依撒依亚:Chapter 13


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依撒依亚 Isaiah
1阿摩兹的儿子依撒意亚所见有关巴比伦的神谕: 1An oracle concerning Babylon, seen by Isaiah, son of Amoz:
2你们在秃山上竖起旗帜,向他们高呼挥手,叫他们走进王侯的御门! 2On a bare hilltop raise a banner; cry aloud to them, wave a hand for them to enter the Gates of the Nobles.
3我已向我圣洁的人下令,并为了我的愤怒,召集了我的战士,我那骄矜自喜的常胜军。 3I have ordered my sacred knights, I have summoned my mighty warriors - all those who rejoice in my triumph - I have commanded them to carry out my wrath.
4听!山上有喧嚣声,好像有无数的人群。听!列国的嘈杂声,万民正在聚集;万军的上主正在检阅赴敌的部队: 4Listen, a rumbling on the mountains as of a great multitude! Listen, a tumultuous uproar as of kingdoms massing together! Yes, Yahweh Sabaoth is mustering his army.
5他们都来自远方,来自天边。上主和他盛怒的工具,要来毁灭整个大地。 5From faraway lands, from the ends of the heavens they come - Yahweh and the instruments of his wrath - to destroy the whole earth.
6号啕罢!因为上主的日子近了,它来有如全能者实行毁灭; 6Wail, for the day of Yahweh is near; it will come as destruction from the Almighty.
7为此,人手将要松懈,人心将要消融, 7Every man's arm will go limp, every man's heart will fail him,
8人人都惊慌失措,剧疼和痛苦侵袭他们,痉挛得有如临产的妇女;他们彼此惊愣相视,面容有如火焰。 8Everyone will be gripped with terror. Pain and sorrow taking hold of them, men will be in anguish like women in travail. They will look aghast at each other, their faces aflame as with fever.
9看哪!上主的日子来到,必有残忍、雷霆和烈怒,为使大地变为荒凉,为歼灭地上的罪人。 9See how the day of Yahweh comes: it is a cruel day coming with wrath and fierce anger. It will make the earth desolate; it will destroy sinners within it.
10那时,天上的众星与群宿不再发光,太阳一升起即变为昏黑,月亮也不再放光明。 10The stars and constellations at night will send forth no light, the moon will not shine; in the morning the sun will be dark as it rises.
11我要惩罚世界,是为了它的罪恶;惩罚恶人,是为了他们的恶行;要抑制自负者的骄横,要屈服暴虐者的傲慢; 11I punish the world for the evil it does, and the wicked for their sins. I make the arrogance of the proud cease I end the haughtiness of the ruthless.
12我要使人比提炼的黄金更少见,使人比敖非尔纯金更希罕。 12I will make men scarcer than gold and mankind more rare than the gold of Ophir.
13为此,由于万军上主的愤怒,在他暴发怒火之日,天要震撼,地要震动,离其本位。 13This is why the heavens tremble and the earth shakes its foundation, at the wrath of Yahweh Sabaoth on the day of his burning anger.
14那时,人们将如被追逐的羚羊,又如无人率领的羊群,各自转向自己的民族,各自逃回自己的故乡。 14Like a hunted gazelle, or like a flock without a shepherd everyone returns to his own people, each one flees to his native land.
15凡被捕获的,都要被刺杀;凡被擒住的,都要丧身刀下。 15Whoever is captured will be butchered, whoever is caught will be slaughtered.
16他们的婴儿将在他们眼前被人摔死,他们的房屋将被洗劫,他们的妇女要受奸污。 16Their babies will be dashed to pieces before their eyes, their houses will be looted, their wives raped.
17我要鼓励玛待人来攻击他们,这些人既不重视白银,也不贪爱黄金。 17Against them I will stir up the Medes, who don't crave for money and are not interested in gold.
18他们的弓箭要刺死青年,对腹中的胎儿毫不怜恤,对于婴儿,他们的眼睛也毫不怜视。 18Their bows and arrows will strike down young men without mercy or compassion. They do not spare infants and children.
19巴比伦──万国的光辉,加色丁的骄矜荣耀,必要被上主倾覆,如同索多玛和哈摩辣一样, 19Babylon, the jewel of kingdoms, pride and glory of the Chaldeans, will be like Sodom and Gomorrah when overthrown by God.
20永远再没有居民,世世代代无人居住;阿剌伯人不在那里设帐,牧人也不在那里立栏; 20She will never be inhabited, nor dwelt in from age to age. There no Arab will pitch his tent, no shepherd will tend his flock.
21卧在那里的只有野兽,他们的房屋满了鸱鸮;驼鸟在那里栖息,魍魉在那里舞蹈; 21There wild beasts of the desert will lie, howling creatures will fill the houses, owls and ostriches will dwell there and wild goats will leap about.
22豺狼在宫殿里嘷叫,野狗在御苑内呼应;她的时期已来近了,她的日子不会久延。 22There mad dogs will cry out in her strongholds, and jackals in her palaces. Her time is close at hand; her days are now numbered.
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