依撒依亚:Chapter 56


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依撒依亚 Isaiah
1上主这样说:「你们应当持守公道,履行正义,因为我的救恩就要来到,我的正义就要出现。」 1This is what Yahweh says: Maintain what is right and do what is just, for my salvation is close at hand, my justice is soon to come.
2遵守安息日而不予以亵渎,防范自己的手而不做恶事,行这事的人,与固守此道的人子,是有福的。 2Blessed is the mortal who does these things, and perseveres in them, who does not defile the sabbath and who refrains from evil.
3归依上主异邦人不应说:「上主必将我由他的民族中分别出来!」阉人也不应说:「看!我是一棵枯树!」 3Let no foreigner say, "Surely Yahweh will exclude me from his people." Neither let the castrated man say, "I have become a mere dry tree."
4因为上主这样说:「对那些遵守我安息日,拣选我所悦意的和固守我盟约的阉人, 4For this is what Yahweh says: To the castrated men who keep my sabbaths, who choose to do what pleases me and remain faithful to my covenant:
5我要在我的屋内,在我的墙垣内,赐给他们比子女还好的记念碑和美名,我要赐给他们一个永久不能泯灭的名字。 5I will give them in my house and within its walls, a memorial and a name that are worth more than sons and daughters; I will give them a name that will never die away or be forgotten.
6至于那些归依上主,事奉他,爱慕上主的名,作他的仆人,又都遵守安息日而不予以亵渎,并固守我盟约的异邦人, 6Yahweh says to the foreigners who join him, serving him and loving his name, keeping his sabbath unprofaned and remaining faithful to his covenant:
7我要领他们上我的圣山,使他们在我祈祷的殿里欢乐,他们的全燔祭和牺牲在我的祭坛上要蒙受悦纳,因为我的殿宇将称为万民的祈祷所。」 7I will bring them to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer. I will accept on my altar their burnt offerings and sacrifices, for my house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations.
8这是聚集四散的以色列民的吾主上主的断语:「我还要召集其他民族归于已聚集的人。」 8Thus says the Lord God, Yahweh, who gathers the exiles of Israel: There are others I will gather besides those already gathered.
9田间的一切走兽,林中的一切野兽,你们都来吞噬罢! 9All you wild beasts, come and devour, all you beasts of the forests!
10我民族的守望者都是瞎子,什么也看不清:都是哑巴狗,不能叫唤,只会作梦,偃卧,贪睡。 10Blind are Israel's watchmen: they all see nothing. They are dumb watchdogs they are unable to bark. Lying down and dreaming, they love to slumber.
11他们又是贪食的狗,总不知足;都是什么也不明了的牧人,只顾自己的道路,各求各自的利益。 11Greedy dogs that are never satisfied; shepherds of no discretion, they all turn their own way, everyone of them to his own gain.
12「来罢!我去拿酒,让我们痛饮美酒;明天如今天一样,并且更要丰盛。」 12"Come, bring wine," they say, "and let us all get drunk, and tomorrow will be as today, or perhaps even a happier day."
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