耶肋米亚:Chapter 44


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耶肋米亚 Jeremiah
1以下是关于住在埃及地,住在米革多耳,塔黑培乃斯、诺夫和帕特洛斯地的一切犹太人,传给耶肋米亚的话: 1A word of Yahweh came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews living in Egypt especially in the cities of Migdal, Tahpanhes and Memphis, as well as in the territory of Patros:
2「万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:你们看见了我对耶路撒冷和犹大各城召来的一切灾祸,看,今日已成为无人居住的旷野。 2"You have seen all the disaster that I brought on Jerusalem and the towns of Judah.
3这是因为他们做了惹我动怒的恶事,向他们、你们和你们的祖先从不认识的外方神祇焚香敬拜; 3These are no more than ruins without inhabitants because of the evil they have done. They have provoked my anger by offering incense to foreign gods that neither they nor their fathers knew.
4虽然我早就不断给你们派遣我所有的先知仆人们说:你们切不可做我所憎恨的可恶之事! 4I sent them my servants the prophets time and time again to tell them: 'Do not do this abominable thing that I detest!'
5他们却没有侧耳听从,没有放弃他们向外方神祇焚香的恶习。 5But they did not listen or pay attention; they did not turn away from their evil ways or give up worshiping strange gods.
6于是我的愤恨如火发作,焚毁了犹大城市和耶路撒冷的街市,使她成为荒凉的旷野,有如今日。 6Then the fury of my anger was loosed and blazed in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem making them the desolate ruins they are today.
7现在,上主万军的天主,以色列的天主这样说:为什么你们招来这样大的灾祸,加害自己,使你们中的男人、妇女、幼童、婴儿,全由犹大灭绝,不给你们留下遗民? 7And now Yahweh the God of hosts and the God of Israel asks you: Why do you bring such great harm on yourselves? Because of your deeds every man, woman, child and infant will be taken from Judah and you will be left without a remnant.
8为什么你们做惹我动怒的事,向你们来寄居的埃及地的外方神祇献香,使你们自遭灭亡,成为普世万民诅咒和耻笑的对象? 8Why do you provoke my anger with the work of your hands? Why do you worship foreign gods in Egypt where you came to live? Surely you will decrease in number and be a curse and an object of reproach among all the nations?
9难道你们忘了你们的祖先、犹大君王和他们的妻妾、你们自己和你们的女人,在犹大地和耶路撒冷街上犯的种种罪恶? 9Have you forgotten the wickedness of your fathers and the misdeeds of the kings of Judah and its princes, and the evil behavior of your wives in the land of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem?
10他们直到今日尚不后悔,也不畏惧,更不履行我给你们和你们的祖先颁布的法律和诫命。 10So far they have had no contrition and have not followed my law and my decrees that I set before you and your fathers."
11为此,万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:看,我面向你们,是为降灾,消灭整个犹大。 11Because of this Yahweh God of hosts and God of Israel warns you, "I am turning my face away from you to bring disaster on you and to completely destroy Judah.
12凡决意往埃及地去,要在那里寄居的犹大遗民;我必要铲除,叫他们全死亡在埃及地,丧身刀下,饥饿而死;不分老幼都死于刀剑、饥荒,饱受憎恨、厌恶、诅咒和侮辱。 12The remnant of Judah that chose to enter Egypt and live there will all perish. They will be destroyed by the sword and famine and become an object of horror and cursing, of condemnation and reproach.
13我必以刀剑、饥荒和瘟疫惩罚住在埃及地的人,如惩罚耶路撒冷一样, 13I will punish those in Egypt as I punished Jerusalem with the sword, famine and pestilence.
14使前往寄居埃及的犹大遗民,无一能幸免逃脱,返回他们所渴望回去居住的犹大地;除少数脱身者外,他们不会回来了。」 14None of the remnant of Judah that came to Egypt will escape or flee, and return to Judah where you long to go and live."
15于是凡知道自己的女人曾向外方神祇烧香的人,和一大群环立在旁的妇女,以及住在埃及地和帕特洛斯的全体人民,就答复耶肋米亚说: 15Then all the men who knew their wives were offering incense to foreign gods and all the women, a great assembly, replied to Jeremiah in a louder voice.
