依撒依亚:Chapter 18


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依撒依亚 Isaiah
1那具有翼艇,位于雇士河对岸的地域, 1Woe to the land of whirring wings beyond the rivers of Cush,
2即由海上遣发使者,在海面上乘芦舟的:「去罢!轻快的使者!到一个高瘦肤褐的民族那里去,到一个一向可畏的国家那里去,到一个强大而好胜,河流横贯其地的民族那里去!」 2which sends ambassadors by sea in papyrus boats over the waters! Go, swift messengers, to a people tall and bronzed, to a nation feared far and wide, a nation conquering and strong, whose land the rivers divide.
3举世的居民和住在大地上的人哪!当山上的旗帜一举,你们要观望;号声一响,你们要静听! 3All you inhabitants of the world, all you who dwell on earth, when a banner on the mountain is raised, look! When a horn on the hill is sounded, listen!
4因为上主曾对我这样说:「我要在我的住处宁静地观察,仿佛日光中温暖的热气,仿佛收割时炎热中的露云。」 4For thus Yahweh spoke to me: "From where I dwell, I gaze untroubled, like heat shimmering in the sunshine, like a dewy mist in the heat of harvest."
5因为在收割前,花苞已放;花蒂成熟结为葡萄时,他就要用镰刀砍去嫩枝,将参差的枝蔓斩除。 5For before the vintage, when the flowers fall, and the blooms become ripened grapes, I will cut shoots and prune and hew away spreading branches.
6这些枝蔓都要一律被弃舍给山中的猛禽,和地上的野兽;猛禽要在其上过夏,野兽要在其上过冬。 6They will be left to the birds of prey and to the beasts of the earth. The birds will feed on them all summer, and the beasts all winter.
7到那时,那高瘦肤褐的民族,那一向可畏的国家,那强大而好胜,河流横贯其地的民族,要带礼品到熙雍山上,万军上主的名号的居所,献给万军的上主。 7At that time the tall, bronzed people from a country traversed by rivers - a conquering and strong nation feared far and wide - will bring offerings to Yahweh Sabaoth, to Mount Zion. For this is the place where the name of Yahweh dwells.
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