依撒依亚:Chapter 52


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依撒依亚 Isaiah
1熙雍起来,起来!披上你的威能!耶路撒泠圣城!穿上你华丽的衣服,因为未受割损和不洁的人,再不得进入你内。 1Awake, awake! Put on your strength, O Zion; put on your glorious garments, O Jerusalem, holy city. For never will the uncircumcised or the unclean enter you again.
2被掳的耶路撒泠!抖下灰尘,起来罢!被俘的熙雍女子!解下你颈项上的锁链罢! 2Shake the dust off yourself and rise up, O Jerusalem. Loose the bonds from your neck, O captive Daughter of Zion.
3因为上主这样说:「你们是无代价被出卖的,也无需用金钱赎回。」 3For thus says Yahweh: You were sold for no amount, you will be redeemed without money.
4吾主上主这样说:「我的百姓昔日曾下到埃及,侨居在那里,而后亚述又无故地虐待了她; 4Thus says the Lord God: In the beginning my people lived as aliens in Egypt; then Assyria oppressed them without reason.
5如今我还在这里作什么?上主的断语。我的百姓已无故地被掳去,治理他的人又自夸自大──上主的断语──我的名又天天不断地受亵渎。 5But now, what am I doing here? says Yahweh. My people have been carried off for no money and their masters make a boast of it; all day long my name is scorned.
6为此我的百姓必要认得我的名,到那一天他们必明白:那说:『看!我在这里!』的那一位,就是我。」 6Therefore my people will know my name; therefore they will know on that day that it is I who say: "Here I am!"
7那传布喜讯,宣布和平,传报佳音,宣布救恩,给熙雍说:「你的天主为王了!」的脚步,在山上是多么美丽啊! 7How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who herald peace and happiness, who proclaim salvation and announce to Zion: "Your God is king!"
8请听,你的守望者都提高了喉咙一起欢呼,因为他们亲眼看见上主返回了熙雍。 8Together your watchmen raise their voices in praise and song; they see Yahweh face to face returning to Zion.
9耶路撒泠的废墟啊!你们要兴高采烈,一起欢呼,因为上主安慰了自己的百姓,救赎了耶路撒泠。 9Break into shouts of joy, O ruins of Jerusalem, for Yahweh consoles his people and redeems Jerusalem.
10上主在万民眼前显露了自己的圣臂,大地四极看见了我们天主的救恩。 10Yahweh has bared his holy arm in the eyes of the nations; all the ends of the earth, in alarm, will witness God's salvation.
11离开!离开!从那里出来罢!不要触摸不洁之物!你们携带上主器皿的人,从巴比伦中间出来,圣洁自己罢! 11Depart, depart from that nation, come out! Touch nothing unclean. Purify yourselves, you who bear all Yahweh's holy vessels.
12你们出走,不必慌张,更不必奔逃而去,因为上主要走在你们前面,以色列的天主将作你们的后盾。 12Yet not in escape, or in fright, will you come out, you will not leave in headlong flight; for ahead is Yahweh, your vanguard, and behind, the God of Israel, your rearguard.
13请看,我的仆人必要成功,必要受尊荣,必要被举扬,且极受崇奉。 13It is now when my servant will succeed; he will be exalted and highly praised.
14就如许多人对他不胜惊愕,因为他的容貌损伤得已不像人,他的形状已不像人子; 14Just as many have been horrified at his disfigured appearance: "Is this a man? He does not look like one,"
15同样众民族也都要对他不胜惊异,众君王在他面前都要闭口,因为他们看见了从未向他们讲述过的事,听见了从未听说过的事。 15so will nations be astounded, kings will stand speechless, for they will see something never told, they will witness something never heard of.
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