16「你奉上主的名对我们说的话,你们不愿听从; 16"As for what you say in the name of Yahweh we will not listen;
17至于凡出自我们口中的话,我们必定实行,给天后焚香奠酒,如同我们、我们的祖先、君王及首领,在犹大城和耶路撒冷街上所做的一样;那时我们都丰衣足食,安享太平,不见灾祸。 17we want to do all that we said we wanted to do: burn incense to the queen of heaven and pour out wine to her as we did, we and our fathers, our kings and princes in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem. Then we had our fill of bread and were prosperous and free from misfortune.
18可是,自从我们断绝向天后献香,不给她奠酒以来,我们就什么也缺乏,死于刀剑和饥荒。 18But since we stopped burning incense to the queen of heaven we have been in need of everything and have perished by the sword and famine."
19至于我们的女人同天后焚香奠奠酒,又那能没有我们男人的同意,依照她的形状,给她备制祭饼,向她奠奠酒呢?」 19And the women added, "When we offered incense and poured libations to the queen of heaven, didn't our husbands know that we made sacrificial cakes decorated with her image?"
20耶肋米亚便对全体人民,对答复他的男人和妇女以及所有的人说: 20Jeremiah then answered all the people, men and women, who had told him this:
21「难道你们、你们的祖先、君王、首领和地方上的人民,在犹大城和耶路撒冷街上烧香的事,上主就不记得了,再也不怀在心了吗? 21"Is it not better that Yahweh remembered the incense you burned in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem, you, your fathers, your kings, princes, and all the people? Do you think it slipped his memory?
22上主再也不能容忍你们邪恶的行为,和你们做的可恶的事,为此你们的土地变成了荒野,成了惊愕和诅咒的对象,无人居住,有如今日: 22Yahweh could no longer bear the sight of your evil and abominable deeds. That is why your land has become the desolate waste that it is today!
23將因为你们烧香得罪了上主,不听上主的劝告,不履行他的法律、诫命和法令,才给你们招来了像今日这样的灾祸。」 23All the misfortune that you are suffering today has happened because you burned incense and sinned against Yahweh, by not obeying him or following his law, his instructions and his commands."
24以后,耶肋米亚又对全体人民和全体妇女说:「凡在埃及境内的犹大人,请听上主的话! 24Jeremiah then addressed all the people especially the women, "Listen to Yahweh's message:
25万军的上主,以色列的天主这样说:你们和你们的女人,都要亲手做你们亲口说的事;你们说:我们决意实践我们许的誓愿,向天后烧香奠奠酒。你们就实践你们的誓愿,举行你们的奠祭罢! 25This is what Yahweh the God of hosts and the God of Israel says: You and your wives think that what you say with your lips becomes an obligation you must fulfill. You say: 'We are bound to keep the vows we have made to burn incense and pour out wine to the queen of heaven.' Go ahead! Fulfill your vows and do what you promised!
26但是,所有住在埃及地的犹大人,你们且听上主的话:看,我以我伟大的名起誓──上主说:在埃及全地任何犹大人的口中,不会再呼号我名说:我主上主永在! 26Nevertheless listen, all you Jews living in Egypt, listen to what Yahweh says to you: By my own great Name I swear - word of Yahweh - that throughout Egypt no one from Judah will invoke my Name; no one will be left to say: 'As the Lord Yahweh lives.'
27看,我注视他们,是为降灾,不是为赐福,使在埃及地所有的犹大人,都死于刀剑饥荒,彻底消灭; 27I am watching over them but not for their good. All the people of Judah in Egypt will perish by the sword and famine until they are wiped out.
28即使有逃脱刀剑,从埃及地回到犹大的人,为数也寥寥无几。到埃及地来寄居的全体犹大遗民,终于会知道:谁的话要应验,是我的还是他们的。 28Only a few will escape the sword and return from Egypt to Judah; and the remnant who came to settle in Egypt will understand whose word comes true, theirs or mine!
29这为你们是个征兆──上主的断语──就在这地方我要惩罚你们,叫你们知道:我对你们要降灾的话,必要绝对应验。 29And this is the sign that I will punish you in this place, says Yahweh, that you may know that my threatening words to you will be fulfilled:
30上主这样说:看,我必将埃及王法郎曷斐辣交在他仇人和图谋他性命的人手中,就如我曾将犹大王漆德克雅,交在他仇人和图谋他性命的巴比伦王拿步高的手中一样。」 30I will hand over the Pharaoh Hophra, king of Egypt to his enemies who want to slay him, just as I let Zedekiah, king of Judah, be taken by his adversary, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, who was determined to kill him.
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