依撒依亚:Chapter 26


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依撒依亚 Isaiah
1那一天,犹大地要咏唱这首歌曲:「我们有座坚城,以救援作城墙与外郭。 1On that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: We have a strong city, he himself has set up walls and fortifications to protect us.
2你们打开城门,好让遵守信实的正义民族进去。 2Open the gates! Let the righteous nation enter, she who is firm in faithfulness.
3你的意志坚定,因而你保全了永久的和平,故此人对你有信赖。 3You keep in perfect peace the one of steadfast mind, the one who trusts in you.
4你们应永远信赖上主,因为上主是永固的磐石。 4Trust in Yahweh forever, for Yahweh is an everlasting Rock.
5他曾屈服了居高位的人,推翻了高耸的城市,将她推翻在地,使她粉碎,化为尘埃。 5He brought down those who dwell on high, he laid low the lofty city, he razed it to the ground, leveled it to the dust,
6践踏她的,却是困苦人的脚,是贫穷人的脚。」 6Now it is trampled the poor and the lowly tread upon it.
7义人的道路是正直的,你上主啊,削平了正直人的途径。 7Let the righteous walk in righteousness. You make smooth the path of the just,
8的确,上主!我们在你正义的路上期待你!你的名号,你的记念,是我们心灵的欲望。 8and we only seek the way of your laws, O Yahweh. Your name and your memory are the desire of our hearts.
9我们的心灵在夜间渴望你,我们的心神在清晨寻觅你,因为当你的决断显于大地时,世上的居民都要学习正义。 9My soul yearns for you in the night; for you my spirit keeps vigil. When your judgments come to earth, the world's inhabitants learn to be upright.
10恶人虽然蒙受了怜悯,仍然不学习正义,在世上依然颠倒是非,毫不顾及上主的威严。 10But when favor is shown to the wicked, he does not learn to be just. He does evil in a land of righteousness and fails to see Yahweh's majesty.
11上主!你的手虽已高举,但他们仍看不见;愿他们见到你对百姓的热忱而感到惭愧;并愿你为你仇敌所保留的烈火吞灭他们! 11Yahweh, your hand is lifted up, but they fail to see that. Let them see your zeal for your people, that they may be put to shame. Let your enemies be burned in the fire of your anger.
12上主!是你赐与了我们和平,因为凡我们所做的,都是你为我们成就的! 12Yahweh, please give us peace; for all that we accomplish is your work.
13上主,我们的天主!除你以外,还有别的主宰治理过我们;然而我们所称扬的,只有你,你的名号。 13O Yahweh, our God, other lords besides you have ruled us, but it is your name alone that we honor.
14死去的人不会再活,幽魂也不会复生,因为你如此惩罚了,并消灭了他们,使他们所有的记念尽被遗忘。 14They are now dead, never to rise again, for you have passed sentence on them. You have wiped out all remembrance of them.
15你增加了本国的人民,上主,你增加了本国的人民,你得了光荣,你拓展了国家所有的边界。 15You have enlarged the nation, O Yahweh; you have given glory to your name; you have widened the borders of the country.
16上主!我们在困难之中寻求了你,我们在压迫之中呼求了你,因为那是你对我们的惩罚。 16For they sought you in distress, they cried out to you in the time of their punishment.
17有如怀妊临产的妇女,在苦痛中痉挛呻吟;同样,上主!我们在你面前也是如此: 17As a woman in travail moans and writhes in pain, so are we now in your presence.
18我们也像怀妊痉挛;然而所产的竟是风,没有给大地带来救恩,世界的居民也未因此而得生。 18We conceived, we had labor pains, but we gave birth to the wind. We have not brought salvation to the land; the inhabitants of a new world have not been born.
19你的亡者将再生,他们的尸体将要起立;睡在尘埃中的人们都要苏醒歌咏,因为你的朝露是晶莹的朝露,大地将抛出幽灵。 19Your dead will live! Their corpses will rise! Awake and sing, you who lie in the dust! Let your dew fall, O Lord, like a dew of light, and the earth will throw out her dead.
20我的百姓!去,进入你的内室,关上门,隐藏片刻,等待盛怒过去。 20Come, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a moment until his wrath is over.
21因为,看哪!上主已由自己的地方出来惩罚大地居民的罪恶,大地要暴露自己吞下的鲜血,不再遮掩被杀的人。 21For look, Yahweh is coming out of his dwelling; he will punish the inhabitants of the earth for their sins. The earth will reveal the blood shed upon her and will not conceal her slain any longer.
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