依撒依亚:Chapter 1


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依撒依亚 Isaiah
1在乌齐雅、约堂、阿哈次和希则克雅为犹大王时,阿摩兹的儿子依撒意亚,关于犹大和耶路撒冷所见的异象如下: 1This is what Isaiah son of Amoz foretold concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.
2诸天,请谛听!大地,请侧耳!因为上主有话说:「我把孩子抚养长大,他们竟背叛了我! 2Listen, O heavens! Give heed, O earth! for the Lord speaks: "I raised children, I brought them up, but they have risen against me.
3牛认识自己的主人,驴也认识自己主人的槽,以色列却毫不知情,我的百姓却一点不懂。」 3The ox knows its master and the ass its owner's manger, but Israel does not know me, my people do not understand.
4祸哉,犯罪的民族,恶贯满盈的百姓,作恶的后裔,败坏的子孙!他们离弃了上主,蔑视了以色列的圣者,转身背弃了他。 4A sinful nation, a people weighed down with iniquity, a wicked race, perverted children! They have turned away from Yahweh and despised the Holy One of Israel.
5你们为什么还继续叛逆,再遭受打击呢?整个头已患了病,整个心已经憔悴; 5Shall I strike you again and again; people always rebelling, Your whole head is diseased and your heart also afflicted.
6从脚掌直到头顶已体无完肤,尽是创痍、伤痕和新的伤口;没有挤净,没有包扎,也没有软膏滋润。 6From the soles of your feet to the top of your head - all is wounds and bruises, sores uncleaned and unbound, not eased with soothing ointment.
7你们的地区变成荒芜,你们的城市被火烧尽,你们面前的庄田被异民吞并,变成一片荒凉,宛如索多玛的废墟, 7Your country lies desolate, your cities razed by fire. Aliens have devoured the harvest before your very eyes, and you were left in ruins.
8仅存的熙雍女儿,有如葡萄园里的茅舍,胡瓜园中的草庐,被围困着的城市。 8The Daughter of Zion is left like a shanty in a vineyard, like a hut in a melon field, like a hamleted town.
9若非万军的上主给我们留下些许残余,我们早已如同索多玛,相似哈摩辣了。 9Had not Yahweh of hosts left us a small remnant, we would resemble Sodom, we would be like Gomorrah.
10索多玛的统治者,请听上主的话!哈摩辣的百姓,请听天主的训示: 10Hear the warning of Yahweh, rulers of Sodom. Listen to the word of God, people of Gomorrah.
11「你们为什么向我奉献那么多的牺牲──上主说:我已饱餍了公羊的燔祭和肥犊的脂膏;牛犊、羔羊和山羊的血我已不喜欢; 11"What do I care," says Yahweh "for your endless sacrifices? I am fed up with your burnt offerings, and the fat of your bulls. The blood of fatlings, and lambs and he-goats I abhor.
12你们来见我的面时,谁向你们要求了这些东西?这简直是蹂躏我的殿院。 12When you come before me and trample on my courts, who asked you to visit me?
13不要再奉献无谓的祭品!馨香已为我所憎恶;月朔、安息日、集会、斋戒和盛大的宴会,我已都不能容受。 13I am fed up with your oblations. I grow sick with your incense. Your New Moons, Sabbaths and meetings, evil with holy assemblies, I can no longer bear.
14我的心痛恨你们的月朔和你们的庆节,它们为我是种累赘,使我忍无可忍。 14I hate your New Moons and appointed feasts they burden me.
15你们伸出手时,我必掩目不看;你们行大祈祷时,我决不俯听,因为你们的手染满了血! 15When you stretch out your hands I will close my eyes; the more you pray, the more I refuse to listen, for your hands are bloody.
16你们应该洗涤,应该自洁,从我眼前革除你们的恶行,停止作孽, 16Wash and make yourselves clean. Remove from my sight the evil of your deeds. Put an end to your wickedness
17学习行善,寻求正义,责斥压迫人的人,为孤儿伸冤,为寡妇辩护。 17and learn to do good. Seek justice and keep in line the abusers; give the fatherless their rights and defend the widow."
18现在你们来,让我们互相辩论──上主说:你们的罪虽似朱红,将变成雪一样的洁白;虽红得发紫,仍能变成羊毛一样的皎洁。 18"Come," says the Lord, "let us reason together. Though your sins be like scarlet, they will be white as snow; though they be as crimson red, they will be white as wool.
19假使你们乐意服从,你们将享用地上的美物; 19If you will obey me, you will eat the goods of the earth;
20假使你们拒绝反抗,你们将为刀剑所吞灭。」这是上主亲口说的。 20but if you resist and rebel, the sword will eat you instead." Truly the Lord has spoken.
21忠贞的城邑,怎么变成了荡妇!昔日充满着正义,寄居着公平的,现今却住满了谋杀的凶手! 21Zion, the faithful city, has become a harlot! She who abounded in justice, in whom righteousness lodged, has become a hideout of murderers!
22你的银子变成了渣滓,你的美酒搀和了水份; 22Your silver has turned to dross, your best wine thinned with water.
23你的首领谋反作乱,成了盗贼的帮凶;他们都爱好贿赂,索取报酬,不为孤儿伸冤,不受理寡妇的诉讼。 23Your rulers are tyrants, partners of thieves. They love a bribe and look around for gifts. No one protects the orphan, or listens to the claim of the widow.
24因此吾主,万军的上主,以色列的大能者说:「哎!我必向我的敌人雪恨,我必向我的仇人复仇。 24This is why the Lord speaks, Yahweh Sabaoth, the Mighty One of Israel: "I will subdue my foes and exact payment from my enemies.
25我必向你伸出我的手,用炉火炼尽你的渣滓,除去你所有的铅锡。 25I will turn my hand against you, I will smelt away your dross and remove your impurities.
26我要使你的民长复兴如初;使你的参谋恢复如初;以后你将被称为正义的城市,忠贞的城邑。」 26I will restore your judges, I will give back your counselors, as it was in the beginning. Then you will be called the City of Righteousness, the Faithful City."
27熙雍将因正直获得救赎,她的居民将因正义蒙受救恩; 27The deliverance of Zion will be like a judgment there will be a remnant: the just ones.
28然而恶人和罪人必将一同灭亡,背弃上主的人必要灭绝。 28But rebels and sinners alike will be destroyed, and those who desert the Lord will likewise perish.
29你们必因你们所喜爱的橡树而蒙羞,必因你们所选择的花园而惭愧; 29Yes, you will be ashamed of your sacred oaks which have given you delight; you will blush for your gardens which you have chosen.
30你们将变成一棵落叶的橡树,一座无水的花园。 30You will be like an oak, the leaves of which wither, and like a garden which runs out of water.
31强者将似麻絮,他的工作犹如火花:二者必要同时焚烧,无人予以熄灭。 31The strongman will be as tinder and all his work a spark: both will burn together and no one will quench the fire.
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