐幕,在他的路上处处布下了罗网,在自己天主的殿内只有敌视。 8Ephraim watches before my God; his prophets try to stop the enemy on every path to protect the house of their gods.
9他们穷凶极恶已达到极点,就如在基贝亚的时日一样;上主必不忘他们的罪孽,必要惩罚他们的邪恶。 9Yet they are as corrupted as they were long ago in Gibeah. Yahweh will remember their wickedness and punish their sin.
10我发见了以色列,就如旷野中发见了葡萄;看见了你们的祖先,就如在无花果树上看见初熟的果实;但当他们来到了巴耳培敖尔时,便将自己献给了可憎之物,使自己也成了可憎恶的,如他们所喜爱的邪神一样。 10I found Israel like wild grapes in the desert, I saw your fathers like the first fruits on a fig tree. But no sooner had they come to Baal-peor than they gave themselves to the idol; and they became as worthless as their dirty god.
11至于厄弗辣因,他们的光荣,就如飞鸟飞去,必不生产,不怀胎,不妊娠。 11The glory of Ephraim will flee away like a bird; it has died stillborn, miscarried, not even conceived.
12即使他们把自己的子女养大,我也必使他们丧亡,一个不留;几时我舍弃他们,他们才是有祸的。 12Had they brought out children, I would take them off before they were adults, for woe to them when I abandon them!
13厄弗辣因,一如我所见的,必使自己的子女成为猎物;厄弗辣因必把自己的子女交出屠杀。 13I have seen that Ephraim will make his sons like a game; he will send his sons to be slaughtered.
14上主,求你赐给他们……赐给他们什么呢?要使他们胎荒,乳干! 14Give them, Yahweh, what you will; give them wombs that miscarry and breasts that are dry.
15他们所行的一切恶事,全在基耳加耳开始,因此,在那里我就恨了他们;为了他们的恶行,我必将他们从我的家里赶出去;我不再喜爱他们,他们的首领全是叛徒。 15It is at Gilgal that their wickedness is seen. There I hated them. I will expel them from my House because of their evil conduct. I will love them no longer for all their leaders are rebels.
16厄弗辣因受了打击,根子也干枯了,再不能结果实;即使他们生产了孩子,我也必将他们的宁馨儿杀死。 16Ephraim is blighted; his root is withered; he will produce no fruit. Even when they are with child, the child will die in the womb.
17我的天主必要抛弃他们,因为他们没有听从他;他们必要在各民族中飘流。 17My God will reject them because they did not listen; he will make them wander among the nations.
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